I visited like in paradise, I write the continuation

Written: 15 may 2017
Travel time: 15 — 22 april 2017
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday; For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
When I left Sapphire
Questionnaire filled out
For everything I put you "five"
But at the reception you need to know Russian better
But since there are mostly Germans resting
That's why they don't know Russian
After all, we fly to rest, sunbathe, swim
Need to smile more often
And you don't have to stress too much.
And cling to the little things
And everything will be ok
I'll give you a hint:
4 beautiful glass elevators
That go without problems to and fro
L-1 press - you will not get to the reception
-2 - food restaurant
-3 - access to the sea
There is also food
In short, you will never go hungry.
Take a good mood with you
And you will be lucky
I am not 18 years old
Daughter gave a ticket and a ticket for her birthday
This is my first time in Turkey, and I flew myself
And, thank God, flew
And I didn't regret anything
Met, brought, and settled
And they invited me on a tour.
Special thanks to fellow countryman Sanzhak
And I send my regards to Menap
Although they did not know the language, they understood each other
Valentine from 601 rooms
Translated automatically from Russian. View original