28 June 2014 Travel time: with 13 June 2014 on 16 June 2014
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And again I greet you, dear travelers! This time I will tell you how my wife and I went to Riga for the first time in the summer (we rested there from 13.06. 14 to 16.06. 14). Before that, we had already been 3 times in this wonderful city, but all our trips there fell out during the cold season: either in December-January, or in November. This time we had the opportunity to go there in June due to a rather long series of days off. I want to warn you right away that you are unlikely to find a lot of useful information in this opus (but there is quite a lot of it in my previous reports about Riga, especially in the first two), and I am writing it in order to simply share my impressions of the trip with those who it is interesting.


As usual, I immediately warn potential readers that the report will not be written in book-newspaper language, there will be a lot of jargon, including those invented by myself, but it seems to be intuitively understandable.

Well, if something is not clear, ask, I will translate it into book and newspaper, I’m not in scrap. For ease of perception, the report is divided into paragraphs, each of which is titled, so that each reader can read what he is interested in and skip what is of no interest to him. One more detail that everyone certainly knows, but which for some reason some sometimes forget about: reading this report, especially from beginning to end, is your right, but not an obligation. You can stop reading the report at any time, or you can not start reading it at all - no sanctions (something this word often flashes in the media recently : D ) on this occasion, the legislation of Russia (as well as other countries) sort of like not provided. Well, for those readers who have not yet closed this page, I suggest finally moving on to reading the report itself.


Since the visas issued to us by the bulls (of course, not in the agricultural and not in the economic sense, but in the national sense) in August last year were still valid, there was no question of any turaga (not to be confused with a prison) - only an independent trip! The Garden Palace 4 * hotel, where we rested in November last year, we booked at Booking from June 12 to 15 back in February, since it was possible to cancel the reservation at least 2 days before arrival (by the way, in our practice this was the first case, when we stayed at a hotel for the second time), but we decided not to rush with plane tickets - they decided to take them closer to the point, otherwise xs, what kind of weather would it be, and if the weather for the trip was predicted very much crappy, we would have canceled the trip. The weather forecast, of course, is also not entirely accurate, but it's still better than nothing.

By the way, round-trip tickets for two in February cost somewhere around a quarter, but they could not only rise in price, but also fall in price - that's how lucky. But closer to the point, it nevertheless became clear that we were not very lucky: the prices for tickets for aviasales gradually increased from 35 to 70 kilorubles for two round trips. True, relatively cheap tickets were periodically thrown away, but they were either with transfers or at an inconvenient time (evening flight there and morning flight back). And then we came up with the idea to postpone the trip a bit, taking one day off for Monday on account of the vacation. From June 13 to June 16, tickets were already much cheaper (however, when rebooking a rooming house for these dates, the price rose from 216 to 230 Jews), and we took tickets for only 28.883 rubles for a morning flight there and an evening flight back without any problems. Yes, Saira flew together with Aerobaltik and UTair.


As always, I took out medical insurance in a few minutes on the Rosgosstrakh website online, paid for it with a credit card and printed out the resulting file. Yes, and not one "Rosgosstrakh", apparently, offers such a service, so you can probably choose some other company if you wish. Search was just scrap.

Check-in at the airport for Saira's flight Moscow - Riga did not begin 3 hours before, as is usually the case, but as much as 4 hours! However, if online check-in is available, then why not take advantage of this opportunity, allowing yourself to sleep an extra hour, or even an hour and a half, and not be bored at the airport while waiting for your flight? And on Saira's website, you can register as early as 30 hours before departure, which we did, calmly choosing the places we liked and printing boarding passes.

And given that it’s not only us who probably register in this way, it’s interesting how many empty seats are left for those who registered at the airport. Apparently, such lucky ones were waiting for either scattered places (if they did not fly alone), or located in the outhouse, or both at once.

On the way back, however, there were some problems with online registration, but more on that later.

So, day 1, Friday, 13.06. fourteen

We flew out of Vnuchka (we returned there), there were no flight delays, so we flew without any problems, and arrived there even before the scheduled time by almost half an hour. We flew in a Boeing 737 equipped with monitors that popped out of the ceiling and displayed the aircraft's path, speed, temperature overboard, current time and estimated time of arrival. Cool little thing.

