Disgusting hotel

Written: 25 june 2023
Travel time: 24 june — 2 july 2023
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 1.0
Disgusting hotel. Positions itself as 5, but:
- guests spend the night in the lobby for 1.5 days - they are not settled (overbooking) - we arrived at the moment when they were already arguing, and witnessed all this. Even then there was a desire to change the hotel.
- We also did not want to settle - the hotel is full. With great difficulty, proving that the number should have been ours from the previous day (arrived at 3 am), we were given a temporary number. No apologies. This number also had to be changed with great difficulty - they replaced it with a tiny one. If the chair is laid out for a child, it turns out not two separate beds for parents and a child, but one large one for the entire area of ​ ​ u200bu200ba small room - that is, there is no space at all. The Turks said that it is normal when a child of 13 years old sleeps with their parents in the same bed!
Bed and towels for the child were not given.

The shower is tiny (both in large two-room suites and in one-room suites). It will be difficult for a large person.
The food is extremely mediocre. The restaurant operates with restrictions, so if you don’t have time for a meal, your diet is nuggets and tasteless fruits.
Dishes in all restaurants are dirty! You will have to look for a more laundered option for a long time.

The beach is really far. 15 minutes in the heat is a lot. The minibus rarely travels, it is packed like in rush hour in a metropolis (people really stand very tightly), the seats are narrow.
The sunbeds on the beach are almost always occupied, if you come a little later, you won’t get it.

The entrance to the sea is gentle, the water is clean. The flooring ends far from the water - you can’t walk on the sand without shoes.

Staff: strenuously pretends not to understand Russian, English, French or German. The front desk refuses to answer any questions. If you paid, you are no longer interested.

Verdict - we will never go to this hotel again and do not recommend it to anyone. There are much more interesting options.
It is a pity that they fell for the operator's advertising and reviews on the network. Although it was necessary to pay attention to those few who honestly said that the positive ones were custom-made, and the negative ones were being cleaned.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original