We live like on a volcano... (kusmanishche No. 5)

19 March 2021 Travel time: with 23 February 2021 on 02 March 2021
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Live like on a volcano. . . >>>

We live like on a volcano. . . (piece #2) >>>

We live like on a volcano. . . (piece #3) >>>

We live like on a volcano. . . (kusmanishche #4) >>>

Woke up. I tried to remember what I dreamed. Nothing came to mind. Weird. Usually, I dream of such miracles! I was hoping that in such a place it would be something enchanting. Blow!

Dim light filtered through a tiny window covered with a curtain. She looked at the phone clock. Dawn in half an hour! Vadik, get up! My yesterday's fatigue completely evaporated. I went to the bathroom. Banging your forehead on the ceiling! The light could not be turned on - it would have illuminated with sparks! I perfectly saw that the loot was exactly flush with my lobeshnik, so I crouched down. But she raised her head too soon. There was a ceiling just beyond the doorway. And, I cracked for the second time. The first one was at night. That's why I didn't remember the dream! As a result of a bruise, a little memory was knocked off!

Vadik naively thought that we were going to watch the balls from our terrace. Schaz! Forward, to the observation deck!

Leaving the room, we saw that the rest of the rooms, as they were wide open yesterday, remained the same. Why, I wonder? To not get wet? Batteries were in all rooms. But, as far as I managed to notice, she worked only for us. What's the point? Dubak, as it was in the evening, did not go anywhere in the morning. But something else is surprising - the owner is not afraid to leave the door like that. This despite the fact that the gates of the hotel were also wide open. Hardly anyone got up before dawn to open them. This suggests that there is no theft here. It's gratifying! We would have taken out everything, including toilets. Personally, I would steal the bedspread from the bed - very shiny and absolutely authentic. It depicted balloons, stone mushrooms, George the Victorious, stars with crescents, a dancing Turkish woman (or maybe a dervish), some kind of bird of paradise and something else. Of course, I didn't. Slippers - I didn’t take them either.

Today, the moon was already slightly flawed, and therefore not so spectacular.

But the sun appeared over Erciyes from a slightly different angle.

And today a dog joined our photo session. She posed with pleasure, both alone and in an embrace with everyone. Such a cutie, not like yesterday's Caucasians!

I decided to count the number of balls. I got 50.

After we took a picture, we went back to the hotel. At 8 o'clock we should have breakfast, which was included in the 20 bucks that we paid. On the way we saw an open shop selling, among other things, fresh juices. Pomegranate cost 25 lire. There was no one inside, and we moved on. There was a table with fruit and a fresh press on the street. The salesperson was cleaning around. His juice cost already 20 lire. It’s already easier, but I remember that before a glass of fresh juice cost one dollar, but now it’s almost three. But I really wanted pomegranate.

Having used no less than four medium grenades, the man pressed down on a glass with a slide. While the freshman was crushing the second glass, we credited the first one for two. Zelo Borzo! A kind of vitamin impact on the body! At home, Vadik and I eat one pomegranate for two for two whole days. And here in one fell swoop four on one!

We finished the second glass and went home. The balls followed us everywhere! Enchanting!

We went up to the terrace. The boy was already there. He asked where we should cover - indoors or outdoors? Although it was very fresh, I definitely wanted to go outside. The balls continued to circle around, pleasing to the eye. And the sun, which managed to rise quite high, was already warming.

The breakfast turned out to be simple: cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, eggs, sausage (edible, by the way), feta cheese, tea and bags of butter, nutella and various honey jams. Something is missing! Ah, bread! I shout to the guy: where is the ekmek? He brought a basket of fresh rolls. Well? Vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Everything is in place, and nothing more.

Having quickly dealt with the food, they descended into their hole. They called Suleiman via viber (we were alone in the hotel, so the Wi-Fi was all ours and allowed us to make a call), they asked where and when they would pick us up from here? He said that at 15.00 near the open-air museum. We would like to be picked up from Chaushin, where we were supposed to complete today's route. That is OK. After all, you can go in the opposite direction, starting from Chaushin and ending near the museum.

It was already 9, we didn't have much time left - only 6 hours. If we don't mess around, we'll make it. But something told me that it was unlikely. Topographic cretinism is incurable.

Having said goodbye to the owner, we left our shelter. How I love the morning! Still full of energy and the world looks so colorful. Especially in such sunny weather.