We were also pleased that we entered the plane through the “sleeve”, and did not go to it on a bus through the entire airfield.


There were only, in my opinion, 3 border guards at the pass control, so I did the right thing by speeding up my step in time. However, even with this in mind, I had to stand for a chirp and a half minutes. The border guard, as usual, asked us about the purpose and duration of the visit, asked what hotel we would stay in, and, having received answers, stamped our passports and opened the gates to the European Union for us.


As you know, from 01.01. 14 Latvia abandoned its lats and switched to Jews (hereinafter, all prices will be indicated in this currency, unless otherwise specified), so the situation is somewhat simplified.

You can, of course, go there with rubles, but the exchange rate in Riga is rather unfavorable: during our stay there, the local currency was bought at 46 rubles per unit, and sold for as much as 51 kopecks! So it's better to go there immediately with Jews or credit cards. As for the dollar, just call me, somehow I did not pay attention to its rate. By the way, almost everywhere prices are still indicated in both currencies, but lats are no longer taken anywhere (unless they can still be exchanged in banks, probably). This is done, according to sellers, in order to make it easier for the local population to get used to the new currency and not to strain every time, converting prices from one currency to another.


From the airport to the rooming house we got on the 22nd bus (the trip takes about 30 minutes if there are no traffic jams). When we approached the stop, the bus was already standing there, and we had a question on what to save on: time or money.

As a result, we decided to save on time by buying tickets from the carrier, because in the bastard we had to wait for the next bus driver. So I had to pay the driver for tickets for 1.20 from the nose, while in the machine standing at the bus stop they could be bought exactly 2 times cheaper. The same 60 cents is a ticket for a troll or a tram. By the way, trem there are old and new models. In the old ones, apparently, you can also buy a ticket from the car driver, but in the new one it doesn’t work, so these trams have the same ones as at stops, selling tickets for one trip for the same 60 kopecks (and, of course, the same, for a larger number of trips, but we did not need such tickets, so we did not consider them). The only difference is that the trams sell white paper tickets, which do not need to be presented to the validator.

But tickets purchased from vending machines at stops (or at NARVESEN kiosks) are made from foil covered with paper impregnated with some kind of plastic substance. They also have a blue letter “e” painted on them, similar to the icon of an Internet explorer, and now they already need to be “validated” at the entrance to the salon, otherwise bad uncles, which will be discussed in the next section, can spoil the mood.


Such control is carried out there quite cunningly. I remember we were going to the zoo on a tram, having previously taken tickets in the same tram. At some point, I saw a garbage truck with a "chandelier" turned on, next to which our tram was passing.

Suddenly the tram stops, a shobla comes out of the car (those who wish can mentally add an unprintable word that rhymes with this word) in the form of garbage (or maybe it was garbage from a special unit) and is evenly distributed over all the doors of the car so that the hares, seeing her, could not give a fight. Then the doors opened, each controller checked "their area", then they went out. I don’t know what they do with the hares, because there didn’t seem to be any with us. Rather, one old woman was driving there, who, apparently, did not have a travel dock, but the counter, hearing about it from her, only condescendingly waved his hand: after all, they also provide free travel for pensioners there. All this check, I must say, went very quickly and did not take, in my opinion, even 3 minutes.

On one of the bus timetables, we saw the information that the fine for ticketless travel is up to 5 lats, but this information is probably outdated.

Well, at least because the amount in lats is indicated. And in all European countries, the fines for this are much higher.


I have already written about this rooming house in detail in my report “Birthday in Riga”, so I see no point in repeating myself. True, this time we were less fortunate with the check-in: we had to walk until 2 pm, because it was from that time that the check-in was provided, and our room, according to the employee, was not yet ready. And we arrived there, I must say, somewhere around 9. They also had to fill out registration forms. So, mine was already filled out, it remains only to put a signature, but I had to fill out my wife's form myself. And the room that we booked was of the TWIN type (others, as indicated on Booking, for some reason were not available). However, the bunkhouse clerk asked us what kind of beds we need a room with, with two singles or one double, we, of course, chose the second, and our choice was satisfied.

Well, in the anthropological one you can see drawings and statues of people of different races who lived in different eras. There is, it turns out, even such a race - the Chukchi Negro!

