The whole truth about Cheget

Written: 13 january 2010
Travel time: 3 — 9 january 2010
Dear friends, skiers, snowboarders and just tourists who want to see the beauty of the Elbrus region : ), do not make the mistake that we made this new year!
We are talking about boarding house Cheget!! ! If your health, nerves and your friends, relatives are dear to you, DO NOT BUY A TOUR TO THIS MIRACLE BOARDING HOUSE NAMED CHEGET!!!: )
Here's your proof:
1. check-in was on the 3rd, going into the apartments: a pungent smell from the toilet and shower!! ! The reason is the lack of any water throughout Cheget (according to the data, water has stopped flowing from the taps of the boarding house since December 30! )
We faced a problem not only to wash, but simply a toilet issue !!!
Until the morning of the 7th, we carried water from the basement (ski storage) in 5 liter goblets, before we had them, we bought our own water! Imagine how much water is needed for 4 people a day!
The mood was terrible!

2. There is NO ORGANIZATION regarding the transfer to Elbrus - it turns out that in order to get on the bus, you need to take a piece of paper from the administration with your full name and the cost of the tour!! ! There is no announcement of such an action ANYWHERE!! ! Even a small one!! ! We happened to be walking by and saw. . .
3. Skipass - at the box office skipass - 1200 rubles. And there is valuable info that you can buy from the administrator for 820r !! ! The announcement of such a discount is in the right corner, be careful, it is sooo small!!!
When buying from the administrator, he WILL NOT SAY YOU THAT YOU NEED TO ACTIVATE IT! Do not even hope for such mercy!
And when you stand in line for the lift in line for Elbrus for about three hours or for 40-50 minutes for Cheget, do not be surprised that something is wrong with your ski pass)!
4. Elbrus lifts - there are only 2 cabins that are lifted to the first stage! For mystical reasons, the new lifts have been blown up))) Right before the season))) it's amazing, isn't it? ))) And here we are standing in a huge queue at 3 o'clock, and this is not the chapel yet !! ! Local residents open the right door - it is intended for their own earnings, and there they also go to the tractor in the first place - the cost of one lift is 500 rubles! But it's not so simple, there are guys standing there and watching your ski pass for the second one)))
2 children fell ill with us : ( they just caught a cold from the terrible cold and there was no water... both cold and hot.
Parents packed up and left this place. . .
6. Doctor:
passing by the administration overheard a conversation:
-Good afternoon, we really need a doctor, the girl fell and broke her head, she is bleeding
- Sorry, the doctor will be after three!
- How? do something!! ! The blood is coming!
- What number are you from?
- We are from Terskol, we came here to ride.
- Ah, then call yourself where you live and call!
Great answer, right? What a disregard for people!
7. Avalanches:
When the lifts were opened on Elbrus, the weather was fine, everyone rushed to ride the same day).
The avalanche came down not big, but right on the track!! ! 5 people were covered with snow... Fortunately, everything worked out! It was not big and everyone was quickly pulled out from under the snow)

DO NOT THINK that the rescuers did it))) Those who were nearby did it, leaving their skis and boards, helping others !!!
Friends, be careful if you go to the republic, where one beast and grabbers!! ! They only earn on us and do not want to make us comfortable!!!
Yes, beauty requires sacrifice. . . but not like that!! ! Believe! !
Translated automatically from Russian. View original