Tour "Kaleidoscope of Latin America"

20 April 2017 Travel time: with 25 March 2017 on 06 April 2017
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I looked in the tour "Kaleidoscope of Central America" ​ ​.5 countries - Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica. The tour is full of information. Interesting objects of the Mayan civilization and natural artifacts. To future tourists of this tour - it is more interesting to watch these objects after visiting Mexico. Option -2. The first is in combination in the Central America Grand Marathon tour (8 countries with Belize and Panama). The tour, as for my tourist taste, is the most informative of the existing proposals, but does not cover a number of interesting objects, such as Copper Canyon, Monte Alban, etc. , but requiring sufficient physical fitness from the tourist. The second is to watch Mexico first, and then this tour. The disadvantages of the tour: you can shorten some time in Costa Rica and see Panama for 1-2 days. The second drawback is the high crime rate in El Salvador. The country is very dangerous and there is nothing to see in general. Of interest to the collection. Wonderful impressions from Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica. Qualified guides during the tour.

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