18 November 2012 Travel time: with 11 august 2012 on 25 august 2012
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Dalmatia is conditionally divided into North, Middle and South. We have already got a little idea about Northern (Sibenik) and Central (Trogir and Split) Dalmatia, it was time to take a look at Southern Dalmatia at least with one eye ...

Dubrovnik is located exactly in South Dalmatia, practically it is the southernmost city of Croatia, then Montenegro. Due to its beauty and rich cultural heritage, this medieval city is one of the three most beautiful cities-monuments in Europe of the Renaissance, in addition, it is included in the top ten most romantic cities in the world. It would be unforgivable not to see this wonderful city, a real treasure trove…

The distance from Split to Dubrovnik is about 220 km. It would seem not so much, but do not forget that in Croatia everything is km. longer : )))… Travel time for buses from Split to Dubrovnik, according to schedules, is usually around 4.5–5 hours.

After a thorough search while still at home, a “fast” bus was found, which promised to bring us to Dubrovnik in 3 hours. 45 min. , and the departure time was successful at 12.30, arrival at 16.15 (price - 115 kunas + 7 kunas for luggage). In the morning we still have time to swim in the sea, and in the evening we can walk around Dubrovnik, and in the very heat we can spend time in a comfortable air-conditioned bus…

There are several roads in the direction of Dubrovnik, our bus first drove along the new autobahn (still unfinished), then went down to the road along the sea. The autobahn passes behind the Biokovo mountain range, the sea is no longer visible from there ...

The second road, the Jadran highway, runs along the sea through Omiš , over Brela, Baska Voda, through Makarska, it is more picturesque, but also narrower and winding (we were driving along the Jadran highway on the way back from Makarska to Split, so that all these beauty too have seen: ).

After returning home, I read on the forum that someone was driving on the same day with us, at about the same time, there was a fire along the Yadran highway and in the Brela region, it was burning right above this very road. So it's good that our bus "went the other way" : )…

Fires are a separate issue, unfortunately, many southern countries are not immune from this. I will not hide, and this topic strained me a little before the trip. But God had mercy, the fires bypassed us (or we bypassed them: ). We saw a little smoke from the fire at the entrance to Skradin, on the approaches to the Krka park (somewhere you can even see it a little in the photo); I read that on the eve of our arrival there was also a fire in the Dubrovnik region; Yes, and saw the consequences of a fire in the Brela area on the way back (spots of burnt forest). But in Croatia, everything is well organized: helicopters fly quickly and put out fires (we saw such a helicopter in the Krka area).

It was even interesting to drive a little through the mountainous Croatia, to see it and such ...Going down to the sea, we had wonderful sea views, tried to capture it all in photos and videos (it’s a pity that not everything turns out perfectly through the bus window, and there are no stops for photo pauses : ( ).

On the way to Dubrovnik, we had to “cross the border” 2 more times : )), because at a distance of about 20 km. the territory of another state, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Neum), comes to the shore of the Adriatic Sea. With Croatia, an agreement that they let its citizens and guests through a simplified scheme. We already knew about the approach of the border in advance by the beginning of the "toffee" on the road. The border is purely formal, both times they only looked at passports, I’m not even sure if they looked at the stamps about entering Croatia ...The very coast of the Adriatic Sea on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina is quite densely built up, it’s understandable why, everyone wants to go to the sea : ))).

Due to this building density in the city of Neum and its environs, for some reason, associations arose with the city of Eilat in Israel, there is also only a small piece on the Red Sea coast ...

Our "fast" bus, which was supposed to go 3.45 hours, of course, was late, min. at 50 (and arrived in Split on time : ()...The bus station is located on the seashore, next to the port (where huge, like high-rise buildings, cruise liners were moored), Konzum is also nearby. Arriving at the bus station, we immediately bought tickets to Makarska (2 days), and the seats were already in the second half of the bus (when it left, there were no empty seats).

In Dubrovnik, in order not to strain myself with the delivery of luggage, I again preferred to book apartments near the bus station, which, according to detailed instructions from the owners, were found very quickly and without problems. The son of the owners was already looking out for us, helped to carry the luggage (they always helped with luggage in other hotel-apartments).

This time we had a separate studio apartment with everything you need and a fully equipped kitchen.

