Bad hotel

Written: 17 july 2018
Travel time: 1 — 15 july 2018
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 3.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 5.0
Amenities: 5.0
Fellow vacationers, do not waste your money on a holiday in this hotel, it is not worth it.
Good afternoon, dear travelers. Last year, my girlfriend and I rested in Kemer, we liked everything very much, this year we decided to go to Side, for the rest we chose a hotel that was declared as a hotel for a quiet family vacation, but, unfortunately, it didn’t work out. Almost every night drunken Germans, of whom there are a huge number in the hotel, prevented everyone from sleeping, we fell asleep somewhere around 5 am. All windows in this hotel overlook the pool. Where was Madame Rosa (the hostess of the hotel) at that time and why she does not consider it necessary to keep order is not entirely clear. Drinking was accompanied by loud music. Once, when we woke up in the morning, we did not find our beach towels on the balcony, it turned out that one drunken German woman, who had been screaming and dancing all night, was leaving in the morning and, in parting, she collected all the towels from the sunbeds and balconies and threw them into the pool.
The pool bar primarily serves the Germans, and the Russians there are second-class people, when we approached for the sprite, it somehow ended immediately. Therefore, for water, we went to the nearest store and took it there.

The hotel does not have its own beach, the guide Murat told us: "Go to the beach, choose any, the cost is from 2 to 7 dollars, but you can bargain and even if you lie on a sunbed and don't pay, no one will kick you out. " How wrong he was! . When we came to one of the beaches and tried to bargain, that is, to pay for two not 5 dollars, but 4, the Turk made it clear to us that bargaining was inappropriate. The choice fell on the Free Beach, it was the cheapest $ 2 a day, but when we wanted to take a free sunbed in the first row, we were told that the entire first row was reserved (again by foreigners) and we can only occupy the 2nd and 3rd row. If people came to the beach at 6 pm, they still have to pay $ 2 for the whole day. Once a young Russian family with two children came to this beach, they settled on towels and said that they did not occupy sunbeds, therefore they would not pay, but they were immediately "expelled" from the beach. Rudeness and rudeness accompanied us all week on this beach, for the Germans they always have a smile on their faces, but not for the Russians. When we finally got tired of such a situation, we went to look for another beach and we were lucky, the very first section, when you approach the sea, it is small, only two rows of sunbeds, a very good, polite guy was on duty there, so we are very We recommend it to everyone. The price is the same $ 2, but if people came in the evening, he did not charge.
Cleaning in the rooms is terrible, bed linen was not changed even once in 2 weeks. There were no face towels for three days, at first they gave only bath towels, there were no foot towels either, there was nothing at all in the rooms except toilet paper.
Even at the hotel, it is striking that the staff (with the exception of one employee, Isa, we are very grateful to him) never greet, everyone walks around with gloomy faces. My friend loves scrambled eggs in the morning, but for 2 weeks she never managed to try it, because the cook came to work when people had already had breakfast. In the morning, very often we could not drink coffee, because the device was not filled. He showed up for lunch or dinner.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original