Teleportation from winter Moscow to the tropics (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University "Apothecary Garden")

It so happened that these New Year holidays were spent in Moscow. We are lazy, and the most active pastime for us is walking somewhere. Once this "somewhere" fell on the "Apothecary Garden". To my shame, we have never been there, although we have gathered several times: either there is no time, or the route is inconvenient, then the next time... And then I read about the VII winter festival "Tropical Winter", which presents "the rarest tropical orchids of the most unexpected forms and sizes” (http://www. hortus. ru/).
The Apothecary Garden is a small piece of nature among skyscrapers. The first association I had was that, like in a cartoon, oaks-sorcerers surrounded the hero and were about to grab him. Of course, during the flowering-greening period, the surrounding houses are not so visible, and the garden itself looks more colorful. But now, too, nothing))) Everything is well-groomed, neat.
There are such compositions, apparently there was an exhibition-competition on floristry or something like that
And you can also find this
T. k. that day it was oh-very cold, the "sculpture" looked pretty ominous)))
When we got to the place where the “coniferous plants of central Russia” are presented, my paws completely froze and I didn’t want to take them out of my mittens at all. Therefore, there is no photo, now I regret it, the place is very pretty - different Christmas trees, firs, thujas, and all this is powdered with snow.
“Paws, paws, don’t freeze. Legs, legs, walk merrily... "- this is from the kindergarten repertoire of our children))) So the legs reached the exhibition of Japanese bonsai "The World in a Clay Bowl". From Wikipedia: Bonsai (Japanese? ? - literally "grown in a tray") - the art of growing accurate copies of the real one D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F">dwarf ) tree in miniature. Very beautiful and interesting, especially when you start to think about the age of these mini-trees - 40.50, 70 years old! It seems that this exhibition has now closed.
Warm up, you can run to the palm greenhouse. Here they are - the tropics!
I stayed the longest at the "flower bed" with predator plants,
everyone tried to see the victim inside.
Actually, it's great that there is such a place. The most important thing is warmth))). Not everyone is lucky enough to visit a real tropical forest. And here, although not real, but still giving an idea: dense vegetation, humidity, everything is played up with lighting, and even the birds sing, from the speakers, of course.
On the second floor there is an exhibition of succulents, cacti in the common people. And for some reason it is noticeably cooler here, and the longer you stay here, the more you regret that you left your outerwear in the wardrobe. I didn’t even suspect that such a variety of cacti, cacti and cacti. Prickly and fluffy, round and not very. Only there were very few blooming ones, not the season, probably...
Such exhibitions and expositions are good in winter. The brightness, contrast, unusualness of what is seen are especially enhanced against the background of frost or slush, snowstorms or rains. At least a little and not for long, but you can imagine that you have been to some warm country - teleportation from winter Moscow to the tropics.
And as a small recommendation: as with many viewing events, it’s better to go early so as not to push your butts while creating photographic masterpieces)))))