Turkey is a cheap holiday in every sense of the word.

14 July 2011 Travel time: with 01 June 2011 on 15 June 2011
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Our opinion about the hotel - it pulls a maximum of 3 stars! We traveled all over Europe, Scandinavia, visited many countries more than once, but we met such a bad hotel for the first time ...

We were supposed to be settled in a 2 + 1 room, but ...they gave us a double standard! Whereas the hotel has 2+1 rooms. I repeatedly approached the reception and talked about it, but in response I received divorced hands and "no seats" ...(Moreover, once they even told me: "We have minus 12 rooms for tomorrow ! ! ! " This is some absurd. ) The room next to ours was just 2 + 1 and it was free for two days, but they told me that "normal" people would be accommodated there! "Normal? " I protested. "My child is not normal? ", "Adults", corrected themselves at the reception. Appealing for help to the two Pegasus guides constantly working at the hotel also did not bring any result. “Well, what can we do, you see, they even have “minus” rooms ... ” - they repeated for the reception.

After repeated visits to the reception, I could not get an extra bed in our room. The administrator said something to someone on the radio and informed me: "the bed will be until 14:00", then: "in half an hour", then: "they will put it on immediately", but nothing has changed! Only when I was able to catch on the territory of the hotel the workers directly involved in room service, under my direct control, with great ordeals for about 40 minutes! ! ! we got a cot! How it happened: first they brought a cot, then after 15 minutes a mattress. As soon as the mattress was brought, the girl and the young man looked at each other and quickly began to cover him with a sheet. "What are you doing? " I protested. There was confusion on their face...The mattress was all covered with rust! And where did they get it from? "Remove it immediately and change it back to normal, " I said. Ten minutes later they brought a clean mattress.

Quickly, quickly began to put on a mattress pad. "What are you doing? " I almost screamed again. Another misunderstanding...There were two large bloody stains on the mattress topper. And they didn't notice them. . ! They were right in the middle! It was also changed, but what would have happened if I had not controlled everything?

In the evening, a couple from Yekaterinburg praised us! "You are so persistent! We were given an extra bed only on the third day! "

There are no shampoos in the rooms!

Cleaning, in my opinion, is not done at all, only beds are made and towels are occasionally changed, since the piece of paper lying on our floor did not change its position during the week.

In order for the hotel staff to understand that there are 3 people living in our room, I also had to go to the reception several times and ask for a third towel. Yes, we still got it, but when the towels were changed the next day, they took three, and hung up two! And again we go to reception ..!

There's fungus on the tiles in the bathroom!

Bath curtain - broken!

The bath is inaccurately covered with some kind of paint, apparently, and the seams are also inaccurately smeared with silicone!

With an extra bed, it is almost impossible to approach the closet with clothes. To the balcony door, where two chairs had to be put back to back - too.

Safe - $3.0 per day - pettiness. . ! By the way, it was non-working, it closed and that's it ...The staff were waiting for them. Turns out it was dead batteries.

The information about the 9th block was fully confirmed, because people just fled from there. According to them, it was simply impossible to be there, because people were suffocating from a musty smell and sewage.

By the way, we observe the dismantling of tourists from the reception regarding the rooms every day from morning to evening.

I witnessed the communication of tourists with the reception. The essence was as follows: vacationers - a mother with a child and a grandmother, were ordered a two-room family room, that is, in one room there is a double bed and a bed for a child, in another room there is another bed.

Of course, they were given a number in block 9 (the tourists were not from Russia, but they spoke Russian). It’s clear that you can’t live there, the receptionist answered the demand to change the number that they can change it, but since they meet halfway, then a little less! ! ! Namely 2+1! ! ! That is, a one-room suite with a double bed and a bed for a child! And who will sleep where?

There were cases when just two female girlfriends who went to rest together were settled in Double with one double bed, but they are not lesbians, but just girlfriends!

And it's all 5 stars? ? ?

By the way! The area of ​ ​ a double room with very great difficulty fits into the norms of a 5 * hotel: a room with a narrow corridor is only 16.7 m² , or, to be more precise, 15.1 m² , if you subtract the area of ​ ​ ​ ​ the built-in wardrobe.

2. Service personnel.

In the hotel, about 95% of vacationers are Russians! It is logical to assume that the servants should speak Russian and at least English ...No, this is a deep delusion!

Only Turkish! ! ! Yes, they know a few words: One, two, three (they can also count the number of fingers shown), also beer, vodka, tea, cola ...The word "cocktail" makes them stupor! We don't drink cocktails, but our comrades we met at the hotel wanted to try...I asked for a cocktail at the bar! They look at me stupidly, just stupidly and incomprehensibly and are silent. . ! I take the menu, show the line in it where the cocktail and its composition (gin, cola, lemon) are written ...They turn over the leaflet on the menu and show me the number 6 euros ...I turn back and show the very beginning of the menu with the inscription "all inclusive", then a cocktail. . Again the "stupid" facial expression...And so back and forth several times...I tried English and Russian - it doesn't help. Only when the manager came up and asked in English what the problem was, we explained everything to him, he did everything himself, and we parted...

