From Budapest to Eger on your own.

11 February 2012 Travel time: with 15 august 2011 on 15 august 2011
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I want to share with respected tourists the experience of an independent trip to Eger from Budapest.

Like most of our compatriots, I first visited this charming Hungarian town during an "organized excursion", which, in addition to visiting Eger, included a visit to Gö del, lunch in an unknown Hungarian village, an unscheduled 6-hour traffic jam and a "traditional wine tasting in the Valley of Beauties. Despite the fact that our group arrived in Eger already at the end of the day, literally bursting into the gates of the Eger fortress 15 minutes before its closing, and of all the "sights" (except for the fortress), we managed to see only the former prison, which now houses the Museum sports, I fell in love with this wonderful place forever.

Therefore, when, on our second visit to Budapest, the guide who met us at the airport asked if we would like to buy some kind of excursion, we first of all voiced our desire to visit Eger again. "Yes, we have a wonderful tour, with a visit to the royal palace in Gö del and wine tasting in the Valley of the Beauties! " the guide retorted. "No, we ONLY need Eger" - "There is no such excursion. " - "Maybe we can go to Eger on our own? " The guide thought for a minute: "Yes, there is a bus, but I won't tell you exactly where to take it get in because I'm going that way by car. " Memories of the six-hour traffic jam were still fresh, and we asked about an alternative in the form of a train. "Oh, no, no! Trains don't go there! " the guide assured us.

Well, when a day later, sitting in the carriage of a train bound for Vienna, we saw a train with a sign "Eger" departing from a neighboring platform, we made a disappointing conclusion: "They are fooling our" brother "- a tourist! ": (

Having decided last year to be "original", having spent half of our vacation "in Europe" instead of the beach, namely in Budapest, we could not help but remember our old dream - visiting Eger again. From the few reviews of "independent tourists" about Eger, I realized that almost no one knows about the existence of DIRECT trains from Budapest to Eger. Unsubscribed people traveled to Eger either by bus (from the Nepstadion bus station) or by train with a change at Fuzesabony station. It turns out that direct trains to Eger were launched relatively recently, so our guide did not play a trick when he said that "trains do not go there" (perhaps he really did not know).

The journey from Budapest to Eger by train takes approximately 2 hours.

You can go both with a transfer and a direct train. Train timetables and ticket prices can be found here: http://elvira. mav start. hu (here you can also see timetables for international departures from Budapest, for example, to Vienna, Prague or Venice). If you are only interested in direct trains, check the "direct connections only" box. Having chosen "only direct service" in the schedule and prudently printing it out on a piece of paper, we headed to the Keleti railway station, where we had repeatedly purchased international tickets to Vienna. Ticket offices for domestic Hungarian destinations are located in the right half of the station (if you stand with your back to the main entrance). As it turned out later, it was possible to purchase an "internal" ticket in the underground hall of the station, but we did not know about this even then and, along with ordinary Hungarians, courageously stood in a short queue : ).

Unfortunately, the cashiers of the "domestic destinations" are not very "friendly" with the English language (unlike the cashiers of the "international cash desks"), but they were friendly, however, as was the Hungarian line "stuck" on us, hurrying to their trains. Attaching a printed schedule to the cashier's glass with the departure and arrival times circled in it, I explained to the cashier what we needed and in what quantity: ). The cashier nodded his head and immediately issued tickets for us. It turns out that a two-way ticket is issued for one person, valid for two weeks, starting from the desired date of travel. The tickets do not indicate the specific time and day of departure and arrival. Also, on the ticket, the station "Fuzesabony" is indicated in brackets, that is, this ticket will be valid even if you decide to travel with a transfer. I think it's very convenient.

You can go to Eger and stay there for a couple of days, or if you miss the direct train, you can use this ticket to get to Fusesaboni, and then transfer to the train to Budapest : ). The cost of a return ticket in August 2011 was 4320 Ft/person. (approximately 16 euros).

