nasty place

Written: 24 august 2017
Travel time: 13 — 15 august 2017
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 3.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 4.0
Amenities: 1.0
Hello everyone! ! I want to dissuade everyone from going to this underhotel. . . Firstly, I want to say that this hotel is a TROIKA, both according to all the documents and the fact of staying there !! ! why on earth Pegasus-tourist draws a 4 for him, it’s not clear ! ! Now, in detail about everything. We arrived in Turkey on August 14.2017 at 5:00 am, the road to the hotel took 2 hours (nothing wrong with that), as a result, we arrived at SEA STAR by 8:00. But as soon as we got off the Pegasus bus, I wanted to sob desperately. . . small, neglected green space.... some shabby cats, dirty broken swings. . . Our guide took us to this unpleasant building, and immediately a new shock awaited us: there is no reception there, as such.... dusty, littered with some old Russian detective stories and prehistoric magazines, with tattered, greasy pages, a table. . . armchairs propped up with bricks.... trash. . . somehow stained floors.... in general, chic)) the guide handed us over to the receptionist Orkhan, who took us to a restaurant (rather a dining room), and said that we were the first to check in. We (my husband and I) are in a state of disappointment, we decided to go to the sea in order to calm down a bit. The sea is beautiful. . . and nature is great! which is the only plus. Unfortunately temporary. . . because several ships sail in the evening, and tourists from them immediately find themselves on our beach and pier. We decided to go and arrange for early check-in. a night on the road - hard + strong stress from what he saw. We came to the reception - Orkhan was not there, turned to the manager's office, but, except for the receptionist, no one speaks Russian. . . therefore, with grief in half, we realized that we were asked to wait for Orkhan for about 10 minutes. We sat on an armchair and began to wait. . . the maids came into view. . . they decided to wash the floor. . . With us: the maid collected from the cooler, with drinking water FOR GUESTS, a bottle of water. . . and just poured it on the floor.... she wiped the table on which the previously mentioned correspondence lay with a wet (not even squeezed) rag, around all objects, without even moving it away.... My husband and I are just in a stupor. . . Orkhan came, they began to negotiate about the settlement (they gave him 10 dollars). . . he said that of all the rooms, only the one that provides for the obligatory safe service, costing $ 2 / day (payment must be made for all days of stay upon check-in), is free. . . we were not in a position to bargain or swear and agreed. . . in general, they did the procedure with payment, and took us to the room. . . Orkhan told us, then I quote: "We give you the best number, for the newlyweds! ". We dragged with a suitcase of 20 kg to the 5th floor. The room has broken-down furniture, torn curtains, dirty windows, a broken shower, shower doors simply do not work, there is no drain from the sink - water gushing under your feet, and the drain in the shower is an uncovered hole in the floor, exuding a terrible stench, a dirty mirror, black mold everywhere, a toilet bowl with a black coating (probably no one ever washed it), dirt was everywhere, there were 3 beds in the room, but they were single and multi-level. . . for a couple (the number is for newlyweds !! ), it was suggested that we ourselves just move them and sleep. . . the condo hangs right on the bed. . . but the "pearl" of this room, and of the whole hotel (as Orkhan put it), was the view from the balcony. . . when the employee decided to show it to us by opening the door to the balcony. . . she just LOST. . . well without hitting anyone. . . My husband, together with Orhan, put her in her place. We began to swear that we would be moved to another room, because. k. it's terrible, and you can't live like that. They told us it was impossible. The husband said that we would decide what to do next while we were staying. Orkhan left, but after 3 minutes he brought us a safe (let me remind you, a room with a mandatory service included, but there was no safe there initially... ) and asked to pay $ 20, warning that if something happened, the money would not be returned. We had a fight and he left with nothing. Came back 10 minutes later and offered us a better room. . . which is already weird. . . because we paid for the best room (FOR HONEYMOONS! ). . . He took us to a new room, asked to pay for the safe, the room was a little better (I'm attaching a photo), so we agreed. The view was on the wall))) We went to a restaurant, if you don’t find fault with dirty burnt tablecloths, then everything is tolerable)) the food is delicious and fresh)) there is a bartender, but one for 3 bars, the poor fellow ran from one to another. . . i. e. he really wasn’t anywhere. . . He does not know English at all, they explained in sign language. . Can't make cocktails. . . Well, this is actually nonsense. The territory of the hotel is littered, requires investment and cleaning!!! ! We spent 2 days in this hotel, wrote a complaint to Pegasus, after which the rude Pegasus tourist staff moved us to another normal hotel, I won’t name it. Separately, I want to focus on the work of Pegasus. This is not the first time in Turkey, I have always chosen this tour operator before. But everything is rosy only on the surface, just touch it - one rudeness, excuses, not a drop of interest in keeping the client, apparently they are not very worried about their image either. There are many claims to the Pegasus Tourist. . . you can't describe everything. but thanks for moving, by the way, without any additional payments. We will not contact you again, and we will tell all our acquaintances about your attitude towards customers and about lies about hotels.
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