The cats enjoyed it too. I couldn't pass by without taking a picture.

Overgrown like Demis Roussos, the guy smiled as he watched me. He said that he had as many as 20 cats. Wow! But I think they are all coming, like in our country house. Keeping such a crowd in the house... I don’t understand this.

Before going to Chaushin, we decided to withdraw some more lira from the ATM - we have two more days of riding, and we will have to rent stupid hats again, and we only have 60 lira left.

Having withdrawn another hundred at an ATM chosen at random from a bunch of others, we move on.

And here are the cats again! Vadik said that if I take pictures of all the cats we meet, we won't be in time!

And then there's the rental of retro junk! Of course, I would like to ride one. But he eats, I suppose! I think at least 25 liters per hundred kilometers. Colin's dream!

The sign said that Chaushin was only 3 km away.

A bus passed by and signaled to us. I did not immediately realize that it was dolmush. He pulled up nearby. We ran. Looked - what you need. In Chaushin. There is nothing to go, but in order to save time, we decided to drive up.

Before it had time to accelerate properly, the bus had already slowed down. Gave the driver 50 lire. He gave us change - 40.20 hryvnias from the nose for the unfortunate 3 km! However!

Leaving the minibus, we went to the holey slides.

Climbed on one side, moved to the other side. Balloons are still flying.

These caves seemed vaguely familiar to me. This is true! We were here last time. This place is remarkable for its relatively well-preserved temple. Very relatively. I mean, at least something survived. Well, so the third century, however. Or fourth. Or tenth. A few hundred years back and forth, what's the difference?

This place, as I understand it, is not guarded by anyone, so everyone does what they want. They grab everything that is bad lies is worth it.

I remember that there is a source of water here. I hope it doesn't dry out.

Not dry. Replenishing the supply of water, took out a card. Where to move next? To the left, the stump is clear! I came across a tray with mug ashtrays carved from local rock. All according to the lyre. I asked the seller, are we going right? He confirmed that it was true. As a sign of gratitude, I decided to buy something from him. I have a few coins left over from a previous trip. I took an ashtray for smoking friends. But it cost not a lyre, but two. This is, like, as it says on our stores "Everything for 5 UAH", but in fact, there is little you can find there at that price. Well, I bought it for 2. I bought it and remembered that a friend had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. The ashtray is no longer useful to him. Although... And I forgot about my friend, not because I am so insensitive (although I am), but because here, in Cappadocia, I forgot about everything in the world. It felt like we've been here forever. And we left Mariupol, in general, in a past life. Time stopped. Although, in fact, it ticked. It's already 11 o'clock, and we still have to sip and sip.

We passed the old cemetery.

We saw a horse darting away from us.

Here is the pasture.

Poke along different paths. Vadik did not tear himself away from his beloved Maps Me. Here she helped a little. They still fluffed up. As I walked out to the ranch, I asked the boy where we were and shoved the map under his nose. He said we were in the rose valley. I couldn't show you exactly. And when asked where the valley of sabers was, he waved his hand somewhere to the side. Very helpful, in short!

Let's go along a pretty well-trodden road.

And finally came across a pointer.

We don't need to go to Chavushin. Let's go to Gulluder (Pink Valley). We were overtaken by a car with a basket for the ball in its trailer. Climbing up another hill, I saw an inflating balloon, and even took a picture. But I didn't find it later. Apparently, I pressed the button badly.

There were many paths. Fork too. After furious disputes, they turned onto some kind of road. As a result, we came across a cafe.

The owner offered to drink juice from him. I shrugged it off saying I didn't have time. Then he said that there is the best church here. Okay, slow down. Why not have another juice? Pomegranate, of course. Here it cost less than in Goreme - 15 lire. Ordering the owner to make one, we climbed to look at the church. In fact, it was the best thing I've ever seen. The frescoes were almost like new. Only faces, traditionally, suffered. The Muslims seem to have tried. And maybe not Muslims.

I'm looking at these photos now and I have some interesting questions. But I don't dare to ask my father. For now.

Back to the tables.

The owner asked if we have one juice? Buy two for 25! Come on!

The cups here were smaller than in Goreme. “Those yesterday were very large, but five each. And today they are small, but three each "(c)

What a charm!

And we went to vomit further.

