Verbilki 3*– Reviews

Rating 3.010
based on
4 reviews
Holiday home "Verbilki" is located on the banks of the Dubna River in a pine forest. The landscaped territory of the holiday home covering an area of ​​6 hectares is decorated with flower beds with park sculptures, a fountain, numerous shrubs, organically blended into the natural landscape. The decoration of the territory is a pond with snow-white swans and wild ducks.More →
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 1.0
We tried to relax here with a girl on February 23-25. We booked a room in the Teremok cottage for 4500 rubles / day, upon arriving at the place we were "pleasantly" surprised by a couple with a dog living in our half of the cottage, having lunch with beer and fish on the ground floor. "It's okay, you can also be on the first floor, " the administrator kindly commented on their presence. … More ▾ We tried to relax here with a girl on February 23-25. We booked a room in the Teremok cottage for 4500 rubles / day, upon arriving at the place we were "pleasantly" surprised by a couple with a dog living in our half of the cottage, having lunch with beer and fish on the ground floor. "It's okay, you can also be on the first floor, " the administrator kindly commented on their presence. They gave it up in favor of a hotel room. After familiarization with 2 rooms, we settled on the least smoky one. There is no light in the corridor, the room is oak to the bone, one of the glasses is broken in the window overlooking the fence, there is nothing in the bathroom except toilet paper. In the evening, nothing works on the territory, except for a sauna with a bath with the same New Year's prices for them. According to the administrator, last weekend there were 60 people, but for some reason this 4, so you say be patient and after 2 hours the heaters will do their job . In the morning, of course, we caught a cold and quickly dumped from there, since the direction is rich in choice. Bottom line: I liked only the sauna and the horses. Not a foot here, an uninhabitable scoop with exorbitant prices for it.
Review from —
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 1.0
This is the worst holiday home I've ever seen, and I saw them hoo. The staff puts everything on top, it seems that they don’t need anything at all, they don’t fulfill their duties, they forget about everything, they are rude... It's a pity that such an advantageous place under such dibilistic bosses. … More ▾ This is the worst holiday home I've ever seen, and I saw them hoo. The staff puts everything on top, it seems that they don’t need anything at all, they don’t fulfill their duties, they forget about everything, they are rude...
It's a pity that such an advantageous place under such dibilistic bosses. Everything is very bad with them, !! ! I DO NOT ADVISE!!! , think a hundred times before going there.
Although if you want to feel what "rest in Russian" means, welcome to you!
Review from —
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 1.0
I don't recommend this place to anyone! The only good thing about this place is the nature. I'll start from the beginning: it's terribly cold in the room, they have problems with hot water, so the battery is slightly warm! The beds are creaky, the slightest movement creaks! The chairs are falling apart, the holes in the wallpaper are covered with stickers of butterflies, the refrigerator rumbles! And I don't even want to take a shower! The food is generally ok. … More ▾ I don't recommend this place to anyone!
The only good thing about this place is the nature.
I'll start from the beginning: it's terribly cold in the room, they have problems with hot water, so the battery is slightly warm! The beds are creaky, the slightest movement creaks! The chairs are falling apart, the holes in the wallpaper are covered with stickers of butterflies, the refrigerator rumbles! And I don't even want to take a shower! The food is generally ok.
We went there because of the horses, ice rink and snowmobiles. In the morning we went to the skating rink and saw that it was littered with snow, went to the administrator, but after 3 hours this issue had not been resolved, we asked again, after an hour everything remained the same! and we were forced to clear the skating rink ourselves with shovels !! ! They did not have snowmobiles and clubs, as described in the price list! We asked about the sled, we were told that the snow is knee-deep, so we simply won’t get to the hill, respectively, the sled was also canceled! We signed up for sleigh rides a day in advance, arrived at the appointed time and found no one! Then we again turned to the administrator, and we were offered to wait a few more hours!! ! Everyone there doesn’t care, in connection with which there is practically nothing to do !! ! In general, leaving there turned out to be a great happiness!
Review from —
 •  traveled 17 years ago
Rating 9.0
We rested at Christmas at the Verbilka Rest House. We just got into the bitter cold. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the employees who, night and day, solved all problematic issues with heating, hot water. Also thanks to the music team, we haven't had so much fun in a long time. I don’t know to whom they did a favor during communication, but if the administrators work around the clock, this already says a lot. … More ▾ We rested at Christmas at the Verbilka Rest House. We just got into the bitter cold. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the employees who, night and day, solved all problematic issues with heating, hot water. Also thanks to the music team, we haven't had so much fun in a long time. I don’t know to whom they did a favor during communication, but if the administrators work around the clock, this already says a lot. And the cooks who cook in such portions that it is difficult to get up from the table.
Review from —

