The professional suitability of the hotel staff is low

Written: 4 july 2024
Travel time: 8 — 19 june 2024
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 3.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 6.0
I want to write right away that overall I liked the hotel. Food, location, territory, everything was fine. Our rest was spoiled on the first day of our stay at the hotel. We arrived at the hotel at 11.00. Since check-in was at 2 p. m. , we were offered to change clothes and leave our things next to the reception desk. We placed the package with the things that my husband and I arrived in next to our suitcase and backpack. At 14.00 we did not find the package. Three days of our persuasion to view CCTV cameras did not lead to any result. The guide from Pegasus was allowed to the camera and he showed us fragments of how we enter the hotel. And that is all!! ! Another angle, although the camera hangs where the suitcases of the tourists are. He didn't want to look any further. Solving the question could take 5 minutes by watching fragments of the video until 14.00. Either their camera is not working, or they just don’t care. It's not about the stolen things, but about the complete indifference and incompetence of the hotel staff.
We were generally recognized as guilty, citing that we could have changed clothes at the airport and forgotten the package there. I agree that the hotel is not responsible for the safety of things, but then why do you recommend leaving things at the reception?
Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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