Worst hotel I have ever stayed in

Written: 3 june 2021
Travel time: 20 — 27 may 2021
We were going to stay in this hotel with a guy - a resident of Turkey. I arrived earlier, had breakfast, looked around, then a guy arrived. The administrator for a Turk demanded an additional payment of about $200, although the hotel cost about $350 for two. cost surcharge can not, and that they extort money from us. When I asked the administrator what was the matter, he started yelling at me. The hotel guide from Anex Tour, who was supposed to help us, told us to decide everything ourselves and left the hotel altogether. In the end, they moved at their own expense. Compared to the new hotel, Concordia is a horror, what I managed to see in half a day. The food is no, not varied, not of high quality; the territory of the hotel is small; the queue to the bar is kilometer long; a lot of additional paid services. Definitely not five stars, maximum 3+
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