Leaving things and putting ourselves in order a little, we already went light to the Old City. The Pile gate (terminus) can be easily reached by city bus (No. 1a, 1b, 3), the stop is located near the port building. A ride in Dubrovnik's public transport costs 15 kunas from the driver and 12 kunas at kiosks (available at bus stops, but not always open) - entrance through the front doors, you need to stamp the ticket near the driver. The kiosk near the port did not work, we bought tickets from the driver, it took about 10 minutes to travel in a comfortable air-conditioned bus. Near the Pile gate, the kiosk worked - we immediately bought all the tickets for the trips we needed.

Until the night we wandered around the Old Town, the city is amazing, life in it is seething until late...

We walked along the “polished” main street Stradun, near the church of St.

It is necessary to inspect the Old City from the height of the fortress walls either early in the morning or late in the evening, at other times it is very hot. The passage through the fortress walls is open from 8:00 to 18:30 (we didn’t go in the evening - I won’t tell you the exact closing time), the price is 70 kunas (you can pay by card, the ticket office is on the right if you enter through the Pile gate). Not far from the ticket office there is an information center where you can take cards, get other useful information ...

You can climb the walls right there on the left, there are several more entrances to the walls, for example, behind the bell tower in Luza Square, near the Ploce gate ...

We planned to start the inspection right at 8 o'clock, but we couldn't get up early : )) and got out onto the walls only at 8.50 (according to the information on the ticket).

Before the trip, I read reviews and recommendations, where “experienced” advise moving along the walls not in the direction of the arrow, but against it, “ will get less tired, you will go down almost all the time and only go up a couple of times ... ”.

We did just that, we immediately climbed the Minceta tower (the highest point! ), the views are just stunningly beautiful both on the Old Town itself and on the surrounding area; then we went around the walls around the whole city, examining it from different angles ...What can I say about the movement “against the arrow”, it, of course, can be easier to go, but at each entrance to the wall, the “stewards” strive to turn you into the opposite side, and as my husband said, because of this, next time I wouldn’t go that way ...

Walking along the walls, in addition to enjoying wonderful views, also has a purely practical side - it allows you to orient yourself and determine what and where is located, "after all, everything is visible from above ... " : )))

In terms of time, a leisurely passage along the walls, with obligatory photo and video pauses, took about 2 hours.

By 11am it was already hot enough so be sure to bring water and something to hide from the sun, sun protection is also welcome!

Descending from the walls, we continued to inspect the city from the inside ...

In summer, guards in medieval costumes stand near the gates - a kind of tribute to the memory of freedom-loving ancestors. On the square near the Pile gate there is a large fountain of Onofrio, near it you can relax a little, and get some water ...The main street of the Old Town - Stradun - begins right there. Once it was a canal separating the island part of the city from the mainland. Then the canal was filled up, lined with stones and built up with houses. On both sides of the street are countless souvenir shops and street cafes. There are more people and prices are higher than in Split and Trogir, for example, ice cream here already costs 10 kunas.

To the left of Stradun, narrow stairways go up, be prepared for this, especially if you want to rent a hotel here - it’s not easy to climb, and even with luggage (and the whole Old Town is closed to transport) ...

Having walked along the Stradun from the Franciscan Monastery, we reach the Lodge Square with the monumental Sponza Palace, the Prince's Palace (or the Rector's Palace) - once the residence of the mayor, elected for a month, during which he did not have to leave its limits for other needs, except for state needs ( If only our leaders would be obligated to do so : ). In the center of the square stands the Orlando Column (15th century) with a statue of a knight whose right hand, from fingertips to elbow, set the official measure of the length of the Republic of Dubrovnik - ale. There is also the Church of St. Vlach on the square, in which there is a gilded silver statue of St. Vlach with a model of the city of the 15th century.

, and the city bell tower with a clock, and the small fountain of Onofrio, decorated with interesting decorative figures. Then we pass to the Cathedral and to the fortress of St. John (inside the Aquarium and the Maritime Museum - we didn’t go, I won’t share my impressions: ).

Dubrovnik (at that time still Ragusa) for a long time was an independent state, a republic. Even now, some kind of self-sufficiency is felt, or something ...

We went out to the old port - sat, rested, admired the views of the city from another angle and local, very colorful cats : ))). Then you can go to the Dominican monastery and to the Ploce gate ...

What else I like about the narrow streets of old cities is that there is always a shadow there, even in the midst of a hot summer ...

Next, according to the program, we have a funicular, or rather, not even a funicular, but a cable car (Cable car), which for some reason is called a funicular in the reviews, but there are no attributes inherent in this type of transport ...

