Bad service in the rooms

Written: 6 july 2024
Travel time: 20 — 27 june 2024
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 1.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 8.0
Amenities: 5.0
They moved in on 20.06. 24 in number 2506
They did not provide bedding, there were no towels or soap. They told the administrator, they brought a bed without pillowcases. Soap and shampoo were not given. On the second day, when the bed was changed, towels were not put (and every day). They went to the administrator every time. They bought shampoo and soap at the store. The cleaner simply did not put them (soap and shampoo) and the administrator did not respond.
The food in the restaurant is excellent, the service is good.
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