Tower run on New Year's Eve. The first day. Pisa. leaning tower of pisa

17 January 2017 Travel time: with 29 December 2016 on 01 January 2017
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Now is the time to write essays on the topic "How I met the New Year. " So I will tell you about my adventures on the towers of Pisa, Florence and Lucca on New Year's Eve. There are no historical references in this text, and there are not even descriptions of routes, just a story about how two children and children who have run away from work enjoy peace and the opportunity not to rush anywhere, well, maybe, sometimes ))) I really hope that for someone then this story will be useful...

This trip to Italy was completely unforeseen and unexpected. It so happened that the children were sent to their grandmothers almost a week before the New Year holidays. Of course, we knew about it back in November. And of course, such a situation did not give me peace of mind: how can you just spend your free time from children on going to work ? ! No, it won't work like that! And then, as luck would have it, the Schengen visa, issued by the Greeks for three years, “itches in your pocket”... In general,

my howls in front of my husband on the topic, “how good it is for those who have grandmothers nearby, on whom you can quickly leave small things, otherwise there are attractions of unprecedented generosity with some airlines that distribute thousands of tickets to Milan or somewhere else, and here it is a gift of fate in the form of the already existing absence of children, ”have had their effect. As a result, we bought tickets to Pisa from AK Pobeda on December 29 for 6.5 thousand rubles, and back on January 1 for 999 rubles. In total, not a freebie, of course, but acceptable...

And the brain began to boil, I want everything at once. Florence is nearby - can you go there immediately for a couple of days? Or settle in Pisa and visit Florence from there? Oh, and here Lucca is not far... And on Booking it is increasingly highlighted in red "You did not have time... ". Well, not only Booking, as they say))). We decided, after all, not to rush around the hotels, and Pisa was determined as the place of our deployment.

The hotel was selected from the category of not expensive (up to 15 thousand rubles for 3 nights),

that there would be a private bathroom, and, of course, with the presence of breakfast and more densely J). With a huge number of hotels and hotels, only three came up for our dates. And already from these three "Leonardo" 3 * somehow got out, rather because of its location - I wanted to plunge into the atmosphere of medieval streets.

Tavoleria Street, Leonardo Hotel 3*

I would like to say that we visited Italy in the summer of 2015, we had a sightseeing week-long tour "Classic Italy" (I have about this have a story). Of course, there are many difficulties, difficulties and inconveniences in such a trip. But she gave us a general idea of ​ ​ the country. And if that trip hadn’t happened, then this one would hardly have happened... Then we visited both Pisa and Florence, so we decided this time not to focus too much on the sights, but just walk around the cities more.

We flew away from gloomy, damp Moscow,

Vnukovo Airport

and flew to sunny, but, alas, not very warm Pisa.

Pisa Galileo Galilei Airport

The airport is small and located right on the border with the city. From it you can walk to the railway station, and to the main attraction - the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But I read that “at the end of December 2015, the fully automated PisaMover train was launched, which connected the airport and the central station. Trains run from 06:00 to 00:00 every 5-8 minutes. Ticket — 1.30 €. » Urgently need to find this miracle of technology! Didn't find it : (( Or rather: PisaMover is,

and we bought a ticket for "ruble thirty", and following the signs we came to a bus stop, where it was written something like "from such and such a date the train does not function, but instead a shuttle runs non-stop to the station. " Honestly,

Now, if it were not for the phrase "fully automated train", we would not even consider any type of transport, but would go on foot. And here it was already paid - I had to go by bus. It does not deliver to the station building, it stops on the opposite side across the tracks. The passage is underground, so you don’t have to jump along the tracks. This is what I mean, if you suddenly need to go straight from the airport to Florence, then it’s easier on the bus that departs directly from the airport and for only 6 euros.

As it turned out, once this "automated train" was, but it is gone.

Well, here is Pisa. And there are Christmas trees, and tangerines.

at the station square

Vittorio Emanuele Square

By the way, one evening they pulled one tangerine, and the sour meat, wow, is not edible at all. And the skating rink is available, and carousels.

Vittorio Emanuele Square

skating rink

Vittorio Emanuele Square

The New Year is rushing towards us... And so we reached our hotel with the most New Year's mood.

Pisa is not a big town. We arrived at about 12 o'clock local time, and at 15.30 we bought tickets for the Leaning Tower of Pisa. During this time, we managed to hang out at the airport, and study the railway station, look into a couple of shops, have a bite, looking around to get to the hotel.

Arno River

Notary Street

Cavalotti Square

True, already from the hotel I had to run a little skipping to the Field, ugh, the Square of Miracles.

