First great holiday in Turkey

Written: 7 august 2009
Travel time: 30 july — 6 august 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 10.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 8.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
To begin with, I want to say that this is my first vacation in Turkey. However, I have something to compare the hotel with, because last year I was in 5 * Isrotel on the Dead Sea in Israel.
Almost everyone liked the hotel. Pros:
1. Excellent guides from Anex Tour: Rashat and Servet. We were in the hotel all day, we didn’t have to look for them, we solved all the questions of our vacationers immediately, they spoke Russian perfectly, as if they were their own. And just good guys with whom you could have a fun chat and get important information. 2. Excellent service, which did not cause any complaints. Quick check-in upon arrival, several receptionists knew Russian well. What is most interesting, the boy who helps carry the luggage even refused the $ 1 tip that I gave, because. the guide on the bus warned that in Turkey it is almost mandatory. The rooms were cleaned every day, everything needed (paper, shampoos, soap, drinking water) was given out by the cleaning lady every day, regardless of the presence of a dollar on the bed. Also, every day she laid out swans, flowers, etc. , although she was not spoiled with a tip. (For week left three dollars).

The waiters, bartenders and personnel managers were very prudent, polite and sociable with those who were ready to communicate with them and everyone knew Russian. I did not notice any rudeness or impudence on their part. They treated Russians, Turks and Swedes equally.
3. Super cool animation team (15 people). Everyone spoke several languages ​ ​ including Russian. Three girls of the animator were from Russia. During the day, some animator constantly approached and invited him to participate in the game of water polo, football, volleyball and so on. I did aqua aerobics twice a day and a regular one once a day. Each animator was responsible for a certain activity. Every evening there was a mini disco for kids, and then a show for adults, which was conducted in several languages ​ ​ at once. The shows are different every day and very funny. There were contests, charades, guess the melody, and just skits prepared by the animators.
The Turkish night was especially remembered for its unusual treats and the performance of professional belly dancers.
Every evening there was a free disco in the hotel itself. They played the most fashionable music both in Europe and purely Russian and not a lot of Turkish. The DJ mixed the tracks well and you could order whatever you wanted. For those to whom this disco seemed like crap, every evening one animator took people to a disco in Side or Alanya, but already for money (about $ 7). In short, it was not boring.
4. Nutrition. There are no words. Not an hour without food is the motto of this hotel. But also everything is very tasty, fresh and well prepared. This was especially true for me. I have stomach problems, but this diet did not cause any problems. It was not possible to try everything in a week, there is a lot and variety of everything. They feed to kill.

5. Cool big pools, very clean. But one minus is that they close at 7 pm and you can’t swim anymore: they pour a lot of bleach and clean it with a special device that looks like a vacuum cleaner. It seems to me that it is very early, usually the pools in other hotels are open until 10-11 pm. Russian tourists run out at night with a disco and jump in for a swim in the pool, and they are immediately caught by the security service, which works very well.
6. Hotel contingent. Oddly enough, but Turks are dominated by families with children. There are fewer Russians. There were also tourists from Denmark, Sweden, Poland and the Czech Republic. In principle, this is good. There were no cattle, everyone behaved with dignity, there was not a single drunken debauchery, which was written about in other reviews.
7. Attitude towards children. It enthralled me from day one. There are a lot of children of different ages and from different countries, and they are literally carried in the arms of all the staff. In the dining room, the waiters play with them, help the parents feed the baby, if he does not want to, if the child runs away from his parents and gets lost in the huge dining room, the waiter will pick him up and look for his parents until he finds them. There is also a great mini disco and a club for children, the animators are trying very hard and the children just hang on them. But, to be honest, a huge number of children did not bother me much, because these are eternal screams and crying. Of course, if you have children, then you will not find the best hotel to stay with them.
You can talk about the pros endlessly, but there are also disadvantages. There are few of them, if not much to find fault with.
1. Not very clean and well maintained beach. There are no umbrellas and a lot of garbage, although it is constantly cleaned. I agree with those who believe that we should litter less and at least throw away glasses and plates in special bins.
2. Very stuffy elevator. I lived on the 6th floor and the problem was relevant. Then I taught myself to go down on foot.
3. In general, it is very hot inside the hotel and the splits cannot cope.
4. Location of the hotel. There are several other hotels and shops nearby. For those who like to walk in the town, there is nowhere to go. But you can take a minibus to Side and take a walk there. Guides will tell you everything in detail. But very quiet and peaceful.

5. The territory of the hotel is not large and, as mentioned earlier, there is no vegetation. But the trees have been planted and, of course, they will grow well, they are well looked after.
In general, the hotel left only positive impressions, the minuses are insignificant and you should not bother with them. Relax with a good mood, and the hotel staff will provide you with a great mood. First of all, I advise the hotel to families with children, because there were not enough young people.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original