It was great!!!!!!!!!!

Written: 28 august 2010
Travel time: 1 — 7 august 2010
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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If you are traveling with children to 3 *** for little money, then be kind enough to count on what is offered to you. Hotels such as Dolphin Palace, 2Fame Residence, Concorde, of course, will feed all hungry parents and their children. Beer costs $2, which is 60 rubles, in my opinion, tolerably. The staff is normal, if you don’t slander the guys in the face and don’t behave boorishly, which is not typical for most Russians, then you will be treated normally. The sea is clean, transparent, turtles, crabs swim (right near the shore).
People, be kinder!! ! You must understand that the money spent on a ticket to 3 *** justifies itself!!! !
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