Such pleasure costs 2.13 from the nose.

Because after visiting the museum, there was still a lot of time before settling in a rooming house, we decided to take a ride on a boat, which cost us 30 for two. Such a boat is designed for about 12 snouts. There were fewer people in “our” boat, so there was quite enough room for maneuver to take pictures. Such an excursion begins with the “understudy” of the Daugava, in road terms. This is such a small stink river, passing under various bridges. It flows in a recess, so you can’t take a lot of pictures from there. But when the boat is taxiing to the Daugava, the views are already quite pretty and quite decent cameras.

Most of the ship, however, is covered with glass, which noticeably worsens the quality of the photos, but you can also go to an open area - if you wish (well, and a place, of course). Then the boat again turns off the Daugava to its "understudy" and returns to its "harbour". This walk lasts about an hour. A few minutes before the end of the walk, the captain places his cap on the table in front of the passengers and explains that it is for tips. By the way, there are, in my opinion, 3 such boats, if not more. Well, if you wish, you can ride not only on a boat, but also on a boat.


I already wrote about this chain of self-service restaurants in my previous reports, so I won’t describe it too much. Let me just remind you that the food there is quite tasty and cheap, and in some branches (at least in the one located in Old Riga, and in the LIDO entertainment center, on the Daugava embankment - Krasta street, 76) there is a wonderful beer U ?

avas - both dark and light. It has risen in price, however, slightly compared to November 2013 (even taking into account the transition to a new currency): a half-liter mug now costs 2.20, and a liter - 3.80. Well, as for the types of beer available in all (I think) Lido branches, these are honey (2.05 per 0.5 l), special (with a hint of caramel) and some other (both 1.95 per 0.5 l). I saw there and U? avas in bottles, but I didn’t look at the price. They took there, in addition to beer, croutons for it (0.85), a large plate of all sorts of pickled salads that you need to pick up yourself (4.10), three pieces of salmon at 1.85 each, a portion of pork kebab (3.30) and pork ribs (4.95), as well as a portion of ketchup (0.4).

In general, having dined in this restaurant, we went to check into our hotel and finally received room key cards. By the way, at the same time, the clock was no longer 14 hours, but far beyond 15.

Of those who were born in the era of the not very late Sovka, I think everyone at least once visited a pioneer camp.

This fate did not bypass me either, and I spent as many as 2 shifts in a row there, and the second turned out to be worse than the first. After that, I made it clear to my parents that the topic of camps was closed to me. Forever and ever. And you know what annoyed me the most? Quiet time! I had to lie down and pretend to be asleep. Some kind of Chinese torture! No, if I were older, I would have come up with some way out, but since my age was then still expressed in a single digit (and even then not the maximum), I had to obey the internal routine. By the way, I still can't sleep during the day. If sober. However, that day the situation was a little different: lack of sleep due to an early flight, combined with drunk beer, made itself felt, and as a result, we slept for about 4 to 9 pm. However, it could hardly be called a big loss of time, because the weather was cloudy, and at times it even got dirty from the sky. Well, after the rest, we went to ...


I have written about this medieval-style restaurant, lit almost entirely by candles, in my previous reports, but since then there have been some changes. For example, the menu has thinned considerably and prices have risen. And there was a different range of beer before. Now, among the varieties of draft beer, there is only honey light (delicious), ginger red (very tasty) and some other light (so-so) - all at 3.50 per 0.5 liter. They took a svinrulka for 19 with "kopecks", which, as it was written on the menu, at one time two or even three riders could get enough of. And this infa turned out to be true, because for us the third “horseman” would not be superfluous.

As a result, dinner with beer cost us forty dollars and a penny.

Day 2, Saturday, 14.06. fourteen

In restaurants (incl.

on the Lido network) there is usually free Wi-Fi access, however, the signal strength may vary depending on the location in the restaurant, as well as the number of users connected at one time or another to this network. Somewhere Wi-Fi is very fast, somewhere, on the contrary, slow, but in general, I would say that you can use it. There was Wi-Fi in our rooming house, however, it worked only near the reception, as well as in the restaurant where breakfast was served. So we decided that day during breakfast to get acquainted with the hourly weather forecast, which showed that partly cloudy weather is expected until about 15 o'clock, and then it will start to spoil from the sky. Therefore, we decided immediately after breakfast to go to the local zoo.

