Expectation is reality....

Written: 10 july 2024
Travel time: 27 june — 9 july 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 4.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 5.0
Amenities: 6.0
The hotel left a double and ambiguous impression. Expectation is reality....
Due to the flight being 4 hours late, we arrived at the hotel at 3 a. m. and checked in immediately, since the room had been paid for since 2 p. m. The room was standard on the 4th floor in the first building overlooking the pool. Everything here is like a voucher. There were no problems with this. The room has everything as stated - separate toilet, shower, sink. The room is cramped. The suitcases don’t fit into the closet and therefore just sit under the table, which takes up space. Air conditioning worked well, TV, refrigerator OK. But it was impossible to sleep on this bed and pillow, as if on the boards of a coffin. My back and neck hurt for 2 days. I decided to unfold the sofa that was in the room, but it turned out to be broken. Also on the second day the hair dryer stopped working. At the reception the second time they solved the problem with the hairdryer and laid out the sofa. Several times it still broke down and fell in the middle of the night. They didn't give me another pillow. Slept on an inflatable...
The elevator alone often did not work.

Water and drinks were not always added to the refrigerator; shampoo and gel were constantly asked for. Cleaning means throwing out the trash and putting down toilet paper. The hair had been lying on the floor the entire holiday and remained there...
Food...that too. There was always something to eat, we didn’t go hungry, but nothing tasty. There is always some kind of fatty minced meat or puffs with minced meat or something stuffed with it or cutlets. Everything is no good, not tasty, without soul. Food on the menu - half of the ingredients that are written there are not there, especially in the salads. In an Alya Carte restaurant, you choose one thing from the menu and they bring you another. Instead of liver, they brought some mini pasties with minced peas, baklava with ice cream - without ice cream. Sorry Finished is my favorite answer. We constantly ran out of ice, gas, ayran, syrups, etc. Cocktails are generally made in a very strange way from unknown alcohol, which is poured into bottles in advance. There is no imported alcohol, as stated, even in the hotel bar.
Or rather, maybe it is there, but nothing is made of it for mere mortals.
Animation - we saw it only in the evening, because we were on the beach all day, which was another quest to get to. Either walk at 40 degrees or wait for the bus for who knows how long. There is no clear schedule. But the beach is perhaps the only good thing. Clean, no children, few people, good entry. If there was more music it would be more fun. But in general, the music and animation in the evening is TRASH. everything is old, these tracks have not changed for years, centuries. Show programs also. Clowns, magicians, belly dancers, the hotel's best couple. It would be better if there was just a disco with modern music - not Russian, not Turkish. 2 times there was evening animation on the beach. 1 time some local rapper sang and 1 time a DJ played. But again, old tracks that made you sick 20 years ago. On the second floor there is a disco after 23.30, but it is smoky and cold there and the same creepy music from the century before last.

On the hotel’s Instagram there are parties, parties 24/7, but in fact you have a dull magician. Of all the animators, only the girls from Colombia who dance on the PJ stage somehow add modernity to all this despondency.
The hotel really highlights Russians, as if they are the only ones there. although they are 40 percent, 40 percent are Turks, etc. 20%
After the animation, everyone gathers on the terrace, drinks until the morning, sings loudly. Sometimes security comes and asks you to keep it down.
The hotel is clean - the bathrooms are new and clean. in the restaurant it’s very atmospheric, music is playing, children don’t run around, don’t scream, don’t cry, don’t drop anything.
On a positive note, there is also a compliment on the birthday - fruits, champagne, a decorated table at dinner.
Wi-Fi works well everywhere
Translated automatically from Russian. View original