What to see in Shkoder?

5 attractions And 5 reviews

Top Attractions of Shkoder

Valbona Park
Rating 10.0
Leisure, Nature
Lead Mosque in Shkodër
Rating 10.0
Story, architecture, religion
Fortress Rozafa
Rating 9.0
Story, architecture
Mes bridge
Rating 9.0
Leisure, Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
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Mes bridge
On a cool day, we decided to arrange a bike ride around the neighborhood. We also passed this bridge. The view from the bridge is beautiful on the river. Suitable for walking or cycling. Now, as I understand...
 •  8 years ago
Valbona Park
We were in this park in winter. To be honest, I really didn't want to go. The road is long (about 6 hours), and even winter. But my husband persuaded me. Then he joked for a long time "you didn't want...
 •  8 years ago
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