The zoo is located somewhere on the outskirts of Riga, so it will take about half an hour to go there from the center. Tram No. 11 goes there from the station square, where it has the final one. You will have to drive almost the entire route, because.

the zoo is at the penultimate stop. Entrance to the zoo for adults costs a shestak, for children, students and pensioners - 4.00, and various discounts are offered for groups. The zoo, by the way, is quite good, there are quite a lot of living creatures, it’s a pity that there are no elephants and rhinoceruses there. But there are about 35 pink flamingos (by the way, for reference: this word is not inclined), peacocks (in the ornithological sense, not in the brewing sense), all sorts of herons, cranes, storks, ostriches, crows (with an emphasis on any “o ”), wolves, both gray and red (the latter like to run around the cage along a certain route), lynx (sorry, snitched), lioness (sleeping in the sun, turning her belly to the visitors and scoring on them), tiger (sitting at the back walls of the aviary and was poorly visible, but then he seemed to start walking around the aviary, but all along the same back wall), manul (ducked), serval (it was not possible to see well, because

at first he had nothing to do (I hope everyone knows what a cat does when he has nothing to do), and then he just fell asleep), a brown bear (ducked into a cement pipe and slept, so it was really hard to see), his white relative (one of the decent animals that allowed you to see yourself in all its glory), rhesus monkeys, lemurs, 5 giraffe specimens (they were also well seen), tapirs, some pigs, a long-haired donkey, llamas, two-humped camels, a hippopotamus with a hippopotamus ( or just 2 hippos, if you like), as well as various goats of varying degrees of hornhorn. There was also a pavilion with reptiles (I remind you that these include snakes, lizards, turtles and crocodiles), frogs, as well as all sorts of ants, spiders, cockroaches. We were pleased with the meerkats in the aviary - very cool animals. One of the visitors handed them her umbrella, and they immediately ran to him to see what kind of miracle it was.

We didn't go there by bus. I will also add that the Wi-Fi signal in this center is quite strong, but not everywhere. It is strong on the very first floor in the area of ​ ​ that bar next to the dance floor (there, by the way, U? avas beer is sold only at that bar), but in other places it can be weaker.


If this branch of Lido were just one big restaurant, it would hardly be called an entertainment center. But next to it there are also several attractions: a chain carousel, a race track and something else. There is also a shooting range where you can shoot plastic balls from an air gun at plastic targets a little larger than a cylindrical glass. Such pleasure costs 2.20 for 21 shots. In case of defeat of all targets, a prize is given (I suppose, some kind of plush toy), which, alas, I did not get, because.

I shot down only 16 targets (and 2 of them with one shot): it took several shots to shoot, and a couple of liters of Uzhavas already drunk is unlikely to add skill to someone in sniper business.

Day 3, Sunday, 15.06. fourteen


The weather on that day was promised by the local hydrometeor to be sunny (albeit cooler - only 13 - 16 ° C), so we decided to go to Jurmala. By the way, we were already there at the end of 2009, but - firstly, it was in winter, when the city seems to be extinct, and secondly, then we reached the “Dzintari” station, and this is not the very center. This time we passed another stop and reached the Maiori station. Train tickets (I already wrote about the peculiarities of local trains in my first report about Riga) for two back and forth cost us 5.46. Summer Yurka (by the way, “j? ra” in Latvian is simply the sea), as expected, turned out to be much busier than winter.

We walked along the local arbat - Jomas iela (iela = street), where there are all sorts of chicken coops with amber products, knitted clothes, glasses, figurines and other products made in Latvia, then went to ...


In my very first report about Riga, I wrote about the winter Riga seaside, where a chilly wind blew, from which we specifically froze (but then what a thrill it was to drink mulled wine in one of the local restaurants! ). This time the breeze was also blowing quite strong and cool, but we warmed up quite well beforehand. The sea there, let's say, is not very attractive. Well, at least compared to the Mediterranean: although in size it quite pulls on the sea, in color it looks more like a big, big puddle. The reason here is the pronounced flatness of the coast in combination with the sandy bottom.