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Дом отдыха «Вербилки» расположен на берегу реки Дубны в сосновом лесу. Благоустроенная территория дома отдыха занимающая площадь в 6 гектаров украшена цветочными клумбами с парковыми скульптурам, фонтаном, многочисленными кустарниками, органично вписаны в природный ландшафт. Украшением территории является пруд с белоснежными лебедями и дикими утками.

Location 85 километров от МКАД.
In a hotel

Ресторан (до 80 мест), кафе «Пилот», коктейль-бар «Флибустьер», детская игровая комната с воспитателем, детский городок, библиотека, компьютерный класс (интернет, сетевые игры), зимний сад, комната отдыха, массажный кабинет, солярий, косметический кабинет, парикмахерская, салон красоты. Лодочная станция, оборудованные беседки для приготовления шашлыка (прокат шампуров, продажа угля, приготовление мяса на заказ). Медицинский пункт, русский бильярд, настольный теннис, финская сауна (на 8 человек) и русская баня с бассейном 4X5 метров (на 6 человек), игровые автоматы, караоке, грунтовый теннисный корт, площадки для волейбола и бадминтона, круглогодичная рыбалка (прокат удочек). Конноспортивная база: обучение верховой езде на корде, конкур, прогулки по территории и лесу, катание в санях зимой и на кабриолете летом. Прокат спортивного инвентаря (ракетки, мячи, ролики, велосипеды, самокаты). Экскурсионное обслуживание: музей Вербилковского фарфорного завода, Троице-Сергиева Лавра, Святой источник «Гремячий».

Description of rooms

Номера однокомнатные и двухкомнатные. Коттеджи.

In the rooms

Одноэтажное здание:
2-х местные стандартные номера: душ, туалет, видео-двойка, холодильник.
2-х местные улучшенные номера: душевая кабина, туалет, видео-двойка, холодильник, двуспальная кровать или две полутороспальные кровати.
2-х местные 2-х комнатные семейные номера: душ, туалет, видео-двойка, холодильник, двуспальная кровать, мягкая мебель.
4-х местные 2-х комнатные номера: душ, туалет, видео-двойка, холодильник.

Коттеджи стандарт (в каждом коттедже два номера с отдельным входом):
5-ти местные 3-х комнатные номера: две 2-х местные комнаты, одна 1-но местная комната, душ, туалет, видео-двойка, холодильник, застекленная веранда.

Коттедж люкс № 9 (один коттедж на 12 основных мест имеет два отдельных входа):
2-х местные стандартные номера: душ, туалет, видео-двойка, DVD-проигрыватель, холодильник, двуспальная кровать.
4-х местные 2-х комнатные номера: душ, туалет, видео-двойка, DVD-проигрыватель, холодильник, две двуспальные кровати.

Коттедж «Теремок»:
2-х местный стандартный номер: душ, туалет, ТВ с приставкой для DVD, холодильник, двуспальная кровать, выход на открытый балкон.
2-х местный 2-х комнатный номер: душ, туалет, ТВ с приставкой для DVD, холодильник, две полутороспальные кровати, гостиная с мягкой мебелью, выход на открытый балкон.

The address 41930, Московская обл., Талдомский район, п. Вербилки, дом отдыха «Вербилки».
Website: Verbilki