Hello, in general, I’m flying on my first flight, and I have questions about hand luggage, I didn’t pay for luggage, I want to try my luck and I hope I have enough backpack)) I’m flying UIA from Vilnius, and then Reykjavik WizzAir Question about the subject / products that I want to take, for the liquid, I understand that you need to pack in bottles up to 100ml - toothpaste, machine (read, it seems like 1 is possible) - thermal cup (without liquid) - things, jacket, fleece, etc. (will be packed in vacuum bags) this is a standard set, more interesting) - boiler 12V powered by a cigarette lighter - food, as I understand it, you can take it ready, but what about unprepared, well, for example, there is a conditionally package of buckwheat, mivina, sealed coffee, bars - medicines (bandage, antipyretic powders, lozenges)
7 years ago
8 subscribers 13 answers