The train to Eger was, of course, much more modest than the RailJet we took to Vienna, but it was new and clean. The train has two toilets, but no air conditioning, so all the windows in the car were open (it was 40 degrees outside). The carriages were half full, and most of the passengers got off before the final stop. I liked the train ride also because we got a very positive conductor. We had some doubts whether we got on the right train (after the Swedish "Burlev" we are already ready for anything : )), and whether we should make a change in this very "Fuseshaboni".

The conductor, although he did not speak English, did his best to help us, trying to explain with gestures that Eger is the final one. From Fuseshaboni to Eger, he rode for 20 minutes in our car, and when the train arrived at the terminal station, he solemnly announced: "Eger! " in such a tone, as if at least Archduke Ferdinand was about to enter the car : ).

From the station, along Ferenc Deak / Deak Ferenc u. (cross the station square and turn right) we reached the historical center of the town in 20 minutes. I confess that we had a rather vague idea of ​ ​ the sights of Eger. There was very little information on the Internet, and from the chaotic excursion, only the story of the heroic defense of the inhabitants of Eger during the Turkish siege remained in my memory. Therefore, when we saw a "booth" of tourist information near the famous Eger Basilica, we first of all went there, asking if they could get hold of a free card.

It turned out that it was possible, and even with a description of the sights in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! That's luck! : ) Upon closer examination, Eger was pleasantly surprised by the large number of inscriptions in Russian. Many of the staff of cafes or shops understood at least a few Russian phrases, price tags / instructions for museums and baths were often duplicated in Russian, Polish and English. It was nice, but a little strange, since most of our tourists stop here on their way, no more than an hour and a half (and in vain). By the way, many Poles rest in Eger. In one of the local churches there is a shrine, especially revered by guests from Poland, which probably explains their incredible number in Eger.

So, what to watch in Eger (from the main one):

The building of the Lyceum, which now houses the Pedagogical Institute, the Museum of Astronomy, the Planetarium and the Diocesan Library, which houses the original letter of Mozart!

2. Eger Basilica - the second largest in Hungary.

3. Koshsuta Street - one of the most beautiful streets of Eger, here on the portal of the regional administration building you can admire the famous Fazola wrought iron gates. And in the courtyard of the administration there is the same sports museum - a former prison : ).

4. Eger fortress - a symbol of courage and patriotism of the Hungarian people.

5. The minaret is the northernmost monument of the Turkish era in Europe.

6. Dobo Square - the main square of the city, with a monument to the commandant of the Eger fortress, Istvan Dobo, located on it.

7. Church of the Minorites, originally painted pink. It is noteworthy that it was built on donations from a Turk who converted to Christianity.

8. Serbian church.

9. Church of the Cesterians.

The Archbishop's Palace with a unique collection of works of "religious art" and the mantle in which Maria Theresa was crowned, who personally handed over the mantle, among other gifts, to Bishop Gabor Erdö rdi of Eger.

11. "Archbishop's Botanical Garden", thanks to which in 2007 Eger won a gold medal at an international competition and earned the title of "Flower City".

12. Eger Thermal Baths with six "fun pools", Turkish Baths and an indoor sports pool.

... And much more: exhibitions, museums, theater, marzipan workshop, wine cellars, various cafes, shops and of course EGER YARDS! They fascinated me the most. So cute and so different! : ) It was infinitely pleasant to "dive" and "emerge" from them in different parts of the town.

case, I would have stopped in Eger for about three days, and with pleasure I would have sat on the "local wine diet". I have no doubt that this "chance" will certainly come, because it's not for nothing that a couple of new coins were thrown into the local river : ). And I would very much like the "case" to coincide with some festival held here ...With the "Bull's Blood" festival in July or with the "Eger Days" in September : )

I wish you all pleasant travels and vivid impressions!

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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ул. Сечени
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объявление на русском в Эгерских купальнях
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ул. Ференца Деака
Здание Лицея.
Минарет. Ныне служит
Вывеска парихмахерской:)
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