What can I say about the rest - thanks to such a Hotel and Service, the rest was not a success.
We went to this hotel on a last-minute ticket for 600 USD for 7 days. Since the ticket was hot, we had to decide right away - so we bought it. The price is not bad. Well, then they began to read the reviews and slowly begin to see clearly. In general, there was nowhere to go and we flew.
We were met at the airport and we went to Mahmutlar. Travel time from Antalya to Mahmutlar was about 3 hours.
We arrived at the Klas Suite Hotel and we were immediately offered a room in building B. The guy immediately grabbed his suitcases, but I stopped him, asking him to look at the room first.
Climbing up to the 4th floor and seeing the number I received the sight.
It seems that the Gostrabeiters have just left from there. The stench in the room is terrible, some kind of socks, dampness, the room is dirty, smoky. Naturally, I refused this number, after which they gave me another one, a little cleaner but just as smelly. Since there was nothing to choose that day, for this night we stayed in this room, on the honest word of the manager Ali, that tomorrow they would give us a room in building A. And so it happened. the next day, at lunchtime, we moved to another room. The room turned out to be the same as the previous ones, only clean and it did not stink. But here there was another problem. We constantly had a (short circuit) socket in the bathroom, to which the hair dryer is connected. For all requests to fix this outlet, since it is located directly above the washbasin and God forbid a drop of water gets there, nothing can happen, all seven days We were constantly fed breakfast, until the moment when the outlet exploded and knocked out all the machines . Only after that, on the 5th day, an electrician deigned to come to our room and do something there. But as it turned out, the electrician's hands grow out of Zho... py, because instead of eliminating the short circuit in the outlet, he simply mined the knocked-out machine, and as a result, the outlet was short again and the hair dryer did not work. So we rested until the last day. And on the last evening, at 10 pm, we were packing our things, and suddenly the cutter blew again in the bathroom and the light in the room completely went out and it was not there until the morning. In short, it's a shock to me.
Further. For the whole week, our room was cleaned only once - on the 5th day, and then the towels were changed once in 7 days.
Regarding Manager Ali, Sergey, in the previous post unsubscribed clearly. The guy is cheerful, good-natured. Poured even after 23:00. But the rest of the frost is complete. For all requests to repair the outlet, I was culturally sent to the South. Sergey will not let you lie, since we rested with them.
Further, the water from the shower flowed in a tiny trickle and it was not possible to make it warm. Water flowed either hot or cold. Plumbing sucks. The time of taking a shower stretched up to 30 minutes, because due to the lack of pressure, the gel had to be washed off for a long time.
As for nutrition, there are no questions in principle. As for all 7 days there was no meat, sometimes they threw a chicken, once there was a fish. And mostly some soy fikalki and other crap. But we weren't hungry.
Regarding the Russians, Sergey also clearly wrote everything. It’s not for nothing that OUR RUSSIA came up with, or rather didn’t come up with, but copied the topic about TAGIL... This is a shock...
Another nuance about the waiters who work in the restaurant (with permission, it will be said so). It seems that they wash once a week. It's just awful. There is such a stench of sweat when they pass by that you don’t even want to eat.
Hotel guides from the anex are still those Akhtungi. The organization of the excursion (we went to Demre Mira Kekovo) simply leaves much to be desired. Departure from the hotel for the tour was announced at 5:00 am. And the Bus came for us at 3:15 at night. And no one warned anyone. This is tin. The tour itself was excellent, for which thanks to the Guide Erkan. By the way, oddly enough, we were not brought to any stores along the way. The tour itself took almost a day. We left at 3:30 am and arrived at 11:00 pm.
The beach is large in principle, but it was possible to enter the sea only at a 10-meter distance in width, since there were only stones further. The bar on the beach worked fine. Beer was poured diluted with water. There were no towels. Or were on 2 c. u.
Well, in general, what can I say Having rested in this place and in this hotel, I did not feel that I had a rest abroad.
In the Crimea, where we usually rest, the conditions are two heads higher.
Yes, and here I’ll post a couple of photos of the ill-fated outlet (((and our hotel with a beach. The photo is the main hotel. We lived 6 minutes walk from it.
My advice, if you are going to go here - look for a better hotel.

The furniture in the room is old and has a bad smell.
In the shower (if you can call it that) it's disgusting to wash.
Beach and restaurant 10 minutes by bus.
If you want to spend a lot of nerves you are in this hotel!