Holidays in Orange County Kemer

Written: 1 october 2008
Travel time: 2 — 9 september 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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It seems like the best hotel in Kemer . . According to those who met other tourists. Kemer Resort is nearby, followed by Maxim - they didn’t go there all the time, once they tried in the evening they didn’t let them in, it was too lazy to cross the beach during the day... It was interesting to compare...
To begin with, I confess that this hotel did not suit us in principle, we realized this only upon arrival - there were too many people and noise in a small area. We realized that we still prefer calmness, silence and space, although it seems that we are not old people yet : )
So. The hotel is in the form of a single building (building), stretching from the road (the entrance is, as it were, from the end) to the sea, one side of which opens onto the territory of some empty hotel (they didn’t even recognize the name), the other side looks like a Dutch street (cafe shops) - pedestrian zone. On the same side along the entire body of the pool. The main building is 6 floors, level 0 - shops and cafes (about them later), 1-5 - rooms, the reception is located at the level of the 1st floor.

Plus the hotel is new. It no longer shines in places, but nothing is shuffled and not tortured. Furniture, bathroom, everything is ok. The door opens with a card. Externally and internally, everything is done in the Dutch style, there are all sorts of pictures hanging on the walls.
The beach is small (100 meters), the pebbles are not large, although it’s not very convenient to walk barefoot out of habit, we spent all the time on the pontoon, the sea is clean, especially in the morning, in the afternoon, or even more so with excitement - it became cloudy . . Water activities (moto, surf) - for money.
Well, everything else is somehow remembered by us already with a minus sign:
The room is spacious, and the balcony is tiny, a la Dutch, you can only go out, you can’t even put a chair... In some rooms, as we understand, there is no such thing. We don’t know what is there with suites and deluxes, but the villa (like a family room), in which we were settled on the first day (we almost arrived at night - there were no free standard rooms) - this is finally atas. It turns out that the entrance to it is directly from the street (the building of the villas turns out to be parallel to the main building - behind the pool - in the pictures it is presented in the form of small Dutch 2-storey houses) - there is no balcony, the curtains cannot be opened - anyone passing by sees what you have there inside, unpleasant and uncomfortable... You sit as if in some kind of crypt or cell... On the second floor there are two 2-tier beds, like a compartment of a train, it’s somehow not cool for adults to live there... Well, on top of that , the heat on arrival was terrible, and at night the central air conditioning was turned off - the fan only makes idle noise . . In general, we were happy when we got into a standard room overlooking another hotel. Cleaning was every day, but it consisted mainly of changing towels and making the bed, the linen seemed to be changed every 3-4 days... Tips did not change anything, neither for better nor for worse . .
I was amused by the minibar, it seems to be ultra-all-inclusive, but at the same time, part of the drinks and food in the room are for money (out of 5 bottles of beer in the bar, only one is free)... Strange savings . .

Nutrition. You can't say it's bad. Someone might even like that you can eat there almost at any time... In addition to the main restaurant, a bunch of cafes on the main street are open almost from early morning until 5 o'clock. The food there is really like McDonald's for the most part (fries, rolls, hamburgers, chicken mcnuggets, shawarma, Chinese eatery, etc. ), there was really a sweet corner, ice cream from 12 to 15, sort of like fruit (watermelon) at 16.00.... But in the end it results in the fact that around you all the time you are constantly eating or lying around the remnants of food... In the end, it just became annoying. I was especially struck by the fact that it was not our compatriots who succeeded most strongly in this (surprisingly), but foreigners, of whom there are quite a lot.
The main restaurant itself can be said to be poor... There was no particular abundance, chicken, two or three meat and fish dishes... Tomatoes, cucumbers, greens... There was only a lot of sweet and different things. From fruits - apples and melons every day. Although it may depend on the season... There are no natural juices, the machine pours powdered drinks, oranges in the morning - squeeze it yourself - but there is always a queue. Coffee is so-so, tea, of course, bagged.
The main restaurant is supplemented by the presence of about 10 “alakart” restaurants, which in fact were not (payment in money seems not to be provided there), but you can go to each of which 1 time during the rest by appointment for free. The choice in them is small, they seem to be themed (Italian, Turkish, Mexican, Thai, etc. ), some of them work during the day (without an appointment), but in the evening you could sit quietly in them without running for food and looking for free space, and, in principle, it’s even good to eat, with the exception of the Japanese (just a nightmare....), which is worth going to only because of the beautiful view of the sea from the platform on the 2nd floor of the mill...
For, the main disadvantage of the hotel in our opinion is too little space and staff for such a large number of people.
To have a quiet breakfast, you need to come no later than 8.30, lunch and dinner are an anthill. The waiters run crazy, they don’t have time to clean up, asking them to bring something from drinks (beer, wine) - it’s easier to go get it yourself... the table is clean, and even more so, finding a free one is quite difficult.
In the morning you have to go to the sea to borrow sunbeds (on a pontoon or on the beach), during the day you feel like a la Yalta 86, people are teeming....

In the afternoon, the entertainment was not particularly noticed, although the so-called animation was figured out by the end of the stay. Every evening there were performances (children's circus, synchronized swimming, etc. shows), after - dancing and a disco, it was not particularly interesting to walk... The center of Kemer is not far, on foot for about 10 minutes, but Kemer itself is 2 km of streets of identical shops, selling glasses, shoes and clothes from "the world's leading couturiers", and a couple like large discos, which sometimes even our stars come to (during our stay - Timati himself, fuck, heard the conversation of people who went, "under the plywood, but cool danced and finally it was cool")
In general, to say that the hotel is bad is impossible. Who needs noise, din, constant food, booze and evening dances - it turns out just right, but we definitely won’t go there again...
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