Quiet horror

Written: 18 july 2008
Travel time: 18 — 25 july 2008
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from 10
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I'll start over....
For me, this trip was the first time abroad... My son and I decided to go and relax, so to speak, "civilized"... Our tour operator was called "Coral Travel". Arriving in Antalya, we were really welcomed well, but. . . As soon as we arrived at the hotel, it started. . .
Firstly, we were settled for a long time for 3.5 hours, until I started swearing, at that moment a woman with a girl (my son’s same age) joined me, in the end they gave us a room (despite the fact that by the time of check-in the room was not has been removed!!!
Then we got to dinner, where a crowd of suffering people tried to shake (you can’t say otherwise), for a complete picture of the picture, it’s enough to recall the turbozies of the Black Sea coast in the year 85 that way.

About the contingent - this is a special conversation, mainly consisting of crests and Khokhlushkas, the latter were desperately trying to seduce the attendants with their "magnificent forms", by the way, with me they did it badly : )) !!!
About the poor boys - bartenders, waiters. . . They are all sick and tired, because they have to work 20 hours a day, or even more for a salary of 500 bucks.
Then the Russian crests show their "snout" drunkenness, swearing and whoredom - that's why such an attitude towards Russians, by the way, not only Turks, but also Germans, British, etc . .
The only thing I can say is that I have something to say THANKS for - I found my love there...
Otherwise, a beautiful marquise... Everything is "good", everything is "good"....
You decide. . .
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