Bad service

Written: 6 july 2019
Travel time: 6 june — 6 july 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 4.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 4.0
We stayed at the hotel for 19 nights, a large company, booked from March, rooms with sea views, which is especially important for me, to watch every morning and evening the waves breaking on the shore, but they settled us in rooms with a view of the wall and the dome of the neighboring building, about 70% of the panorama is covered by such a picture, moreover, on a large scale, and only a small piece of the sea is visible far from the left in the corner. It was not possible to achieve a good room, no one apologized either, explaining that this is a panorama of the sea. What else I didn’t like, the beach, no service on the beach as usual, no one delivers ice cream, fruits, etc. , doesn’t collect garbage (I didn’t notice anyway), I didn’t find a locker room, I had to go wet to the room, there’s nowhere near the shower sit down to wipe the child, etc. , the tents (boars) are not located on the shore, but further, in the hotel itself, in many halls and the elevator, the air conditioner does not work, it feels like you are in a sauna. , in the room at check-in, judging by the promised photos, fruits and flowers were supposed to pick us up, neither of which was there. The playground is small and uninteresting. having extensive experience of staying at resort hotels in Turkey and other countries, I can say that the hotel does not reach the level that it claims to, we are disappointed, it's a shame that another 18 days will have to be spent in such a state of relaxation instead of the joy that we were preparing for before arrival.
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