VIM AVIA Thank you. You are perfect.

It so happened that I desperately needed to get to Ferghana (Uzbekistan). Desperately is not the right word. The next flight was not there, but to the city of Osh (Kyrgyzstan). This is relatively close.
My wife and I got together in 10 minutes, left the kids and rushed to the airport. While we were driving, a friend booked tickets on the Internet. We succeeded.
What was bad - with boarding passes to Osh it was impossible to buy goods in duty free, but I found a tipsy uncle flying to Europe and he bought me half a liter using his ticket.
Everything was standard on the plane. What was unexpected and pleasant - for dinner they served not the usual aviation dirty trick, but good-quality buckwheat with the right cutlet and gravy. I have never eaten buckwheat in flight. The mood has risen.
But then the trouble began. There was a wildest blizzard in Osh. Our plane circled as low as possible, but did not land. I felt that everything was somehow not easy when it dawned on me that the lights on the ground, which were dimly visible through the porthole, began to repeat. They repeated 10-15 times, and then Cap announced that we were flying to the capital of Kyrgyzstan. to Bishkek.
Fortunately, Bishkek accepted us, but Cap decided to wait for the weather in Osh and we stayed on the plane.
And just imagine. 4 hours flight to Osh, then circles over the runway, then another hour to Bishkek, and hours in a frozen plane on the ground. I didn't feel very comfortable. 90 percent of the passengers are serious Kyrgyz men who flew home from work. And these men began to frown. I was afraid that there would be scandals. But no.
And why? Two young stewardesses gathered all the children in a patch near the emergency exit and began to play with them. They showed them the simplest tricks, sang songs. The children laughed loudly, and it seems that if children laugh, then it is already indecent for harsh men to make a fuss.
The children especially liked this game. The stewardess put the child on her lap, tossed him several times. She used to say something like "Skok- kok, young blackbird, HOP!!! " During this HOP, she spread her knees and caught the child near the floor. In short, complete delight.
And then I realized that it is not so easy. Well, I'll put a pood weight on my knees. I'll throw it 5 times, and then I'll drop it and catch it. And how many times is enough for me? Well, at least 10 times. And these girls repeated this exercise 50 times. And both are thin, thin. And why do they have so much strength?
In Bishkek, we were finally dropped off. But everything was organized perfectly. All formalities were resolved as quickly as possible. Then we were put into buses and they rushed to the hotel in an escort. Sometimes they rushed in the opposite direction.
The hotel was beyond praise. Strong 3 stars. It is called "Dostuk" ("Friendship") The rooms had balconies where you could smoke. Many Kyrgyz (most likely villagers) who had never lived in such conditions walked around the hotel and clicked their tongues admiringly.
The next day we were brought to the airport, put on the plane, it started up, buzzed..... And then everything was quiet. It turned out that it was at this time that the President of Iran was visiting Kyrgyzstan and all flights were canceled. And again three hours on the ground. And here the Kyrgyz peasants began to lose their nerve. Some of them started jumping up and yelling. Shout something incoherent. In short, hysteria. Hand waving, drooling. And in the aisle appeared, probably the most important stewardess. Slowly, authoritatively, without excitement, she looked around at all the screamers and, without raising her voice, began to explain what was happening. I especially liked her phrase that all brawlers tomorrow will be ashamed of such slack. Not immediately, but the scandals subsided.
We flew to Osh.
Yes, the flight was not easy. But everything that the crew did is beyond praise. First of all, thanks to the pilot for not taking risks and not landing the plane in extreme conditions. Secondly, thanks to the flight attendant girls for how they defuse the situation by playing with the children. Thirdly, thanks to the senior flight attendant for the fact that she managed to resolve the conflicts and did not bring the matter to the point of calling the airport security service. That would have delayed the flight even further.
Thank you.