Unexplored Turkey

An ancient legend says that in the days of the great Ottoman Empire, unfaithful wives were sent to a tiny uninhabited island in the Mediterranean Sea, all overgrown with wild plants, unexplored by anyone to this day. It was almost impossible to return from the island. However, those rare women who managed to swim to the "mainland" saved their lives and even forgave all sins... Now we can no longer verify the veracity of the legend, but it is quite possible to touch the historical secret and see with our own eyes the natural heritage of Turkey!
You can also discover the “other” Turkey, full of places of amazing beauty and grandeur, by visiting Cleopatra Island, the pearly grains of which still retain the spirit of past centuries. Scientists believe that the sand of the beach is not at all typical for the local area, but rather comparable to what covers the expanses of North Africa. . .
Football fans will certainly appreciate the opportunity to visit the legendary İ nö nü Stadium - the only stadium in the world, from the stands of which a stunning and breathtaking view of two continents at once opens up - Europe and Asia.
They will surprise you with their power and indescribable energy at the foot of the sacred Mount Ararat, where, according to the Bible, Noah's ark ran aground. And once you visit the temple of Asklepion, the world's first resort founded by the ancient Roman physician Galen, you will remember for a long time all the charm of the architectural style of the temple and be surprised at the number of ancient stories associated with this amazing place.
Of course, it is difficult to cover all the scales of the cultural heritage of Turkey! But contrary to popular belief about this sunny country as a place of passive recreation and an endless number of beaches, Turkey is also a ski resort where you can spend an unforgettable vacation. For example - in the middle of the snow-covered slopes of Mount Uludag, in ancient times known as the Mysian Olympus, from where the gods watched the course of the Trojan War. The ancient city of Troy, where the film of the same name was filmed, also delights with its beauty and uniqueness. But no less intriguing is a small and atypical for Turkish resorts town called Kas, whose streets are strewn with tiny white houses. Here you can always rent a yacht, and this place will be especially noteworthy for professional divers.
How much of the unknown is still ready to open to tourists and travelers this hot country, spread over four seas! Turkey is a picturesque fairy tale, where oriental flavor is adjacent to the European way of life, and rest can become truly impressive. . .