Little winter scene

The proposal to establish the border between Europe and Asia along the Ural mountain range, stretching for more than 2000 km from North to South, belongs to Vasily Tatishchev, sent to the Urals by Peter I, although this proposal was published by a captured Swede who served with Tatishchev. Prior to this, the border was drawn in different places much to the west.
Once, about 3.5 billion years ago, on the site of the Ural Mountains, a rupture of the earth's crust occurred with the formation of a vast expanse of water - an ancient sea splashed here, judging by the deposits, not very deep. About 300-400 million years ago, in the Devonian period, compression of lithospheric plates took place with the formation of a mountain range, later, about 30 million years ago, there was another compression, their consequences were preserved in the form of the Ural mountain range (ancient Riphean and Hyperborean mountains), to currently heavily damaged. Marine deposits of 300-400 million years ago came to the surface, for example, in the form of shell rock of the Shunut rocks. Shunut (Shunut-stone) - the top of the Konovalovsky ridge with a height of 726 meters above sea level.
The trip to Shunut took one day, the weather was supposed to be not cold - they expected 8-10 degrees with a minus, but it turned out -24! However, the spring did not freeze on the way, only ice butterflies sat on the stones and frost covered the branches of the trees. From walking uphill, we quickly warmed up, although the smartphone in my pocket squealed plaintively that the temperature was too low for it - let him sleep, rest, there is no network here anyway.
It turned out to be lively at the foot of the cliff - on that day, lovers of climbing mountains on four wheels gathered there, naturally, the cars were modified accordingly, wheels with wide-profile tires were out of competition, which made it possible to climb onto the platform under the rocks through the gate formed by the remnant rocks. But you can climb the rocks themselves only with your four limbs on one side, on the other side - several tens of meters of a sheer stone cliff. The wind turned out to be moderate, we managed to break away from noisy motorists and settle down with a fire between the rocks. Rejoiced at the views that opened up, it was still dark and set off on the way back.