We arrived at the hotel quite early - at 8 am. From the bus we only three and settled. As written in previous reviews, the bracelets were put on immediately, and the keys to the rooms were given.
Tour operator Pegasturistic We arrived at the hotel at 13.15. Waited 45 minutes to check in. Another 15 minutes the clerk at the reception silently extorted money. We were settled in a Russian village, but we met all the conditions that we set.
Still, the pros are many, more))) Hotel. Quite decent, especially impressed by the white bed linen, towels, and especially tablecloths and napkins in the evening restaurant Aqua Piper.
Arrival TurTess operator. We arrived at the airport at 8 pm, it was already dark. Visas were taken from Sinai. In the migration card you write SINAI ONLY and you immediately drive to the border guards, you tell him the Sinai stamp, pliz.