After the sea came to the tea room and asked for tea. "Tea know, " they answered me. "How know?

", - I began to ask in both Russian and English ..."Know ... " and that's it. "I show him the clock and try to explain that he has to give people tea for another 40 minutes . . He shows me an empty teapot with tea leaves and repeats his own: "Know tea"! I told him in all languages: "So go and make a new tea leaves! " He is all his own: "Noy tea. " Of course, we spat and left ...This, you must understand, is not an isolated case, so all the time and everywhere on the territory of the hotel.

Issuance of towels for sun loungers: from 9:00! They came at 8:55 - they don’t give, they say in five minutes and point to the clock. Okay, you agree and come back in five minutes. Now they say: "In 20 minutes. " Now I'm pointing at my watch, at the announcement about the towels..."Know... " - an old familiar word!

During breakfast, lunch and dinner, dirty dishes are not removed from the tables. It will be removed only when you eat and leave. The crumbs will be brushed to the floor by hand, the tablecloth will be turned over to the other side, forks and knives will be thrown and everything is OK! The place is ready!

By the way, if someone more or less important is sitting at the table, for example, a family from England, the waiter can go for beer himself! At the same time, a clean glass is first rinsed, then wiped thoroughly! Because the cleanliness of the dishes leaves much to be desired! When choosing dishes, you always have to follow this! Dirty cups, forks, plates - the norm! By the way, at first there were problems with forks! There just wasn't enough of them!

The hotel has three water slides. According to the rules, a person must be on duty so that there is no accident with the children. But this does not happen (more precisely, the person was once in 15 days of rest for about 1-1.5 hours on the day when the hotel was checked). Therefore, children push, slide down slides of five or more people backwards, in front, on their stomachs, on their backs, on mattresses, circles, standing, etc.

, climb the hill towards those who are sliding down ...In addition, adult men and not thin women ride on children's slides, who, with their speed and body weight, can easily cripple a child.

3. The territory of the hotel.

The floor next to the pool, apparently, is not washed at all. Very dirty.

Toilets (public) are not cleaned during the day.

He himself witnessed how the servants entered the toilet, signed that the cleaning was done and left. The fact that all this is formal is evidenced by the fact that the machine with paper towels did not work in this toilet for two days. And nothing more than to wipe your hands! ! !

Vacationers who come to the pool, of course, drink water, beer, cola ...Where to put the cups? Everyone leaves them on the floor or on small tables. And they are collected once before dinner at 12 o'clock and once in the evening around 16.00 What does the servants do when collecting cups, if, for example, there is beer left in it?

You won't guess at all! Pours under the bed! ! ! Once again I repeat that the pool floor is not washed!

A separate topic is mattresses for sun loungers and the opening hours of the pool. In normal hotels, especially 5 *, the pool is open from early morning until 12 at night! But not here! Opening hours of the pool (respectively, and children's slides) from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. It is clear that people spend much more time by the pool, but what happens: 5 pm approaches and a mattress picker begins to walk between sunbathing and relaxing people. He collects them and carries them in heaps. And if you went for a swim, he can take your things and shift them to another place on a sunbed to pick up the mattress. Repeatedly I witnessed how he simply kicked women out of the sunbeds and they had to either leave or sit on a sunbed without a mattress. All the same happens on the beach by the sea, only an hour earlier - from 16.00!

4. Animation.

The Pegasus website says: Unobtrusive animation.

Daily sports activities. The animation team consists of 12 people. There are Russian-speaking animators.

It would be more correct to say that the animation is practically non-existent. Yes, and not 12, but only 6 people (we did not see more in 15 days), and even then, two of them never did anything at all.

Everything is the same every day and boring! And sometimes it (animation) is not at all!

In the morning, the animator sluggishly wanders past the sunbeds and says: "Come on, let's leave the darts. " Then: "Does anyone want to play water polo? ". Standard, under the conclusion of water aerobics. In the evening, stupid and sometimes vulgar jokes in front of the children, because after a half-hour children's disco they remain sitting in the amphitheater. Disco (children's), where children stop dancing after 3-4 times, as they are tired of monotony.

The daytime children's animator does not show any interest in children.

The names of the children of those whose parents paid $10.0 for this T-shirt or watch cartoons are written on T-shirts with colored paints...The paid T-shirts are then given to the children.

With me, the “chief” of these pseudo-animators came and scolded (more precisely, he shouted, then spoke loudly) our “chief animator”, citing other hotels as an example. Although all this happened in Turkish, the essence was clear, and that everything is very bad with this in our hotel, too.

