The next day, the "hellish breakfast" began. Ekaterina invited our group to the dining room, we went in, expecting that at least something was already covered, but we saw bare empty tables - they JUST STARTED cooking!! ! For an hour and a half, we were brought out one plate at a time, and those who were “lucky” to eat first waited another 1.5 hours for the rest - it was especially a pity for the hungry children. We endured this picture in silence, not wanting to spoil our vacation with showdowns from the very beginning. Not everyone had the patience to wait for tea. So noon came, and without realizing what it was, we dispersed on excursions, as if we had learned that there would be no evening banquet in this cafe. We didn’t order a tour from Catherine, as we reported in advance.
This was where our “misadventures” should have ended, but, two numbers from our team (which are 4 adults and a child), leaving, handed over the keys to the hostess, and returning, they found that she had left, taking them with her. To phone calls in a boorish form she replied that “waited 4 hours, wait 4 more !!!! . And in general, you have your own program, we have our own, fuck me with these keys, ”and so on and so forth. As a result, when we wanted to resolve the issue with the help of the police, she nevertheless showed up. that we did not order a banquet and a tour from her. And the girls with a child from these rooms waited for her for 5 hours in wet clothes, because they got caught in the rain in the mountains.
On the second day, we didn’t even try to order breakfast, we went to another cafe. Asking for the calculation for the first breakfast, it turned out that everyone ate “not one portion, but two, and some even three, and they won’t count us according to the complex, and counted for an amount twice the amount that we had to give. It was useless to argue with her, otherwise she simply would not have let our bus out of the hotel yard.
In general, whoever is interested in getting a lot of problems during their holidays and paying twice as much for it than was stated, welcome to the Snow Queen!