Ah, carnival-carnival, or Maslenitsa in Maltese

17 March 2020 Travel time: with 22 February 2020 on 25 February 2020
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When buying tickets to Malta, we didn't even imagine that there was a carnival in Malta. In general, we knew little about Malta)). You can read more about how this story turned out in general and about the organizational and everyday issues of the Maltese outing, you can read in the story _blank">"Maltese weekend. About life and transport (without history and sights)”.

The trip was scheduled for the February holidays, everything was planned back in August-September. And only by the end of December, information went through the tourist portals that a traditional carnival will be held in Malta from February 21 to February 25. Oops! But we didn't know.

At first, we were even a little scared, they say, people, tourists, Chinese, inflated prices. . . But in practice, it seemed to work out fine: it seemed that it was not customary to raise prices for events (like ours, for example). There were tourists, but more locals. The Chinese, for obvious reasons, were no longer there.

The tradition of carnivals dates back to pre-Christian times. Gradually, the whole thing turned into crazy and unrestrained festivities before the start of Lent. Eh, walk so walk! It is assumed that the word "carnival" has Italian roots and means "meat goodbye. " Yes, yes, this is the same our own Maslenitsa, which was inherited by the Eastern Slavs from the pagans. Each country has its own traditions and carnival rituals. But the basis is the same: to be different, often the opposite of oneself. You can say, try on someone else's skin. For someone to become a rich man, for someone a bright seductress, someone transforms into a daring prankster, although in life he is quiet. Masks and costumes will hide the true faces... Often, under someone else's guise, criminal acts were also committed. And in the harsh Middle Ages, during the carnival, all sorts of different liberties and “ugliness” were allowed in relations between the opposite sexes. Not so that they were allowed, rather the moment of impunity was used with lack of evidence : )).

Okay, so be it, I will disgrace the whole world with my "bandaged" cord for mobile phone, could not help boasting about what kind of gentleman she grabbed for herself

In the modern world, carnival is, of course, no longer medieval "ugliness". This is a colorful, often well-directed show. The Maltese carnival is not an event as large-scale and promoted as the Venetian or Brazilian. It is quite simple, kind of homely, kind and, it seemed, madly loved by the locals, in fact, like all national holidays in all countries of the world.

At Malta Travel Portal we found the carnival week schedule of events, well, for general representation. There, by the way, you can find out about various other Maltese events a year ahead.

For five days the Maltese lived according to the same scenario: children carnival in the morning. . .

. . . in the afternoon, general fun and parade of platforms. . .

She also moves : )

. . . ending with paid events in St. George's Square. And in the evening, someone will bring it somewhere)

All kinds of little princes and princesses flocked to Valletta from the very morning:

During the four days spent in Malta, we did not see a single undressed child. Older guys most often went to kigurumi:

Who doesn't know, these are such fashionable overalls for modern teenagers in the form of different cartoon characters. My offspring also have these, but they are used exclusively for home consumption, although it must be borne in mind, maybe for what carnival it will fit))

And on the day of our arrival - Saturday - we got to an organized children's parade. Apparently, this is how we used to send delegations from schools on May 1 : )). Only it's prettier here.

Such an observation: Maltese and Maltese, for the most part, the girls are chubby, such cute little ones. And when a slender girl suddenly met among the costumed ladies, the thought immediately arose, they say, no, this is an imported copy : ). In no case do I want to offend anyone, I myself have not been included in the category of thin people for a long time. It's me, on the contrary, to draw, so to speak, attention to the full beauty of a woman : ).

I don’t know if the locals had fun every day or somehow in turn, or every other day...

But we were already fed up with the carnival on the fourth day, although we hung out there in a hurry, between visits to places of interest.

Carnival is beautiful, but also difficult. Sometimes, while no one is looking, fatigue seeped into the faces of the participants.

But it is worth noting the camera - again a radiant smile overshadows everything around. Work. . .

More photos in my album.

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Ладно, так и быть, опозорюсь на весь мир своим
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