Cathedral (Duomo of Santa Maria Assunta) photo from the Internet

On Piazza dei Miracoli (Piazza dei Miracoli), better known as the Square of Miracles, and in the conversation of us Russians - called the Field of Miracles, there are four masterpieces of medieval architecture - the Cathedral (Duomo of Santa Maria Assunta), the Baptistery (Battistero di San Giovanni), Belfry (Campanile), Cemetery of Campo Santo (Campo Santo). And we need to go there! We have already seen these masterpieces in last trip. What's inside is not. So, visiting the cathedral is free, but the Baptistery, Cemetery for a fee. In addition, you can visit the Duomo Museum, which exhibits works of art originally located in the Pisa Cathedral and the Baptistry, and the Sinopia Museum, which houses synopia frescoes by Italian masters that used to cover the walls of Campo Santo and were destroyed or seriously damaged as a result of the bombing of World War II. war.

I bought tickets in advance here http://www. opapisa. it/it/organizza-la-tua-visita/biglietteria-online.html. The cost is as follows: one museum - 5 euros, two - 7 euros, three - 8 euros, four museums - 9 euros (children under 10 inclusive are free). On the dates of our trip, the Duomo Museum was closed, so tickets were issued for three places, although I already assumed that we would hardly go to the Sinopia Museum. And so it happened... And for the Bell Tower (in the common people the Leaning Tower of Pisa) you need to take a separate ticket for as much as 18 euros and for a certain time. For a long time I doubted whether the pleasure of climbing a 55-meter height along a narrow ladder was worth the money. Oh, it was, it wasn’t, we don’t go to Pisa so often, we have to climb the tower too : ). Do I need to buy tickets in advance? I think it’s better to do this in the spring-summer period, and in winter, maybe a couple of hours after buying a ticket to get there.

Queue to enter the tower

In our case, it was like this: tickets were bought for 15.30, we arrived in 15 minutes, the time was offered for 17.15. All bags are checked into the storage room, only photos are with you. Launch sessions inside the tower every 15 minutes, and how long you stay there is up to you.

Conquering the Leaning Tower of Pisa - in general, it's not difficult, I thought it would be worse. Unusual sensations begin immediately at the entrance, the floor is also a curve - a tilt to the right relative to the entrance, so the body immediately “falls” to the right.

Leaning Tower of Pisa from the inside

Climbing up is quite convenient, the steps are not steep, but slippery.

Again, there is, let's say, a test of the vestibular apparatus - a feeling of throwing from side to side.

Well, during the descent (it passes at a higher speed than the ascent), due to the twisting of the stairs, I personally had a “twisted” head, I went down, holding on to both walls, my husband did not have this.

And here we are at the top

And, of course, breathtaking views.

The plane was caught in the frame

It took us about 40 minutes to reach the tower. After that, we went to the baptistery (baptismal), it is the largest in Italy. Very beautiful, airy building from the outside.

The interior is simpler

And there are steps here too ; ) I didn't really want to, but "The party, said, you have to. . . " You can see better from above)))

stairs in the Baptistery

Then we walked around the cemetery. Although they call it Medieval, there are also burials of the end of the last century, and even the first decade of our century was met

It was already getting colder, and it was somewhat unpleasant to walk on the gravestones (I tried, after all, to step between them), we did not stay there for a long time.

The Cathedral is impressive! It impresses with its external beauty and interior decoration. This is where we lingered. Unfortunately, and the hands are probably hooks,

and our technique is simple - after several unsuccessful shots, I gave up trying to somehow capture the cathedral inside.

Although admission is free, our ticket was scanned at the entrance. I assume that it is free with a ticket to one of the museums of the Square of Miracles.

Of course, there are absolutely no forces left for the Sinopia Museum. There was only the desire to get to our hotel and fall.

It took us a long time to get to the place of lodging for the night. Yes, we were not in a hurry, everyone walked the streets, looked, looked around. Frankly, in the dark and in the cold it is not very pleasant to walk, and we, as always, wandered to places where normal tourists rarely visit. And then the phones were dead, that is, there was no access to the card, and the paper one issued at the hotel miraculously got lost somewhere, and, of course, I, and who else, left the battery in the room : ). The usual situation…

Well, nothing, the first day of the tower ended successfully - a couple of glasses of cognac in store and a light )) snack in the room.

And tomorrow Florence was waiting for us. . .

Continued: "Florence Tower Run" here, "Tower Lucca Run" here

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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улица Таволерия, отель
Аэропорт Внуково
Аэропорт Пизы имени Галилео Галилея
на привокзальной площади
площадь Витторио Эмануэле
площадь Витторио Эмануэле
площадь Витторио Эмануэле
река Арно
улица Нотари
площадь Кавалотти
Кафедральный собор (Duomo of Santa Maria Assunta) фото из интернета
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