Good hotel, food 8 out of 10, beach 5 out of 10

Written: 19 april 2018
Travel time: 14 — 24 may 2017
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 7.0
Service: 6.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 7.0
Amenities: 6.0
We rested in the middle of May, the number of rooms is excellent! Clean rooms, well refurbished. The food is not bad at all. You won’t be hungry for sure + there are snack bars where you can have a bite of burgers, potatoes and other things. The beach would be a minus, although it is spacious, it is hardly suitable for families with children. Pebbles hurt your feet very much, you can’t be barefoot, and even more so for children + to everything, the entry into the sea is quite deep, the legs sink together with the pebbles to a depth. And everything else was very pleased) For their money, the hotel and service are super. The second time you can go easily. But the hotel is purely for a relaxing holiday, rather focused on families with children. since entertainment programs are not carried out especially, and it’s far to go to the city for them. Memories left only positive!
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