Written: 31 august 2009
Travel time: 28 — 30 august 2009
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 1.0
Service: 2.0
Cleanliness: 1.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 9.0
I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the quality and interior of the Tatarstan Hotel! I recently visited them on the weekend.... booked a 5-bed room. Me and my girlfriends are wealthy girls who were settled in KLOPOVNIK!!!! ! At least they killed a cockroach..... it's just a NIGHTMARE and not a number !!! ! they are not ashamed of themselves! Hotel?? ? -No!!! ! Hostel - YES!!! ! I often visit Kazan.... they don't go to them anymore.... they should be ashamed that you keep such numbers!!! ! The faucet is leaking. . . the cracks in the windows with a finger! What the hell is on the floor!!!! ! Furniture?? ? Where?? ? What's with the chipped boards?? ? as if they are stealing towels from customers?? ? Why are they different! And the security?? ? What a HOME!!! ! They just let us in!!!! ! I'm actually pissed!!!!!!!!! ! A shame!!!!! !
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