In general, not bad

Written: 10 july 2010
Travel time: 18 — 28 july 2009
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Traveled with a friend last year. I don't think much has changed this year.

In general, a nice and nice hotel. Friendly staff. True, the cleaners have become insolent to the edge. We left $ 1 every day and then somehow we come and there is no dollar, and there is no cleaning either. We went to the reception and explained everything and immediately removed everything. Second: gentlemen, take the safe, even though it is paid. We were robbed of $100. As a result, the cleaner was fired and we were offered to move to Alinda. The food is delicious and varied. As well as everywhere in Turkey where I was.
Young, energetic and active people should go there in anticipation of hanging out, etc. This is not the place. Not youth, but family. Animation, though they write that there is. But no! Is that the music by the pool and all.
I would put 4.
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