Empty, queues, injuries!!!

Written: 10 march 2008
Travel time: 18 — 25 june 2007
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We rested with my family (2 + 1 (11 years old)) from 27.05. 0.10 days. The settlement took 2 hours... despite the fact that it was already about one in the morning. We laid out things and a bed, and there... a black unmade sheet . The staff shrugged their hands at the questions - "do not know Russian! " Yes, and in English, a complete zero. With our eyes we saw... they changed the bed... The morning began at 4-30 !! ! Outside the window from the neighboring hotel came the loud speech of the Turkish population, screams, music and the working rumble - their kitchen works so loudly (double-glazed windows !!! ) The air conditioner at the same time made infertral sounds like - squeak, squeak qua, etc. For 20 $ , a day later they changed the room to a quieter one and in a new wing.
In the dining room queue for everything that is not SALAD! Of the 4 devices, only one worked, so you usually stand somewhere between the eighth and ninth for coffee. There are not enough sweets by the end of the dinner... Whoever ate it first and calories!
Bartenders in Russian and English are zero, only "girl supee"

In the Al-carte type, only the type, the Russians are far from being the first to be served, but with a smile and not just what they ordered (I repeat, you need to know German and Turkish !!! ).
There are queues at the bars and they pour one drink at a time, if two stand together! And the Germans are calmly sitting at the table, and the cute waiters cheerfully bypass other nationalities, sori also serve the Turks... On the third day, having learned the phrase: "Eki bira lutfem! "
I drank this beer without straining, namely, without a queue, I blurted out a glass in front of you, here, learn Turkish!
The animation is cool, but it doesn’t translate everything, and by the end of the rest, everything is clear, the degree helps.
There are a lot of Turks in the hotel 70% Germans 10% the rest of the CIS. Live music is only Turkish and yells so that you can’t fall asleep at one in the morning, so we sang it like karaoke on the eighth day... Fortunately, the songs are the same every day!
Alcoholic drinks are imported only at the bar near the receptions, beer in others is worse, and rum is just a mouthful, go savor the reception... well, well.
Beach towels on bail and not very clean, not to mention the mattresses (mostly old and stained)
Enrollment in the AL-KARTE restaurant from 8 am at the reception desk, queue
person 25.
Beach: some plates in the water to go into the sea is a problem if you do not move 300-400 meters to the left, although the neighbors do not favor.
The sunbeds near the pools at 7 am are already occupied (even the Germans, wiping their eyes, scratch to borrow and swear if someone coveted their place yesterday), Conclusion there is no place to throw off someone else's towel and say that you didn’t see (the burghers did that! )
The rooms are cleaned every day and not bad (1 dollar must be left, since they forgot, only the garbage was removed from the bin)

Slides by the hour from 9 to 12, then from 14 to 16. I don’t advise you to go on the middle one, you’ll strip not only swimming trunks... The pools are clean and everywhere, in fact, the front space is occupied by a pool in the shape of a camomile, very cool, but! On the bridges and the island, many fell very slippery and the Turks neigh (staff) instead of taking water.
Yes, the beach is across the river, in front of the bridge you can buy strawberries $ 5 and cherries $ 4 - 5 stars after all !!!
Special thanks to the paparazzi, they get to the fakes and more, on the third day they calm down, finding newcomers. One photo of 5-10 bucks how you look, you pay so much!
Savings on everything are very noticeable, but you don’t pay much, so we introduce the concept of 5 * economy and go ahead to rest from the CIS!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original