Retai ra? au atsiliepimus, bet?? kart? negaliu tyl? ti????
Atostogavom 4 asmenys, du suaug? ir du vaikai. Turkijoje jau nebe pirm? kart? , bet tokios patirties dar netur? jome!
Baseinai ne? varus, kambariai valomi labai atsainiai, restorane musi????? viet? tr? kumas prie staliuk? , maistas visas dienas buvo beveik tas pats per ta pati, papl? dimys akmenuotas, su stiklo du? enom, reikalinga speciali avalyn? .
Tre? ia par? su ma? iausiu vaiku 6m atsid? r? me ligonin? je Alanijoje su? arnyno virus? po maudyni? baseine, stat? la? elines, skyr? antibiotikus.
Kita par? i? va? iuojant i? ligonin? s lifte sutikom kitus turistus i?? io vie? bu? io, mergaitei buvo tie patys simtomai, po maudyni? kitame baseine, pasijuto labai blogai ir prad? jo netekti s? mon? s..
Gryzus? vie? but? vakare, baseine labai stipriai jaut? si chlorkiu kvapas.
? e? t? par? ir man ir mano s? nui bei mano mamai pasidar? labai blogai, v? mimas, viduriavimas, temperat? ra.. V? l? jome pas viesbucio gydytoja, nor? jo vesti? ligonin? , bet atsisak? me, nes mums isvykimas kita diena.. I? kviet? gydytoja? vie? but? , ten buvo statomos la? elines su antibiotikais ir skys? i? atstatymas, kad tur? tume jeigu grysti? namus.????
Viso tur? jome tris dienas atostog? , baisu!????????
Is it rare? au reviews, but? ? time? can't be quiet you????
4 people on vacation, two adults? and two children. No more in Turkey? time? , but you don't have such experience yet? in it!
No swimming pools? varus, the rooms are cleaned very carelessly, there are flies in the restaurant???? ? place? tr? who's at the table? , the food was almost the same all days, at the same time, etc. dimys stony, with glass two? enom, do you need special footwear? .
Three? where? with ma? Will I have a 6-year-old child? r? are we in the hospital? in Alanya with? rabies virus? after swimming? in the pool, stat? huh? elines, skyr? antibiotics.
Another par? i? huh? while i? hospital? s elevator we met other tourists i? ? where? bu? io, the girl had the same symptoms after bathing? in another pool, felt very bad and started lose him mon? s..
Grizzly? where? home? in the evening, do you feel very strong in the pool? smell of chlorine.
? huh? t? for? and for me and my s? how about my mom? very bad huh? mime, diarrhea, temperature? ra. . W? l? let's go to the hotel doctor, shall we? to marry him? hospital? , but refuse? me, because we have to leave the next day. . I? do you invite? doctor? where? home? , were built there? elines with antibiotics and liquid? i? reset that there? do you want to be stoned? home.????
Is everything there? are we on vacation for three days? , scary!??????? ?