Tishkovo 2*– Reviews

Rating 7.510
based on
4 reviews
Sanatorium "Tishkovo" is located in an ecologically clean forest park with coniferous and deciduous trees, surrounded by a reservoir of the Pestovsky reservoir. The sanatorium occupies an area of ​​more than 72 hectares. Sanatorium all year round. The main medical profile is diseases of the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary system of a non-turbeculous nature, nervous system, diabetes mellitus. An additional medical profile is occupational diseases.More →
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 3.0
Everything there is bad and the rooms: cold windows do not close, old furniture, smelly rugs, terrible broken showers, wobbly toilets. Dirty unclean area. There are cockroaches in the dining room on the first floor, because there are tables with rags from the former Cherkizon. The food is bad, it is impossible to eat it, the Tajiks serve, who are not dressed in uniform, without a headdress. … More ▾ Everything there is bad and the rooms: cold windows do not close, old furniture, smelly rugs, terrible broken showers, wobbly toilets. Dirty unclean area. There are cockroaches in the dining room on the first floor, because there are tables with rags from the former Cherkizon. The food is bad, it is impossible to eat it, the Tajiks serve, who are not dressed in uniform, without a headdress. As for the procedures, everyone is more or less friendly. Yes, and another bus where only such was found, it looks like the one that takes you on your last journey to a permanent place of residence. Immediately the mood will deteriorate at the Medvedkovo metro station. Entertainment: dancing, film: Anna Karenina was shown twice. Excursions are paid. Positive: very beautiful nature, even very, there is a place to walk, if it is cleaned, clean air. There is no protection of the territory and building, only one at the gate, and then not always. In the evening and at night, the lighting is a little weak - they save money, which means it’s scary to walk away from the building. Vacationers came only to building 3, and then it was not fully occupied, apparently people already know or read the Internet before coming here, they don’t strive, there were those who came, turned around and left. There is the same building 2 but it was closed, I heard that it was even worse, but at the weekend I saw a dozen athletes who also did not stay there. It is outrageous that there is no security guard in the building, only one administrator is on duty, but as far as I know, the entire first floor is occupied by bedridden patients, in any case, at that time, in the summer, I don’t know, they were in wheelchairs and old people with chopsticks. Why is there no security. I wish the new owner of this sanatorium, and one who appeared recently, bring everything into perfect condition and then with everything positive that is in the sanatorium: beautiful nature, fresh air, good, pleasant doctors, a beautiful large territory. Then there will be a lot of people who want to come, they will run and have something to do. And they won't have to read bad reviews about your resort. I wish you and all your employees health, happiness, success and new beginnings.
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
no! It's just cool! I went for the 2nd time, I will go again and again !! ! … More ▾ no! It's just cool! I went for the 2nd time, I will go again and again !! !
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 15 years ago
Rating 9.0
I bought a ticket to "Tishkovo" to treat my children (then they were 4 years old, 8 months old, twins), my children have grade 3 adenoids. We lived in block 1 + 2 in building No. 3.5th floor. The room was clean, the beds were neatly made, the carpet was clean. I was satisfied. Of course, the furniture is old, but in fair condition. … More ▾ I bought a ticket to "Tishkovo" to treat my children (then they were 4 years old, 8 months old, twins), my children have grade 3 adenoids. We lived in block 1 + 2 in building No. 3.5th floor. The room was clean, the beds were neatly made, the carpet was clean. I was satisfied. Of course, the furniture is old, but in fair condition. The staff is polite, helpful, the maid cleaned daily, took out the trash and wiped the dust, such a clever girl. The food was tasty and varied, pastries, fruits, milk, tea, coffee, etc. The treatment was excellent, we were given massages, phototherapy, inhalations, a galakamer (salt mine) and, of course, fresh air. The air there is clear and clean. I fell in love with this place, I really want to go there again. Treatment helped my children, my daughter began to breathe through her nose, now doctors do not insist on surgery to remove adenoids. After 14 days in Tishkovo, we didn’t get sick at all for a year. We will go there again as soon as possible. A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE STAFF AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE SANATORIUM FOR THE GREAT REST AND TREATMENT!! !
Review from — vOtpusk.ru
 •  traveled 21 year ago
Rating 9.0
I have been going there for four years in a row to rest and work, everything is super! The food is excellent, the treatment too, the specialists work! I advise everyone to go to Tishkovo, there are also enough events there, excursions, equestrian sports, clean air and a sea of ​ ​ ​ ​ … More ▾ I have been going there for four years in a row to rest and work, everything is super! The food is excellent, the treatment too, the specialists work! I advise everyone to go to Tishkovo, there are also enough events there, excursions, equestrian sports, clean air and a sea of ​ ​ ​ ​ positive emotions!
Review from — vOtpusk.ru

