triplets for triplets.....

Written: 28 june 2011
Travel time: 1 — 7 june 2011
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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The fact that someone had a refrigerator is a miracle! I join everything previously said, but I can’t say that everything was so terrible. The main disadvantage is the remoteness from the city center. We were there in February, so waiting for a bus for half an hour is not very pleasant, given that the sea is close and almost "northern winds" blow. The room was cleaned every day and the beds we pushed apart were moved with amazing persistence! Towels were only changed when we threw them on the floor. The hair dryer is very funny, it resembles a vacuum cleaner, but as they say "for lack of a maid... " I had to vacuum my hair. It was cold in the room, but the intermittent air conditioning helped. Our neighbors had mold in the bathroom, we didn't have much. . . Stink - yes, but not fatal. Breakfasts are meager and monotonous, solid croissants and sweets, but everything was in order with cutlery. Tip: if you are still limited in resources, settle in threes on the main street Regina Elena, there at least everything is in order with buses.
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