The child runs inside this ball, like a squirrel in a wheel, while trying to keep his balance, but he falls all the time. However, judging by the expressions of children's faces, they had such entertainment for fun. And there are a lot of cats in the local Lido, which I want to dedicate the next chapter to.

There are not very many cats on the streets of Riga, which cannot be said about Jurmala. In the same Lido, we counted either 3 or 4 individuals. They calmly walk between the tables there and sit next to some of them, letting visitors know that they are not averse to sharing a meal with them. And, judging by the complexion of cats, visitors quite often understand such hints and indulge them. The poor pussies didn’t get anything from us, because they don’t drink beer, and we still didn’t feel like eating. We also saw a cool scene where a cat jumped onto a bench and lay down to sunbathe next to a man sitting on it. Some tourists, incl.

and we hurried to take a picture of him (a cat, of course, not a man). But most of the cats (as many as 13 individuals) I counted to the two-cabin toilet! The reason, as it turned out, was that the employee of this toilet fed them dry cat food. By the way…


I have already written a lot about toilets in Riga, so now I will write about those in Jurmala. Toilets there are usually structures, like what was mentioned in the previous section: a house consisting of two booths, between which an aunt sits in the window, collecting fees. Entrance to such an institution costs 25 - 30 "kopecks". Well, if for some reason you pay in a bastard, then you should keep in mind that the role of the network of free toilets "McDonald's" in Latvia (including in Yurka) is performed by the "Lido" network. In Yurka, however, there is an okhrashkin standing nearby and, you see, he makes sure that only clients go there, but can you keep track of everyone?

The toilets, by the way, are quite cultured there, although far from chic. Well, on the beach there are blue-stinky cabins, many of which are not locked.


Summer houses in Jurmala may be a success, but not very big, judging by the fact that medium-sized mansions stand next to dilapidated shacks. Such is the contrast. To be honest, it’s not entirely clear to me why buying property next to such an unattractive beach.


Since the choice of beer at the Lido was not very good, we decided to dine at the first restaurant that came across, where there is a dark U? Avas at a reasonable price. Pretty soon we found a Majorenhoff restaurant, where this beer cost 2.90 per 0.5 liter. A little expensive, of course, compared to those Lido branches where this variety is sold, but for other restaurants, this price is quite democratic.

Since we had not yet worked up a wolfish appetite, I decided to limit myself to a tuna salad (of course, in an ichthyological sense, not a geographical one), and my wife - a French fishermen's stew called bouillabaisse. I remember that in August 2013 such a stew was served in one restaurant on the coast of Marseille, but it cost as much as 53 for one person, and was served at least for two! That is, you would have to pay as much as 106 for it! I have already expressed my opinion on this matter in my report “Spain and beyond – from Tarragona to San Remo…”, if anyone is interested. In Yurka, such a soup pot was much cheaper. I don’t know how much it has in common with real bouillabaisse, but the soup soup turned out to be quite tasty. But the tuna salad turned out to be seasoned with olive oil alone, without mayonnaise.

By the way, we took a taxi “home” on Saturday evening. Only on Saturday we got tweeted for it, and on Sunday - only 3.50! We told the “Sunday” taxi driver about the incident on Saturday, and he told us that everything seems to depend on which company owns the taxi. However, I think that in the Saturday case, a banal scam took place: the taxi driver called a chirp (maybe a ride), I did not look at the meter, because I was in a rather relaxed, indifferent state, and the chirp did not represent an exorbitant amount for me. Here it is! Although, if I faced a choice, immediately get into a taxi for a chirp or wait at least 5 minutes for a taxi for 3.50, I would definitely choose the first option. Well, I don't like waiting.

Day 4, Monday, 16.06. fourteen

Since the museums of Latvian history, photography and aviation were closed (like most museums on Mondays), we began to look for some other open museum.

The first such was the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, but we were there at the end of 2011, and somehow we did not want to go there the second time. Then we began to continue our search, and the second open museum turned out to be the Museum of the Sun. Well, we, of course, having nothing to do, decided to go there. It cost us 3.50 from the nose. The museum, I must say, is so-so, a bit strange. In one of the halls there were illuminated stands that told about the structure of galaxies and other astronomical tricks, and in others there were images of the sun, made of various materials in various styles. And since the astronomical information on the stands was in Latvian, the museum employee gave us a Talmud with the translation of this information into Russian. I skimmed through this Talmud only in passing, because it consisted of a mixture of elementary information that every schoolchild knows, and information, so to speak, more scientific.