5. Nutrition.

From fruits - only apples, oranges and unsweetened pink watermelons. For those who do not know: it's not about the season, but about the desire of the hotel to save money. They buy cheap government-owned watermelons, which are big, pink, and tasteless. But cheap! But private watermelons are red, sweet and small in size, but they are more expensive!

Children's menu! And he is not! More precisely, it is only for dinner, but not for everyone! What does it include? Nothing special! Macaroni, french fries! ! !

, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, as a rule ...

By mid-June, a small variety of baked goods appeared! Achievement!

6. Sea and beach.

The beach is dirty! On the ground all around are some sticks, rubbish (cups, wrappers, cigarette butts, paper, food leftovers) ...Scattered sunbeds ...But the beach has been awarded the "blue flag" ! ! !

The beach is pebbly! You can enter the sea, albeit with difficulty, but get out ...You need to have skill, especially if you have a child in your arms ...

How can a child swim in the sea? No way! Three meters from the shore, and me, a man with a height of 1.81 m, "up to the throat"!

Swim? Problematic! Since after several entries and exits you understand that it is better to enter the sea in slippers ...!

There is a pier on the beach, or rather it was, but with a slight wave of the sea it was practically washed away! There was a metal skeleton and scattered boards. The Turks tied two red ribbons and it's done! Nobody did it for several days until our departure.

The last few days before leaving, the sea was rough. It was dangerous to swim, because even adult men, when entering the sea, were thrown quite strongly and far away by the waves back to the shore. I remember from childhood that on our Black Sea, on every beach, there was always, apart from everything else, information about whether or not to swim. And capital letters! And there were always lifeguards on duty. But this is Turkey! What are the lifeguards? What are the precautions? With me, two young drunk boys of 22-25 years old, with the words “we didn’t think that we would die today ... ”, climbed into the sea. It's good that after five or ten futile attempts, they still didn't succeed. They were thrown back all the time. They tumbled, fell, climbed forward again and were again thrown back by the wave. And they would have drowned.

7. Pegasus guides.

You check in one day, and the guides meet with you only the next.

It is correct to assume that they should tell about the structure of the hotel and its work. Not! They say that you were given a piece of paper at the reception and everything is there. True, there is a description of paid and free hotel services. . ! Where everything is located and how it works - nothing is said about it, the guides should tell you, but they only offer excursions, although they themselves know very little about them!

We wrote a claim to Pegas Touristik. The guides Ekaterina and Elena, who are constantly working at the hotel, refused to accept our claim and sign our copy to receive it. Through them, we tried to talk on the phone with the company's office in Antalya with the department for working with tourists, but they refused to talk to us, while giving the guides clear instructions not to accept or sign anything, which violates the legislation of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, we insisted on sending the claim by fax to the company's office.

True, there was no reaction from the tour operator, of course. Who needs you when the money has already been paid?

Yes, maybe we are overly critical...People who are in Turkey for the first time and for the first time abroad say: "We like everything very much, everything is so good and inexpensive compared to our south... ". Our opinion is subjective. But all of the above is not unfounded, because many of our “remarks” have photos.

But anyway! Do not go to ASKA COSTA HOLIDAY CLUB. Don't spoil your vacation.

And in general, it’s better to add some money and go to Spain or Italy!

And in general about Turkey, in particular about the majority of the Turks, with whom tourists have to deal, there was a very unpleasant impression. They see you only as a wallet, they are only interested in money (although no, not only). Everywhere and always they strive to cheat on money, to deceive. You haven't bought anything yet, you just looked, and they're already calculating interest on you!

Most of whom I had to deal with, if you don’t buy anything or start bargaining, or you say that the same product is 2-3 times cheaper there (in fact it is) - they are just rude in the face, and once they said: “Exit there! ".

A boy from Chelyabinsk after such shopping (a standard hangar into which all tourists are brought during excursions) got drunk to the bone, out of frustration ...I bought all kinds of towels, bathrobes, fasting with my wife. linen, etc. for a large amount, and then I saw the same thing in a shop near the hotel 3-4 times cheaper.

I will not hide, and we got caught on it. The truth about icons. Bought in an icon shop near the Church of St. Nicholas. We were all very, very quickly, so as not to be able to look around, they took us from the bus to the store and closed all the doors.

Then they rubbed for a long time about the uniqueness of the icons, about the monks who do it all by hand, about the money that is then deducted to these monasteries, that these icons can only be bought here and nowhere else, etc. Therefore, bargaining is inappropriate. Well, we bought it. Well, you won’t think that you can lie with such things. All lies, pure business! Super profitable! We bought two icons for 200 dollars, in a shop nearby, not so presentable in appearance, they also lay for 200 tours. lira (i. e. 5900 rubles and 4000 rubles, respectively). Upon arrival in our Tmutorokan, we saw the same unique icons in a jewelry store worth approx. 200 bucks! After such things, the Turks just became disgusting to me.

Turkey is a cheap holiday in every sense of the word.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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