Don't ask me where we've been. I don't know myself. Time was pressing. I was afraid to miss the bus. Therefore, the pearl, like a tank, went where my female intuition told me. Vadka's male intuition, in the person of maps mi, suggested to him the exact opposite. He poked his finger furiously at the screen of the phone and argued that we need to go in the completely opposite direction. Otherwise, we will miss all the fun.

- Wow, it says "Cappadocia"!

What the fuck is Cappadocia? This region, as a whole, is called so. It consists of red, pink and other valleys. We seem to have gone through them. What beauties are you still missing? Now we have the most important task to arrive on time at the arrow (in the sense, to the open-air museum). Enough sights already. It is not yet a fact that we will have time.

The road seems to be somewhere nearby, but on the other side of the canyon! There we saw a parked minibus. How to get to him? Right or left? We went, as always, to the left. And, oh miracle! We met people. And even Russian speakers. I asked if it was their bass on the other side? Confirmed that they are. Urya! We are saved. You can go there!

On the way there was another sign to the next church, but we didn't turn there. We got out onto the asphalt road. The legs were already numb again. And before the museum - still, as before Kyiv, crustaceans. But already on the road. Maybe stop someone? Machines are rare, but come across. One of them I, daring, waved. The driver gave me a thumbs up. Not average, don't laugh! Big. What he meant I don't know, but he drove by. Well, to hell with you. We still have an hour and a half. We will have time to walk.

The road went along some regular gorge. Maybe this was the glorious valley of sabers. Although, now I am writing and looking at the map. Apparently, Vadik was right. Most likely, we did not see the valley of sabers. Apparently, we were walking along a road parallel to the Meskendir gorge. Damn, damn, damn! And what now, the third time to come here?

We came to the checkout. Apparently, they charged money for travel here. Or maybe for a pass. We were not slowed down, thank God!

There were vegetable gardens, vineyards and even a ranch.

A young dog became attached to us - an exact copy of the one with which we took pictures in the morning, but on a scale of 1:2. So funny.

She grabbed everything she came across along the way. She especially liked the masks. She ruffled them like Bobik a rag. I remembered that we had a piece of bread left, and offered it to her. She did not want! Baluvana! Maybe he eats gophers? On the way, I started to break their holes several times.

Together with the dog, turning off the road, we climbed some more caves. They are here at every turn.

Already not far from the museum, pipes were sticking out of the ground. Ancient or modern?

Interesting! She came up and made “UUU” into one of the pipes. I listened. I heard voices below. Vadik went to another pipe. In kind, from below came the Turkish speech! So, this is not a fascist bunker at all.

Later, already at home, Verkin's husband, who visited the tour, told us that there are many underground vegetable stores. Apparently, this was one of them.

Already not far from the museum there was a turn to another church. Well, a table with fresh juices. Fresh I can drink almost as much as beer. So I wanted more! But Vadik was already fed up with pomegranate, so he decided to take grapefruit. I said to press the juice for now, and we'll go see the church.

We looked, returned for juice. Here it also cost 15 lira, but I bargained, without difficulty, two for 25. However, there were very large glasses, with lids and straws.

At fifteen minutes to three, we finally arrived at the museum. There were several buses in the parking lot.

Suleiman assured us that our bus would be with a sign "Odeon tour" and only one. Indeed, there was only one. The other two were from other agencies. We were told that the guide's name would be Asas. Strange name.

I'm getting on the bus. I tell the driver the password: "Asas". Looks uncomprehending. I add: Hyde Asas. Same effect. I say: "Erciyes". And he told me: “Coral travel? ”. I nod. He waves for them to sit down. They sat down in empty seats. I mean free from different things left on the seats.

Another bus with a sign "Odeon" has arrived. I wondered if we sat there. I got out and walked over to the newly arrived bus. There history repeated itself. No one knew the name Asas. I ask: "Erciyes? " They say: "Antalya" and pointing towards the first bus. They say: "Erciyes". Reassured, I return to the first bus. And I see a familiar ski jacket on the next seat. This is the jacket of Slavik (one of our friends from the Kharkov group)! So we successfully entered.

People began to approach. While unfamiliar. I ask them what the name of their guide is. Nobody remembers. Finally, one remembered:

– What-what?

- Oh, no! Buryak! More precisely, Burak!

Here, damn it! And where is Asas?

Our acquaintances also came up, among them Verkinhusband. They were very surprised where we came from. Well, here we go! They, as expected, during the tour, were brought to all sorts of factories and factories. True, they also fed us lunch.

