We live like on a volcano... (kusmanishche No. 4)

Live like on a volcano. . . >>>
We live like on a volcano. . . (piece #2) >>>
We live like on a volcano. . . (piece #3) >>>
We set the alarm clock at 4.15, but I woke up even earlier. Yes, what is it? Morpheus disliked me!
I left apples and tangerines stolen in the canteen, an eggplant of rum, a chocolate bar, a bottle of water and half-eaten sausage boutiques on the road. She brewed tea in a thermos. Enough. Such a backpack turned out to be not weak!
We went down to the hall. There we were waiting, ordered in the evening, lunch boxes. We have ordered. Neither us nor the girls Suleiman bothered to order them. By the way, it was not he who was supposed to accompany the tour, but his colleague Ruslan.
Exactly at the appointed time, Ruslan appeared. He called the names of the girls and turned to leave.
What about us? What about us?
- Who are you?
- And we should also go to Cappadocia with you!
And then a truly brilliant question was asked:
To be honest, if I were a more gentle creature, this phrase would have driven him into a stupor. I calmly answered through my teeth:
- Take a walk!
– Get on the bus.
Graciously deigned to command...
To hell with it. Let's get on the bus.
Our Mariupol friends from Ice were already sitting there. The bus display showed the temperature overboard - minus 4. Having said that in Kayseri we would call in a couple more hotels, Ruslan ordered “Everyone to sleep. ”
In the city, we drove up to the shabby-looking Emin Kosak Hotel, located on a no less shabby street. At least that's what it looked like to me in the dark. Last year, our acquaintances from Kiev were lucky enough to live here. I had to stand for a long time. Finally, a crowd with skis and boards poured out of the hotel doors. Oops! Is there something we don't know? There without skis in any way?
From the remarks of the newcomers, I guessed that they were allegedly promised that immediately after the flight on the balloon, they would be taken to Erciyes. And they made us wait because they were not given a bun.
Let's move on. Already the sky began to brighten in the east, when we drove up to the outskirts of Gö reme to the ball agency. Ruslan read out a list of people who were supposed to leave. Our friends are among them. But there were still people on the bus besides us. And something got stuck. The people began to get nervous that it was already dawn, but they were not dumbfounded yet. Having decided that it no longer makes sense for us to wait for the weather from the sea, we left. I said to Ruslan "Goodbye. " He didn't react at all. After checking the direction, we moved to the nearest observation deck.
A full moon hung over the horizon. The beauty is incredible!
Pre-dawn Goreme looked fantastic! It's great that we came with a guided tour. Initially, I intended to take public transport after breakfast. And when would we get here? And they would not have seen such beauty!
This is the moon above the minaret. It's a pity that it turned out blurry ; (((
We managed to get to the observation deck not from the first poke. Maps mi led to dead ends with passages closed to the bars. It was already dawn, and several balloons managed to rise into the air. Finally, after asking the hot tea merchant the direction to the "view point", we hacked out, got to the position. There were already a dozen onlookers hanging around here, like us. And rushed! Running from one edge of the site to the other, we took pictures, took pictures and took pictures again.
The sun has risen, right above Erciyes.
The opposite edge of the horizon, where Uchisar loomed, turned pink.
Well, actually, that's all. The magic is over. We need to refresh ourselves. Gutted one lunchbox. And what do we have here? A small multi-fruit juice and a huge bun with pieces of cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers. It was about zero outside, so a gull in a thermos was more appropriate than juice. Even the two of us could not cope with the bun.
There is no time to overeat, you need to move on the route. We saw some kind of path leading not to the city where we came from, but in the other direction. Follow her.
My plans were, first of all, to visit the valley of sabers and two pink valleys with access to Chaushin. But after walking some distance, I decided to check the map. Estimating that the east is where Erciyes is, I began to spin in place to bring the map downloaded on one site (rather conditional) into line with the cardinal points. This is true! We've been stomping, all this time, in the exact opposite direction!
Okay. Correcting. The direction we have chosen corresponds to route No. 3 - Love Valley-2 + Zemi Valley. At the end of the route, Uchisar Castle awaits us. Move on. Good thing it's frosty. Otherwise, there would be a mess under your feet now. We reached the stone on which the direction had been previously drawn. And now it's just scribbled.
