Italian roulette rules.....

15 august 2018 Travel time: with 28 July 2018 on 04 august 2018
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They offered me half a double in a package tour to Rimini, direct flight to Bologna + transfer from the airport of this city to Rimini, 3 * hotel + breakfasts. The flight was scheduled for the first day of vacation, there is a Schengen ticket, a voucher from PakGroup - "special" (for 7 nights -18tr with fuel). I agreed almost immediately, without hesitation for a long time.

The only thing that undermined a little was the roulette itself (both in the name of the tour and in its essence). Not being a picky person, I usually choose a hotel carefully, according to many criteria. And here - the name came only 3 days before departure. Malvina. Immediately on the Internet - I read it, shuddered, sighed. The main thing is the sea.

The flight and transfer were within normal limits, with a slight delay in departure, but the road from Bologna took a little more than an hour, since there were practically no traffic jams at night. And then the interesting began. In Rimini itself (at about 12 at night) the guide wandered the streets, trying to deliver our large group of Malvinians (19 people) to the hotel gate: it was easy for her to walk, and we had a small suitcase load) The navigator helped her on this difficult journey and we were met at the reception. They gave out the keys (they didn’t take the passports, but they immediately took 10.5 euros for the city tax). We went up to the 3rd floor, room 307. Prelest.

From a king-size bed, we immediately made just two beds. Window on Ariosto alley, which overlooked the main Regina Elena street. Suitcases were thrown and my companion and I rushed out into the street for a bottle of water (there is no kettle in the room). They didn’t get to Conad, in the nearest stall they took 1.5 liters for 1 euro and went to sleep). I will not demonstrate the sanitary facilities, the shower is a hole in the floor. We found that the water in the sink does not go away, in the morning they informed the reception, they answered that they would send the master. Breakfast was. The voucher indicated continental, but was (hooray! ) Just an extended version of it. In other reviews of this hotel, the entire range is indicated in detail, so I will not retell. I didn’t starve in the morning)

And to the beach. The bottom line: the entire 15-km beach line is not just divided into beach zones (for example, we had close 55.56, 57). Each of them has its own pricing policy by segments - the closer to the sea, the more expensive. Beach prices have grown (July-August): two sun loungers + umbrella - 15 euros (middle segment of the beach), the receipt is valid for the whole day (until 19 pm). I once came alone around 4 o'clock - an umbrella and a sunbed for 13.20. Horror! Island Greece and Cyprus did not upset me so much, alas. Here I agreed on a nearby beach for 10.

What made me happy:

*The beach is constantly being cleaned, literally and figuratively. The sand is cleaned with a machine, a rake, even a net (I saw it myself). Came to us in the segment tovarisch beggar. The beach boy noticed him, followed where he went and immediately informed him by radio. Watch)

*many people leave inflatable mattresses for children, toys. All this is stored under sunbeds and left overnight.

*just a sunbed in the immediate vicinity of the sea (1.5-3m) - 5 euros. without an umbrella.

*you can sit at the edge of the sea (free of charge)) And even stand) On any beach.

*There are many people walking and running along the edge of the sea. Healthy lifestyle. Well done. I saw wheelchairs. We drove up to the water. Beach-boys helped them. I saw very babies, which their mothers brought to the sea, let them splash on the waves. Okay.

*There are cafe-taverns on the beach - eat and drink, Wi-Fi is strong. Safes for things you don't want to leave unattended on the beach, changing cabins, toilets, showers for washing sea water. 23/30/2233037.jpg" target="_blank">The color of the umbrellas matches each beach number. Open umbrella - reservation. Complicated - free. Photo - at 8.20-8.30. Few people

in the distance - trampolines for competitions on the water (every day there were those who wanted to go along the entire line obstacles)

In general, beach holidays are well organized. Liked. The beach is a typical family beach, with a gently sloping bottom. There are many children. Families too. If the rest is in one person - you can ask the neighbors to look after things. Although I myself saw how the neighbors simply left their wallets, iPhones, etc. under umbrellas, while they themselves went swimming.

In general, the sea, the sun and the beach leveled all the sediment from the tape measure (number). But roulette is roulette. As it turned out later, someone from our group got normal rooms with a refrigerator and a kettle, a balcony and a real double bed. Roulette, sir....

*smiled. I remembered later - I had already read about this number 307, and about the drain too. The master nevertheless came (I had to remind again). Master plumber - 2-meter young macho guy. I twisted something in the pipe, said - I'll come tonight. The result - water not only does not go into the sink, it just pours onto the floor. He unscrewed the pipe. Macho. handless (. We went and explained at the reception. But there were no free rooms on the second day after our check-in. They asked and demanded another option, it didn’t help.

So. The sun is there. The sea is a delight. Lunches - dinners - cafe-taverns-restaurants. Many have either a Russian-language version of the menu, or one of the waiters, who is completely Russian-speaking. If not, they will still understand you in a little bit of English. Try and smile))

In the afternoon I walked along the streets of the old city, the new one. Rimini parks. I went to Riccione by bus 11 (almost to the end - stop 49). Curious, respectable town. I did not see democratic shops and cafes on the main street, as in Rimini. By the way, in Riccione I saw a monument to Karl Marx (on the territory of the museum of the territory of Riccione), an astrological clock, a tiled wall, as in Portugal in the azulejo style (nostalgia)). When I was driving back, the controllers came in (3! ). The check is rough. Don't take risks.

There are many underground passages, most of them are “underground”, at the exit from them there are signs indicating what is on one or the other side of the passage. I was pleasantly surprised by the drinking water not only in the Shishka fountain (Old Town), but also in the fish rows. I sat on the cool marble (centuries old), ate peaches, rested, got water and forward - through the streets of the city. There are many parks. More paths for cyclists. All ages)) Beautiful city. Green.

We went to San Marino, almost on our own. A bus departs from Marvelli Square (from the doors of the information center) (with a guide - 20 euros, a simple round-trip transfer 10 euros). I've been here before, only in winter. It is more curious in summer, but there are more people than in February).

From the same stop, buses leave for various attractions - aqua park, dolphinarium, LeBefan market, etc.

So. You won't tell everything. You can't post everything.

Satisfied with the trip. Sea + sun + beach. A friend asked - what about Venice? Rome? Florence? I was in these cities, And now it's summer, there are too many tourists, but I don't want crowds. Bottom line: I would come here with my granddaughter to the beach. But no more.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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