Finally, the guide Buryak came up. We stuck to him, but where is Asas? It turned out that not Asas, but Asab, which is more harmonious. And this bus goes purely to Kayseri, without subsequent arrival in Erciyes. They began to call Suleiman and the aforementioned Asab. After long negotiations, we were told that our bus would arrive later and they even told us its number. Damn, we were in a hurry! We would have had time to go around a couple of valleys!

The bus has left. And we sat on the parapet at the paid toilet. And the bus is still no and no!

The sky, which had been completely clear before, began to cloud over. A breeze blew. Uncomfortable!

Great pleasure

We've arrived here!

Get us out of here!

We will be very grateful! (c)

Already closer to five, "our" bus arrived. We were already freezing, so we immediately climbed into it and sat in the front seats, seemingly unoccupied. They waited a long time. But what can you see there, in this museum?

Finally, passengers began to pull up. One guy bulged his eyes at us:

- And these are our places!

- That's not a question! Show me where there are free ones.

- Ahhh. . . Duc, no, it seems, free! Who are you?

– We are left passengers.

I didn't go into details.

The guide came up. I told him that we are from Suleiman.

- Well, sit down!

- Where to? They say there are no places!

- How is it not? The bus has 38 seats and 35 passengers!

- All right, we'll sit on the handles.

I'm just joking.

Sit down somehow.

There were also a couple of familiar personalities on this bus. One of them sat next to me on the plane, and there was a trio who went shopping with us.

People began to ask the guide how long we should go? The guide said 2 hours. Everyone mumbled in displeasure. Then the guide said that, so be it, one hour! He, like, knows the shortcut. I muttered to myself. Joker!

The gallery was not at a loss and began to brighten up the journey by drinking. I was at a crossroads. In front, they asked not to detain the container, which was not enough. I already wanted to share mine. Vadik was sitting closer to the bow, so he did not observe this bacchanalia. They didn't bother me too much. I myself am often the same. But I already wanted to eat! Yes, do not eat, but already eat! Have time for dinner!

The bus, in fact, went through some, figuratively speaking, vegetable gardens. Not through Kayseri. Some small towns were passing by, not at all as elegant as Kayseri. Quite a Soviet-style view and with the appropriate roads. Just like I got home!

We drove to the gas station.

The driver and the guide went to have tea. We are sitting. And the sunset was great! Went out to take a picture. The sun, however, has already hidden behind a cloud.

Yes! Now I just realized how lucky we were with the weather! What if it rained yesterday and today? Or snow? Or the wind? Or all at once?

Yes, how much tea can you drive? We won't have time for dinner!

Finally, get drunk! The people, bloated, wanted to go out for a smoke, but they were driven back. God bless! Let's move on.

It was already snowing in Erciyes. We made it to dinner. Yura said that they weren't expecting us already!

Two girls from Kiev also came up. It turns out that they also decided to stay after the balloon flight, but without spending the night, just until the evening. Suleiman promised to tell them how to get to Erciyes on their own. But he didn't really explain anything. As a result, the girls, having arrived at the Goreme bus station, could not leave by regular bus to Kayseri, due to the lack of one. So, they don't go on weekends! But they were sold tickets for some kind of bus, like the one on which we returned, i. e. tourist. How it can be, I don't know. I was too overwhelmed with my own experiences to go into too much detail about others. But somehow.

They got to Kayseri and wanted to go to the Forum shopping center. The people they asked for directions twirled their fingers to their temples. What "Forum"? Weekend lockdown! And they also did not find a minibus to Erciyes. I had to take a taxi. We bargained for 150. I was already weakly thinking, but I asked how much money they had spent on the road? The girls figured it out and said it was about $30. Well, we are forty. One way. Not much more expensive either. And how much a Goreme-Erciyes taxi would have cost, it’s scary to think. So, I did everything right by agreeing with the guide. Reptile, he really is not a guide! But that's it. The profession obliges!

And Ira and Yura said that they signed up for a massage, but the masseuse was very late - she also could not leave Kayseri for Erciyes by public transport.

And in January, I was told, not only were the Turks not allowed to climb the mountain on weekends. The lifts didn't work at all! And everyone stupidly sat in hotels. Merry! Imagine how much they drank! If, of course, you guessed to take it.

We live like on a volcano. . . (piece #6) Scary. But not really >>>

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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