Alanya - I didn't like it at all

Written: 8 april 2008
Travel time: 9 — 16 july 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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As for me, the hotel is just awful, the guides are still boors, and if they hear Russian speech, they avoid talking at all. The restaurant is the same horror with plastic tables and chairs, eternal queues, though they cook well, and the choice is normal. they themselves are very small, but this is still tolerable, we are not actually going to the room to rest, but the large drain near the hotel, which lasted all the way to the sea, made an "indelible impression". The pools are so chlorinated that it is very difficult to walk past them (but some even swim there , I didn’t risk it. ) In general, the rest was spoiled, and I concluded that if you really fly to Turkey, it’s better to Antalya, Kemer, etc. In general, it is easier to add 100-300 dollars. and fly to Egypt. I won’t even compare the service and hotels, the difference is so great.
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