Introduction to Indonesia

30 December 2016 Travel time: with 22 October 2016 on 21 November 2016
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Dream to visit about. Bali has become almost manic. For six months I have been figuring out which of my friends and comrades can keep company. Nobody!

Then she went on a desperate act - she announced on the tour site. At first, there was some kind of experienced with a group of 2 people. As events developed further, it turned out that there was no group, and he had some kind of deviations. But 2 more women answered the ad. Ideally, it would be 3, so that trips in the car would be cheaper, but not fate. We decided to go together.

The first mistake was made at the start. We bought a ticket from 10/23/16 to 11/23/16. We didn’t take into account that a free stay in Indonesia is given for 30 days, and in October 31 days. Overstay is punishable by a fine, we decided not to risk it, buy a visa. Extra costs money and time. But there is no turning back!

Time passed, after reading a lot of reviews, talking with eyewitnesses, Indonesia could not come to a single route, I had to resort to the help of the pros, which they did not regret later.

We were booked hotels in the most convenient places, booked a transfer, met with an excellent guide. He was English-speaking, but so understandable that my English was enough. And as a person he turned out to be very responsible and reliable.


We started our journey from Java, Jokarta. In which we just spent the night and immediately flew to Jokya. This is the soul of Java. In five days we visited the world-famous temples of Prambanan and Borobudur and the Dieng plateau, got acquainted with the city of Jokiyakarta or Jokya itself .

Of course, the temples are monumental, Java itself is different from Bali. Muslims live there, so it’s like different states. The first impressions are the strongest. labor and tourism. Although inflation and corruption are also familiar to them. Wherever we were, local communities collect bribes from tourists for a view of a waterfall, volcano, rice terraces, etc. And we had to pay almost 80 dollars to enter these 2 famous temples. But without visiting Java, there would be no complete picture of Indonesia.

We started our vacation in Bali from Nusa Dua. This is the most comfortable resort in Bali. Hindus live in Bali. Their religion is more like pagan, but Hinduism also apparently influenced. The Balinese are people with a subtle understanding of beauty. They are excellent stone craftsmen, wood, painting, garden design. Apparently, this is why Bali attracts tourists so much, there is indescribable beauty at every step!

But the climate is very humid, the temperature at this time is 33 -35 degrees. On the seashore, in the shade, it can be tolerated, but in other places without air conditioning, like in a steam room. Therefore, it is better to go there in August, then they winter and temperature 25 degrees, but then you will not see so many beautiful tropical plants.

We lived in the city of Ubud, according to the number of temples to the world record holder. In Ubud, everything is designed for tourists. These are solid restaurants and shops, there is something to buy here. These are jewelry, and batik, hand-painted silk, a huge number of souvenirs, natural coconut oil products, balms, spices.

We visited North Bali. Exotic landscapes, volcanoes, alpine lakes, parks and temples, temples, temples changed in a caledoscope... Animals, birds, trees are participants in Hindu religious rituals. Therefore, the forest of monkeys and the temple of bats is sacred in Bali.

We visited Ulu Watu - a sacred place with a special energy, indescribable beauty,

Jimbaran, which is famous for its seafood cuisine.

We spent almost a week on the island of Gili Meno, to which you need to sail from Bali for 2 hours on a boat, this is a secluded place with a coral reef, fresh water is imported there, but you will not find such a sea in Bali.

We ended our trip in Sanur, a resort town famous for its promenade along the sea. Hundreds of first-class hotels and villas are lined up along the beach, but we didn’t have to swim because of the low tides. But each hotel has beautiful pools, prices in Sanur are relatively low , you can spend the remaining money on gifts and coffee, which is excellent in Indonesia, even robusta.

People in Indonesia are cheerful, without arrogance, young people speak English well, the local cuisine is rice with vegetables, chicken or fish.

Memories of Indonesia, so original, unlike what we have seen before, we hope will warm us for many more years.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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Храм Тыртоганга,священная вода
Храм летучих мышей
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Полнолуние наострове Гили Мено
Море на Гили
Отливы на Бали везде
Черепахи под защитой,выпускают полько после 10 месяцев.
Первая линия в Сануре
Улыбчивый народ
АЭРОПОРТ в Денпасаре
Это фото нашего гида
Мусульманская свадьба на Гили
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Бали место очень талантливых и творческих людей
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Такие пляжи можно найтитолько гидом
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