Summer in the middle of spring

Written: 23 may 2012
Travel time: 11 — 18 may 2012
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For business travel; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 8.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 9.0
The main thing I want to wish you during your stay in this hotel is good weather and pleasant company! As for the conditions of rest - they are almost perfect.
Now some useful tips (maybe this will change with time, during my stay it was).
- a hotel should be chosen if quality infrastructure is important to you. The hotel is located in a park area between Marmaris and the village of Ichmiler, the nature in it is luxurious, it has a large private concrete beach, and the quality of accommodation and food is at a high level. Please note that the entire area of ​ ​ the hotel is hilly terrain, descents and ascents. If you want to live closer to Marmaris, you should choose a hotel in the city, but they are small and urban. If a sandy beach is important to you - stop your choice in the village of Icmeler, but in almost all hotels the beach is separated by a wide pedestrian road (embankment)

- in order to go to the city you need to use a dolmush with an orange stripe and the inscription Icmeler, the last one leaves the city at 1:30 at night.
- on Wed, a market arrives in the village of Icmeler, you can walk to it, walking along the embankment to the place where it ends, turn right and reach the end of the street - you will run into the market, or take the same dolmush.
- and be sure to visit bar street in Marmaris - a street parallel to the promenade with yachts.
- if you want to visit a public hammam in the city, the price of 3 procedures is 40 lire. You need to come to the final stop of the orange dolmush and standing with your back to the road, go along the street that will be to your left when you see the canal - turn right and walk a little along the canal. On the left you will see the inscription "Turkish bath". Keep in mind there is a common room for men and women.
Have a great holiday and choose the right resort!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original