I wanted to turn off already, but Vadik, poking his phone with a stupid map in my nose, insisted that we go further. Say, there, just 300 meters away there are caves. Well, let's go and see. Came across this.
I don't know if these are caves or someone's hacienda. Or we just didn't reach the goal. But I did not want to go further and we tried to go down to the valley. Yes, it was not here! I had to get out on the slope and look for a way there. It was already a completely different road and there was no pointing stone there. Went randomly. It seemed that we were over there, but the path was blocked by a narrow crack, which could be jumped over only at the risk of life. Do we need it? Found a bridge.
In general, we managed to see the valley of love-2 not from below, but from above. However, what's the difference? From here it was quite good to see the slides, reminiscent of various intimate parts of the body.
We've come to a fork. We are in the Zemi Valley.
At the entrance to it there were many prihvatized gardens with furious chain dogs of Caucasian nationality. It was a bit squishy, because if one of these beasts had broken the chain, we would have been in trouble. There were no hosts capable of driving away such a monster. Yes, and these Caucasians are bad, like traffic jams. And as healthy as bad. Nobody can stop them.
Accompanied by a bad bark, we moved deeper into the valley. Moreover, the roosters harnessed themselves, echoing the dogs.
The valley got narrower and narrower, and the gardens with the dogs ended. If before that we were very hot, then there was a shadow and a lot of snow. The jackets were buttoned back.
Do you see the profile?
The slides around were quite interesting. And white-white.
Map showed in some distance the presence of regular caves. Here she was in solidarity with the index. So we turned to look. Beauty!
I already felt tired. And until the end of the route - start and finish. We lay down on the sunny side of the canyon on dry grass. That's how it would lie. But you have to move. Also, you need to find a hotel. Ate a tangerine and a piece of chocolate. Go!
Again, turning off the route to see another something there, I didn’t want to go back. Maybe you can go to Uchisar for no reason? There he is, very close!
And from Uchisar, go by minibus to Goreme. Maps mi, of course, showed that everything is possible. But when they got closer, they found themselves in front of a cliff. And on the map, the path was interrupted and began on the other side. Happiness was close, it was about!
I had to go back and cross to another path leading to Goreme.
The earth, warmed by the bright sun, thawed out, and chugged underfoot. There was some whistling around, although there were no birds to be seen. Apparently, it was the gophers booing us from their holes.
Thank God, this path did not break anywhere and soon turned into paving stones, and after an hour we entered the outskirts of the town.
In the morning, going up to the observation deck, we managed to notice that Goreme is a solid hotel. In each, more or less suitable hole, they arranged housing for tourists. Being at home, I looked at a couple of acceptable options on booking. com. Andrey cgistalker praised the hotel where they stayed on their second trip - Coco Cave. In order not to bother with searches and choices, I decided to trust the experience of a professional. The hotel was on the map. I even saw him. But then he got lost among many others. So I had to resort to the old-fashioned way "Language will bring to Kyiv. " It was still early for us before Kyiv, so we asked oncoming and transverse directions to Coco Cave. I must say that many, if not all, knew English here. And some even Russian. Braking, once again, some people, began to torture their way. There were Russians. Today is their first day, so they don't know where they are yet. Then I asked:
– What hotel did you stay in?
- In such and such.
- How much does it cost?
- Yes, less than a hundred!
- Hundreds of what, lire?
- Well, yes!
Looking further. Finally, one Turkish guy decided that it was easier for us to show than to explain. He took us straight to the hotel. There was smoke like a yoke and furious sounds. We were met by the owner with his hands smeared in lime up to the elbow. Or maybe something else. I asked if he had any rooms available? And how! Asked if I want a cave or a regular number? Cave, of course! He showed us several caves to choose from. I asked, do they have such a hustle and bustle all the time? He said until 6 pm and from 9 am. Okay, we'll be on the run at this time. He invited us to the terrace. He offered me something to drink. Tea! Don't you have beer? No beer! I don't want tea. Let's get some water.
The owner preferred cashless cash in dollars. After giving him twenty and letting him take a picture of our passports, we went to our cell. Exotic! An idiot's dream came true!