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Санаторий «Тишково» расположен в экологически чистом лесопарке с хвойными и лиственными породами деревьев, окружен водоемом Пестовского водохранилища. Санаторий занимает площадь более 72 га. Санаторий круглогодичного действия.
Основной медицинский профиль – заболевания сердечно-сосудистой системы, системы кровообращения, опорно-двигательного аппарата, бронхолегочной системы нетурбекулезного характера, нервной системы, сахарный диабет. Дополнительный лечебный профиль – профзаболевания.

Location 47 км от Москвы.
In a hotel

Столовая в отдельно стоящем корпусе, бювет с минеральной водой, фитобар, пункт проката, клуб, бар, бильярд, настольный теннис, спортивные залы, собственная конноспортивная база, сауна с мини-бассейном, детские игровые площадки, волейбольная площадка, баскетбольная площадка, площадка для тенниса, футбольное поле (с естественным покрытием), настольный теннис, библиотека, кинозал, бильярд, клуб, охраняемая автостоянка, оборудованная площадка под шашлыки, естественный водоем с проточной водой - залив Пестовского водохранилища, пляж, лодочная станция, зимняя и летняя рыбалка, в зимнее время ледяные горки, лыжи, ледянки, каток.
Лечебная база: имеются три естественных природных лечебных фактора: источник минеральной воды - маломинерализованная сульфатная магниево-кальциево-натриевая, по своим свойствам близка к минеральным источникам Железноводска; грязи – сапропель месторождения озера Долгое Дмитровского района Московской области (бальнеологическая ценность обусловлена высокими тепловыми свойствами и наличием большого количества органических веществ) и сульфидная соленая иловая грязь (единственная в мире по составу и лечебным свойствам аналогичная грязи Мертвого моря). Голубая природная глина, добываемая в Оренбургской области, содержит спектр минеральных солей и микроэлементов. Физиолечение (гальванизация, электрофорез, СМТ - терапия, токи Бернара, УВЧ - терапия, Д’Арсонвализация, ультразвуковая терапия, магнитотерапия, лазеротерапия, электросон, лечение аппаратом ДУФ), лечебная минеральная вода, бальнеотерапия (подводный душ массаж, лечебные души - Шарко, дождевой, циркулярный, восходящий; ванны с ароматической солью (хвоя, мята, пихта, шалфей, лаванда, розмарин и др.), морские ванны, жемчужные ванны с бромными хлоридно-натриевыми рассолами, четырех камерные ванны, вибромассажные ванны, пантовые ванны, скипидарные ванны, фитотерапия, грязелечение (сапропель, сульфидно-иловая грязь), аромотерапия, рефлексотерапия, галокамера, электро- и светолечение, лечение голубой глиной гомеопатия, парафино-озокеритолечение, диетотерапия, лазеротерапия, магнитотерпия, лечебный массаж (ручной, японская кушетка - механический, пневмолимфомассаж), ингаляторий, аэротерапия, солярий, ЛФК, кислородный коктейль, стоматологический кабинет (без протезирования).

Description of rooms

Два 6-ти этажных корпуса, общая вместимость на 460 человек:
1-но, 2-х местные номера с удобствами на блок (2+1), (2+2). 2-х местные 1-но комнатные номера «полулюкс». 2-х местные 2-х комнатные номера «люкс».

In the rooms

1-но, 2-х местные с удобствами на блок: ТВ в каждом номере.
2-х местный 1-но комнатный «полулюкс»: туалет, душ, ТВ, холодильник.
2-х местный 2-х комнатный «люкс»: туалет, душ, гостиная с телевизором, холодильник, мягкая мебель, спальня с двуспальной кроватью, чайник, посуда, утюг.

The address 141232, Московская обл., Пушкинский район, село «Тишково», СКО ЛПУ «Тишково».