In 5 minutes, the cable car cabin, which accommodates 30 people, travels a distance of about 780m and rises to a height of more than 400m above sea level. Two cabins of the cable car go up and down quite often, meeting in the middle. Above, on Mount Srd, an observation deck is organized, there are restaurants with panoramic views of the Old Town, a souvenir shop, a large cross is installed right above the cliff, if you go further, you can, if you wish, visit the Museum of the Yugoslav War ...

I can’t even imagine how it was possible to think of destroying such a wonderful city during the war, when Yugoslavia was divided into separate states ...But Dubrovnik is now almost completely restored, nothing even reminds of those terrible times ...

Having seen enough of Dubrovnik from different heights : ), we went down to the “ground”, then it was necessary to fulfill a pleasant promise given to my husband - daily swimming in the sea : )) ...Yes, and the body already demanded coolness ...The beaches in the Old Town area are somewhat problematic, wide you will not find beaches here, the few that exist are small and mostly stone. I did not want to go away from the Old Town to other beaches, for example, to Babin Kuk ...

People sunbathe and swim right on the breakwater (they also play something like water polo), not far from the old port; on the stones under the fortress walls… The ideal option would be the sandy Banje beach (if you leave the Old Town, not far from the Ploce gate), it is believed that this is one of the best beaches in Dubrovnik, but it is also the only paid beach (according to information from local residents - 100 kunas, but there is also a free entrance to it) ...It was decided to try to get to this particular beach, of course for free : ))). We did not go along the road, but closer to the shore, along the way considering where else it would be possible to swim in case of failure ...On the way, a small stone beach was found with a ladder for descending into the sea (we took note just in case). And then very quickly we reached the Banje beach, and we walked freely on it, no one tried to take money from us (or we were so lucky : ).

This is not just a beach, but a kind of beach club not only with sun loungers, but also with sofas and fabric partitions, so if you wish, you can isolate yourself from others (you probably have to pay for this), there are cozy cafes and everything you need ...

For us, the emerald gentle sea and the “golden” sand were enough ...And, as an additional bonus, a beautiful view of the Old Town (as they say in hotel advertising - with a view of the attraction: ).

In our program developed at home, there was also a trip to about. Lokrum (boats from the old port, 1-2 times / hour, ticket 50 kunas there / back, 15 minutes on the way), where the botanical garden is located, along which peacocks roam freely, the ruins of the monastery, inherited from Prince Maximilian; salty Dead Lake; fort built by Napoleon. But, unfortunately, we didn’t “fit in” in time, because

the last boat left the island at 19 o'clock (and from another Internet source even at 17 o'clock) - we did not check the accuracy of the information, since there was no point in sailing for 1 hour (from it half an hour there / back) there was no point, in addition, the day and I was so full of impressions...

I also wanted to take a leisurely walk around the city, to taste Dubrovnik “to taste” ...

The place for dinner was chosen between the two popular canobe "Locanda Peskarye" (in the old port) and "Kamenitsa" (it is easy to find it by the white and blue chairs on Gundulicha Square, it is also a market square during the day, there is also a small Konzum).

I wanted to try local seafood and especially oysters from Maly Ston Bay, which is located near Dubrovnik. It is believed that in Croatia they managed to save the real legendary European oyster, which disappeared in Europe 100 years ago, and even the French buy them for breeding here.

And after last year's trip to Normandy-Brittany, we now try oysters everywhere : ))). In Croatia, oysters are called “kamenica”, hence the name of the canoba that specializes in them, we still chose it, and even because the price is cheaper (11 kn / pc. ), And in Lokanda Pescaria ”- 15 kn / piece ...In addition to oysters, we also ordered squids in crispy batter, salad and homemade white wine, everything was exceptionally tasty, the money was 250 kn for two (you can pay by card).

In principle, restaurants-cafes with good cuisine are quite easy to identify; during lunch and dinner, as a rule, there is a queue of people who want to. While in others, it is empty and barkers are straining, showing all their eloquence to lure visitors ...

We looked around the night before and arrived for dinner just in time to sit down at the last free table, a queue had already begun to line up, although the service was fast.

Then again, until late, we wandered through the streets of the Old Town, then we walked around the port area…

At some point of the trip, I noticed that for some reason, involuntarily, the first week we noticed for ourselves what day we were already in Croatia, and after the "equator", the countdown had already started in the second week: (...

The first week of our trip was a conditional excursion, the second - more relaxing. Conditionally excursion because, in comparison with the pace and richness of the excursion program in bus tours, these are leisurely walks without additional crossings. But this is exactly what we wanted, to enjoy our stay in this wonderful country without the fuss and haste ...

A worthy end to this conditional excursion part of our “tour” was a visit to Dubrovnik…

To be continued…

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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