But it was only 14.00 Having thrown off our backpack, which had become much prettier and did not think it would become easier after snacking, we decided to continue thrashing. We never saw Uchisar! Having learned from the owner where, nevertheless, you can get hold of beer, we moved to the bus station, hoping to take a minibus. For the sake of interest, I looked at the schedule of several companies. I did not find Kayseri there. Ankara, something else more distant. But no Kayseri! Hmm, but what about the schedule that I watched at home on the site?
There were two minibuses on the platform. I stuck my head in, it was to them, but a man came out in front of me, who asked what I wanted.
– I want to go to Uchisar.
- And now the buses run twice a day. And the next one will be at 5 o'clock.
- Whoops! And what time will he go back?
- Well, about 17.35. Maybe a taxi, the man asked with hope in his voice.
Let's go on foot. It was hot. Toes stuffed in hated sneakers. And, like, trekking! We met a guy in shorts and sandals. And I want it!
On this observation deck, we seem to have been on our last visit to Cappadocia. This is the valley of pigeons, it seems. Or maybe not on this one. There were several of them.
And the balloons took off again. A little, really, but still!
What do you think of this new trend? Instead of ribbons, they began to tie masks on trees!
I was terribly thirsty. But the water remained at home along with the backpack. And there is no water in the drinkers! Either it froze, or it dried up a long time ago.
How long, how short, did we crawl to Uchhisar.
The selfie cafe attracted attention. They wanted to take a picture of Vadik on a chariot, a la Macedonian, but the owner came out. I had to ask permission. He graciously allowed.
We talked. Asking where we are from, the owner said that he was also from Ukraine. We roared. He said he was serious. He had shops in Kyiv and somewhere else. I asked: "Skin? ". "Yes, " he wondered. Then he decided to ask what city we were from.
Kyiv, Zaporozhye, Donetsk?
Oh! No, I don't.
We explained that between Zaporozhye and Donetsk. Understood where. Asked:
Do you have problems there?
- Well, like, yes!
And then we thought to ask if he had beer? There is, he says. Come in. The waitress led us to the playground, where I immediately fell in love with such a cozy nest:
And Vadik sat down at the table. It was very pleasant to rest. Especially me. But something they are not in a hurry with beer! Another local company came. The waitress brought them tea. And they forgot about us. I showed her the clock. He did not understand, and gurgled something with the owner. And still didn't bring it. In short, let's go. Saying "sorry", we left.
We approached the castle, which was surrounded by a chain-link fence.
We climbed the lower caves and went back. From a conversation with the owner of a selfie cafe, I realized that there is no bus station here, and the bus needs to be caught at the bottom of the highway.
It wasn't even five before we got out of the city. The bus is coming soon. We went on foot. Went towards. One, then the second. I don't know, maybe the guy at the bus station deceived me so that I would go in his car. Or maybe not. In the direction of Uchisar, we did not notice a single minibus at that time.
It was still quite early. You can still walk and walk. Meet the sunset at the observation deck, for example. But I was so tired that I no longer wanted either sunsets or sunrises. I saw enough beauty to the eyeballs. I just wanted to drink beer and lie down at the lulu. We went to the store. And it's closed! Two more girls came up. Trampled. We went to the opposite side to the fast food seller. They returned to our side. I realized that they are ours. I asked why is it closed? Duc, they say, stores are open until 5, and already 5.20.
Aaaaaaaah! We didn't make it, we were late! Chief, it's all gone! And in general, alcohol is not sold on weekends! Strange logic though. But the store is purely alcoholic. Why then is it not covered with shutters at all? So, I did work today.
We trudged to the hotel.
Looks like we're the only guests here. The rest of the doors, as they were wide open, remained. They climbed into their cell. Not hot, however. At all. Degrees 15. And how to take a shower? Not the slightest desire! How can I imagine that you need to become barefoot on an ice stone! Brrr! Disposable shower slippers don't fit!
We warmed up tea, laid out a simple snack, drank a bottle of rum, washed it down with tea, ate boutiques and apples. We climbed under the covers and fell asleep without hind legs.
We live like on a volcano. . . (kusmanishe #5) >>>