What to see in Rouen?

5 attractions And 6 reviews

Top Attractions of Rouen

№1 inRouen
House and garden of Claude Monet in Giverny
Rating 9.0
Museums, Story
№2 inRouen
Rouen astronomical clock
Rating 8.0
Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
№3 inRouen
Museum of Fine Arts
Rating 8.0
Museums, architecture
№4 inRouen
Rouen Cathedral
Rating 8.0
Story, architecture, religion
№5 inRouen
Church of Saint Joan of Arc
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture, religion
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Museum of Fine Arts
Opened in 1809, this museum occupies one of the first places in France in terms of the richness of the collection of different eras (from the 16th century to the 20th century). Located in the very center...
 •  1 year ago
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