Rest on the system all off.

Written: 22 july 2012
Travel time: 9 — 16 july 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 4.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 2.0
Food: 2.0
Amenities: 1.0
Rest on the system all off.
I will write on the facts, without emotions. Otherwise, it will not be a review, but a continuous text of obscene expressions.
1 Arrived at the hotel at 20.30. Provided that this day was already paid by us, there were no rooms. We were settled in a 2-room apartment with a family of three (including a small child).
2 We spent the first night in a room without air conditioning, at a temperature of 36 degrees, on narrow, assembled sofas without pillows.
3 In the morning we were given a room. The room itself is not bad, with a large balcony and bathroom. But the room had a constant smell of sewage and dampness. The shower cabin is arranged in such a way that if the shower is turned on, then half of the bathroom is filled with water. Water is practically not regulated: it goes either hot or cold. Washing your hair, in this regard, was a problem. In the morning, the water is slightly warm, because it heats up only from the sun and cools down during the night.

4 Room cleaning takes the staff exactly 1 minute and comes down to throwing garbage. Towels and bed linen were never changed in 7 days.
5 music in the hotel rumbles until 23.00. Until that time, it is impossible not only to sleep, not to watch TV because of the very good audibility.
6 Go to the sea for 20 minutes on foot through the garbage dump on a dusty road. There is another way, along a relatively green path, about 15 minutes. In the heat of 40 degrees, it is quite difficult.
7 From the hotel to the beach there is a bus several times. There is a fight in the hotel for places, we did not risk it. On the way to the beach, buses from other hotels stop and deliver. Sometimes for $1, sometimes for free. You can also take a bus from other hotels from the beach. When we figured it all out, the road to the beach began to be a pleasure, because it took exactly 3 minutes to go.
8 The beach is gorgeous. Sand, clean sea. There were always enough sunbeds and umbrellas. Everything is free. Drinks and everything else for money.
9 A separate topic is the dining room. It's a canteen, not a restaurant. It is located on the street, under a tent. More or less blown place in the center, near the pool, on plastic tables and chairs. In order to take places there, one had to come at least half an hour before meals and actively guard the chairs, which are sorely lacking. We met a couple (with whom we spent the night on the first day), which made the task easier. They took turns at the table.
10 Now food. All 7 days we ate sticky unsalted pasta, to which ketchup was offered from sauces in a 2 liter bowl, it is not known how long it costs in 40-degree heat. Of the meat during this time, they gave chicken 2 times (they gave out 1 piece per hand), 1 time nuggets. There was never a fish. Everything else is soy patties of various shapes. Sometimes they were so spicy that it was impossible to eat them. There were no sweets at all. From fruits: sometimes oranges in the morning, for lunch and dinner, watermelon. ALL!!!
11 Of the alcoholic drinks, only beer, and for 2 days there was none.

12 The cutlery is greasy, the plates are dirty. Tables had to be wiped down before being seated.
Have a nice holiday everyone!! !
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