Vacation was a success!

Written: 14 august 2008
Travel time: 15 — 22 august 2008
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 9.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 9.0
Welcome all!
Just returned from Turkey. Stayed at the Beltur Hotel. Upon arrival, they settled in building A, because. there are no single rooms in buildings B and C. The room, of course, is not so hot - old furniture, dirty doors. We didn’t manage to move right away, they said it would be possible in a couple of days to move in the same block to another room. I didn’t cry : ) and lament about the spoiled vacation, I spat and began to enjoy the rest and the sea, because I personally go, first of all, to the sea. By the way, I can’t understand people who, having arrived at the sea (a five-minute walk from the hotel), spend all day sour in the pools or around. After I left a tip to the cleaning lady in the middle of the term ($1 and a Russian chocolate bar), she arranged an awesome installation on my bed from a bedspread and towels - a floating swan bird!

The sea is awesome! Calm, clean and so warm that I left it only to avoid getting burned and to be in time for lunch or dinner. At sea, I rest exclusively in fins, mask and snorkel. I saw beautiful fish, squid, an octopus and an awesome big crab with blue-blue paws!
Gentlemen, Beltura Beach is actually SANDY, not pebbly. Near the water there is sand with small pebbles. The entrance to the sea is on pebbles, but it's okay, as some say! Entrance as an entrance - went in and swam. After the stones again the sand. Broken sunbeds, it seems, come across, but because I do not lie on them, but swim, they did not interest me. Some get up early in the morning and take towels on the sunbeds. Particularly advanced do not clean the towels at night. : ) By the way, if you can't stand the crowds on the beach, you can walk further to the left of the hotel - there is a wild and deserted pebble beach.
Normal, absolutely, feeding. There were no stomach problems. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Cutlets are too peppery, I did not take liquid salads, but everything else is fine. If you have put a little, you can always ask for more. By the way, some write about a bad attitude towards Russians - bullshit! All the staff, and indeed the Turks are friendly and normal people. Three times a day watermelons. From 10 am to 10 pm drinks (water, soda, wine, beer, etc. ) in the bar are free of charge. I did not take wine, because. I heard that it is heavily diluted, but the beer is quite normal. AND FREE! : ) Until the very end, all dishes are available.
To the right of the exit from the hotel is the Ismail Lokum shop. You should definitely try it even for those who, like me, do not like Turkish delight, because. delight is awesome. 1 kg - 8$. Ask to try. I bought Turkish delight for $1 (125 g) for a couple of days. Everywhere, Turkish delight is sold in boxes cheaper than Ismail’s, but I haven’t tried it, so I advise you to take with you, nevertheless, a box or two of Ismail-lokum. Farther away is a Turkish ice cream vendor. Also, be sure to try it, only Turkish from a jug.
The language barrier.

It doesn't exist at all! All shop assistants understand Russian, and many of them speak Russian very well. There are signs in Russian on the shops. For example: "Astrakhan roach for beer is on sale. " : )) In many stores, in addition to liras, dollars and euros, Russian rubles and Ukrainian hryvnias are also accepted. : ) However, citizens are compatriots. Well, is it really so difficult to learn at least a couple of words in Turkish before leaving? "Merkhaba" (hello) and "teshakyur" (thank you)? Of course, I understand that a great nation is not obliged to know other languages ​ ​: ) but is it really so difficult to learn a few words in the language of the country you are going to go to? You should have seen the smile of a gloomy Turk at the border, pasting visas, when I, holding out $ 20, said hello "merhaba" and then said "teshekyur"! : )
Some ladies write how the Turks molested them. Rave! If the waiter asks how you are doing, is that a harassment? Or do you think that the Turkish waiter or the seller are second-class people and have no right to even talk to you? Then yes, then of course!
I won't say anything about animation. I do not understand the meaning of this word in this aspect. It started (according to the sounds) at 10:00, when I went to the sea. IMHO, there are much more interesting things than this animation.
The hotel has two pool tables and two ping-pong tables. Both are paid. Billiards costs $3 per hour, ping-pong - $2 per hour (three times cheaper than in my park in Moscow) : ). In addition, there are two children's machines - hockey and football.
I took in Maxwell (to the right of the exit from the hotel) excursions to Pomukal, Kekova and diving. Many people say that Pomukala is hard all day long, but I don't see anything hard in it. On the eve of the reception, you need to order a lunch package. Despite the announcement that they don’t give packages for other people’s excursions, they give without problems. Well, of course, you don't have to say that you are going on a tour from a street operator - just ask for a package. It is better to ride in slippers, because. you have to walk on mineral water. Cleopatra's pool is paid both at Pegasus and at street vendors - $ 18. This, of course, is a mineral spring, but I personally did not like it: a winding pit studded with sharp and slippery stones and people. For $ 18 the second time I would not get into it! Safes, changing rooms and showers are present.
Air-conditioned bus, though not new. Maxwell's guides are Russian, in the past : ) Natasha and a fluent Russian-speaking Turk (I don't remember his name).
On a diving excursion, instead of a diving boat, they put me on an ordinary yacht - it’s good that I tuned in time to the lack of diving gadgets - they transferred me to a boat yacht.

The dive is not deep, but the process itself is very interesting. Under water, they give you bread to feed the fish and take pictures of how the fish are spinning at your very head. 5 photos in electronic form on CD cost 20 (twenty! ) US dollars. I didn't take it.
From my native Pegasus, I took only an excursion to the cable car, because. its price is the same for both Pegasus and Maxwell. The work of the guide from Pegasus on this tour is simply disgusting. How do you, for example, the phrase: "Guys, do you want to listen to my chatter? " Like, I don't want to work. Darkness! The beauty at the top is amazing. If you want to look into the pipe from above, prepare a coin of 1 lira.
As for the transfer, everything was completely clear and without surprises - we were met at the airport and at the end we were escorted to the check-in desks.
Findings. : )
Uff, tired. In short, I recommend Beltour. But if you are traveling alone, make high demands on the number and are able to convince yourself that your vacation is hopelessly ruined because of the old number, look further. Good luck.
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