During a holiday in Spanish Salou, we took advantage of the opportunity offered by the tour operator to go to a dwarf European state - the Principality of Andorra. The cost of the trip (departure at 6 am, return to the hotel by 6 pm) at Pegasus is 27 euros.
In addition to the review "Israel is EASY! " -photo Jaffa.
The idea of a trip to Israel that had been ripening for several years became a reality somewhat unexpectedly: I accidentally got on promotional tickets in Aerosvit: $ 434 for two in both directions with all fees - it’s like it’s free, how can you resist?
In a nutshell:... good, but not enough : -) If “the way you celebrate the new year is the way you will spend it, ” then a great trip from the Accord Tour guarantees me a successful 2010.