So, the first, of course, you can immediately skip, and the second is better to get acquainted with the mood, sitting at home at the computer. This museum has only 3 - 4 small halls, after visiting which each visitor is invited to paint a plaster cast of the sun. Children may well enjoy such an activity, and adults can also sometimes be pleased to remember their childhood, especially when it is impossible to do something more interesting. If you wish, you can paint not one, but several casts of the sun (by the way, they are of different shapes), only for each additional one you have to pay an additional one and a half. My wife and I also painted in the sun, and she did it quite well, because she loves to draw and knows how to draw. From me, the artist is like a basketball player from a pygmy, but I also managed to create something like that. You could take these handicrafts with you, but we decided to make a grand gesture and leave them as a gift to the museum. : D


When we left the museum, the sky began to crap, and we began to look for shelter. There was no longer any desire to go to Lido, because I wanted some kind of variety. And then we decided to sit in some street restaurant under a plastic canopy (well, like Lido in Jurmala). But that was not the case: the price for a mug of the same “Uzhavas” (and this is not the most expensive beer) reached 4.50, and somewhere up to 6.00. And this is for half a liter! And since from the sky it started not to crap, but specifically to crap, we considered Lido to be our only salvation. So they went there from time to time, going out for a walk only for a short while, when it cleared up a little. It cleared up, however, for a short time, then it got dirty, and we again had to go to our "bomb shelter". In general, we can say that the last day of our stay in Riga went down the drain.


On that day, during one of our sorties from the “bomb shelter”, we visited the old Riga market, which is located next to the bus station. It consists of 4 large pavilions interconnected. It sells all kinds of meat, dairy and fish products, as well as vegetables and fruits, Bukhara and even souvenirs.


Since the check-in for the Saira return flight also began 30 hours before departure, we decided to check in for the flight while we were sitting at Lido on Sunday, using the capabilities of our smartphones. To register on the site, it was required to indicate the names and numbers of tickets, but we did not have any tickets with us. However, I still found these numbers, and quite quickly. But it took quite a long time to register: either Saira’s website was buggy, or the Wi-Fi signal was weakening general, then the collar broke, then the driver crap.

So I had to re-enter the names and ticket numbers. However, it should be noted that we did not check in from our phones in vain, because we managed to book comfortable seats for ourselves. And when we arrived at the airport, we didn’t really have to choose a place. In general, we printed out the postalons on some sort of tissue paper and went with them to a raid, but everything didn’t go so smoothly with them: my wife’s ticket was scanned, but I didn’t, and in none of the two available there are scanners. As a result, the employee took my coupon, entered some data from it into the computer, said that everything was in order and let me through. Subsequently, the same thing had to be done by saleswomen in dutiks. So Saira still has work to do.


Despite a slight hitch with the postalons, we flew without problems and on time. Another pinned the pilot, who announced at the end of the flight: "As I promised, we arrived at Vnukovo airport. "

And then, after all, they could have flown to some Taimyr! : D The flight was quite pleasant as I took several 100g bottles of local strong liquor in my dutique, 2 of which gradually consumed during the flight. Saira, in fact, warns that they have forbidden the use of Bukhara during the flight, but by and large I don’t need it ...But, why the bill? I'm just big on it! Well, I didn’t interfere with anyone, I behaved quietly and peacefully and did not particularly advertise the consumption of Bukhara. We flew to Moscow at about 11:30 p. m. , went through the passport control rather quickly (not without the help of my accelerated step, of course), at about one in the morning (already 06/17/14) we got home in a pre-ordered taxi and fell asleep, and in At 8:00 an alarm clock woke us up, which meant that it was time for us to get ready for work.

This is what our journey ended up being. Even though I'm an atheist, I like the saying "If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. "

And our plans were downright Napoleonic - in particular, to swim in the Gulf of Riga and sunbathe on the Riga seashore, but, you see, this time it was not fate for them to come true. Oh well, I think, somehow next time we will have better luck with the weather! On this optimistic note, I say goodbye to dear travelers and wish you all pleasant trips!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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