Badly! Very bad! I don't recommend it! This is my ninth time in Turkey and this is the worst hotel where I have stayed!

Written: 28 june 2024
Travel time: 12 — 21 june 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 5.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 2.0
Amenities: 4.0
Very bad food. During the 10 days of rest, we saw meat in the main restaurant 1-2 times in the form of cutlets. Mostly just chicken and turkey and then a couple of dishes. Fish a couple of times, but not tasty. Clear savings on food. No choice. Only side dishes. Even the desserts are not tasty. The snack bars on site also have a very boring selection of food. And everywhere there are lines for food, obviously hungry vacationers. ))
Bars have crazy queues for local alcohol. Imported only JB whiskey, which caused intestinal problems.
Wi-Fi is free only in the small lobby, where there is nowhere to sit. We paid for 10 days at $23 per device and it doesn’t work everywhere in the territory.
The rooms are clean - is that a plus? ? . But the minibar is a separate sadness. There is no beer, although it was stated that there was. In 10 days, the minibar was replenished 1 time.
Territory. Nice, clean. But it is small for three hotels that hang out on the same territory. Therefore, all sunbeds are already occupied at 9 am. By the sea, too, all the sunbeds are occupied.
I do not recommend going to this hotel! Moreover, it is not cheap!
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