Covid Turkey. Part two

To be continued. Start here >>> p>
Well, now specifically about COVID-19 Turkey. Lyrics later.
In the international terminal of Sheremetyevo, which has just begun to recover after the closure of the borders, the temperature was measured 2 times. At the entrance to the building and before boarding the plane. Masks are required. The airport staff wore this outfit (in short, everything is serious):
The flight on the second floor of Jumbo, which I talked about in the last part, was due not only to curiosity, but also to security measures. I hoped that the salon would be half empty, and I was not mistaken. No one was sitting next to us.
On the plane, we all filled out covid Turkish questionnaires, which we handed over to the flight attendants.
At Antalya airport, temperature measurements take place imperceptibly, but they do happen.
I ordered a minibus to Kemer through GetTransfer while still in Moscow. It cost 25 euros for five people. It could have been cheaper. I myself chose from a bunch of offers.
Here I will stop and expand on the topic.
For several years in a row, even if I fly with a package tour, I still order a private transfer service and do not use the transfer included in the package, which implies too many disadvantages. Firstly, buses from travel agencies are constantly waiting for someone at the airport for a long time. Sometimes this wait lasts more than an hour. Secondly, all the way you will be carried in a loud voice by any heavy nonsense, eloquent rogues who consider themselves professional guides, without any reason for this. Thirdly, on the way, the bus almost always stops at a gas station, where it does not refuel, and crooks advertise the shop and buffet of this gas station. Naturally, with inflated prices. Fourthly, your hotel on the list can be one hundred and eleventh. These are all sufficient reasons to refuse a package transfer. But in the current conditions, there is a very serious "fifth" - read this post natalia. sevruk1978.
I clenched my fists from anger, pity and impotence while reading. Dad, mom, two children were waiting for this trip, looking forward to it, saving up and such... It would be better if they were taken to a local covid. Not so embarrassing. And so they looked from the window of the room at their happy, tanned, drunken hotel neighbors. Feet in my mouth! And all because of some glamorous kitty, who, most likely, knew about his infection, but decided to fly. Aspirin brought down the temperature before entering the airport of departure, then before landing, but during the settlement, either there were not enough brains to grab an antipyretic, or aspirin stopped working. © Killing bi.
This is the most "fifth". In the case of ordering a private transfer, an elegant cupcake with a sign on which you can order any inscription would be waiting for them at the airport. I ordered COCA. And it's always cheaper than a taxi.
But I beg you, I beg you: if you booked a private transfer, having a transfer from a travel agency, go to the bus desk and tell the crook that you are leaving. And do not be lazy, get to the bus and say again that you are leaving the driver. And give a piece of paper with your names to the most sober tourist from this bus. And tell him SEVERAL times that you are leaving on your own. For if you don't, the bus will be waiting for you and heaven will curse you forever.
In Turkey, anti-COVID measures are at the highest, even a little hysterical, excessive level. Here is the entrance to the Waikiki store. They measure the temperature and distribute masks to those who do not have:
In Migros, they really yelled at me when I automatically took off my mask. Many shops will not let you in without a mask. In those that are allowed in, all staff will be wearing masks. Sanitizers hang everywhere, even on trees. Very convenient, by the way. If the children cuddle some mangy dog, then you bring them to the sanitizer after that and you can immediately buy ice cream for them.
Sanitizers on cafe tables:
Waiters in masks:
Sanitary propaganda every 20 meters:
In Kemer, Turks walk the streets either wearing masks or with masks. They wear them on the wrist, putting their hand through the loops. At first I thought it was a new fashion - wrinkled shirt cuffs. Then I realized that it was convenient and more hygienic than carrying a mask in your pocket along with cigarettes or dough.
By the way, about cigarettes. If you are a smoker, please bring your own cigarettes. Or buy a case for a pack.
Here is a pack of Kent, which is sold in Russia. It can be seen that this is Kent, well, and the sweetest impotence to boot. From the Turkish pack of horseradish you will understand that this is the same Kent. And the pictures are the worst. But the photo image is atypical. Most have such a graveyard tin that you want to smear and smoke right away.
I will continue about COVID-19 Turkey. In Antalya, almost everyone walks down the street wearing masks.
I rented a car and 2 times the police slowed me down and put a thermometer in the passenger compartment to measure the temperature of all passengers.
When driving to the parking lot at the Anatolian Funicular, the same procedure was followed. And the temperature was measured when landing in the booth.
We were in Turkey for 10 days. During these 10 days, local authorities carried out 2 times the most severe inspection of all organizations involved in tourism. Hotels, restaurants, cafes, barber shops, bars, etc. When a wife's friend went to the nearest expensive hotel for a massage, at first they simply took her temperature twice. In the end, each time her personal data was rewritten.
And in the end, it's all up to you. No need to go on gregarious excursions, such as the Kemer Medusa.
I am calm for the service of this ship. But our people (in the sense of Belarus, Israel, Russia, Ukraine) can bring surprises. Let's say the girls went to a disco with local demobilized. Or the guys met Galatasaray fans in a bar and discussed the best saves of Okan Kojuk with them. Or ladies. . . Well, okay. Let's omit it (although I won't sleep now and will think about it).
And once again I urge you to think at this incomprehensible time about spending your vacation not in a huge, multi-star hotel, where for dinner there is a crowd trampling like children who want pip, but in a small, albeit modest, but not crowded hotel . So you save yourself and your loved ones.
Here is the beach of an expensive hotel, there is no question of social distance:
Although this is hanging on the posts:
And here is the city beach:
There is a difference.
If you have never had such a rest and are embarrassed of such a rest, then here are some explanations for your friends and relatives.
The first one is the most logical. I'm afraid of Covid. I'm afraid of the crowd.
The second is savings.
Third - I'm tired of the noise of the animators, like "everyone goes to water aerobics" and other noises, and I wanted silence.
Fourth - if you are an Instagrammer (Instagrammer) - I am so tired of the luxury of the house that I decided (a) to cling to the people. To the simple working people and dip into one star.
Believe me, it's not so scary. But economically, calmly and solidly.
On the plane on the way back, we filled out covid questionnaires. After boarding, an expansive medical aunt came on board and checked everyone's temperature. The questionnaires were handed over to her. My wife's friend went to voluntary self-isolation in my village. (Continuation of the vacation. Children, mother-in-law, The first of September - everything is on the side and everything is legal).
According to the rules of some kind of supervision, my family and my wife's friend, the next day after arrival, went to be tested for Covid-19. With passports and boarding passes. We were taken to a special department of the polyclinic and brutally thrust into us and into our mouths with unpleasant sticks. Horror, but at least without a queue. Well, how about. We are lepers. From a foreign land.
Got the results today.
We are all healthy.
To be continued. . .
Continued here >>>